Eyelash Extension Care

Eyelash Extension Care
Eyelash Extension Care

Learn about contraindications to eyelash extension, what rules you need to follow in order to properly care for your eyelashes, and what mistakes you shouldn't make. Extending your eyelashes? You made the right choice. And now you need to learn how to take care of them, because otherwise the beauty of your look can quickly turn into a sticky solid lump.

When shouldn't eyelash extensions be used?

Bundle eyelash extension procedure
Bundle eyelash extension procedure

Caring for eyelash extensions is very important, but it is even more important to know when you should not do this procedure. Contraindications are as follows:

  • Pregnancy period.
  • If you are taking any medications (especially antibiotics and other serious medications). In this case, the result of eyelash extension can give the opposite effect - the loss of the latter.
  • Increased and frequent lacrimation.
  • Weak or damaged structure of natural eyelashes.
  • If you have oily skin, especially on the eyelids, eyelash extensions may not last long.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the glue.
  • The presence of allergies.
  • If you are prone to conjunctivitis.
  • With increased sensitivity of the eyes.
  • After surgery or chemotherapy.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Blepharitis.

With modern techniques, it is possible to extend eyelashes even if you wear contact lenses. Of course, you need to be very careful when putting them on and taking them off, try to minimize touching them.

Basic rules for the care of extended eyelashes

Girl's extended eyelashes
Girl's extended eyelashes
  • You shouldn't wet your eyelashes for about three hours after the procedure.
  • Forget the habit of rubbing your eyes. With friction or other mechanical stress, deformation occurs, which disrupts the structure of the eyelashes and leads to their loss.
  • If you like to sleep on your stomach, while burying your face in the pillow, you need to quickly change your position. Get in the habit of sleeping on your side or back, as rubbing against the fabric will cause your eyelashes to fall off.
  • You cannot use cosmetics with a high fat content, because the structure of the glue is destroyed by various vegetable fats. Products that do not contain them are best suited. The same rule applies to lotions, foams and gels for washing, tonics, creams and other skin care products around the eyes.
  • Do not curl extended eyelashes, because the glue in this case will lose its stickiness, and most of the eyelashes will simply fall off. It is best to wait for the correction and correct the curvature as you like.
  • There are also some restrictions when visiting the sauna and bathhouse. The temperature in the steam room should not exceed 85 degrees, and you should also not steam for too long. From prolonged exposure to such temperatures, the glue loses its properties, as a result, eyelashes fall off. As for swimming in the sea and washing, there are no restrictions.
  • Forget about mascara. You won't need it anymore. Firstly, your eyelashes will look magnificent and incredible anyway. Secondly, when washing off the mascara with cosmetics, the structure of the glue is destroyed.
  • It is worth limiting the ingress of sea and chlorinated water.
  • You also can't cry. While wearing eyelash extensions, you need to forget about tears, because they will ruin your incredible look.
  • Do not use fibrous eye materials (such as cotton pads). In the case of their stratification on the eyelashes, they are extremely difficult to remove, as a result, they cause irritation.
  • Avoid any contact with acidic substances.
  • Correction should be done every three weeks.
  • You can use fixers that protect the adhesive from external factors of destruction.
  • If the eyelashes are tangled in your sleep, you can comb them after washing.

What mistakes should be avoided in the care of eyelash extensions?

Girl paints eyelashes with mascara
Girl paints eyelashes with mascara

When you grow your eyelashes, you will not need to use a lot of makeup on your face every day, as your look will immediately take on a different charming shade. If you nevertheless decide to make up your arrows or apply shadows on your eyelids, you need to know how and with what to remove the makeup correctly, no matter what harm to the extended eyelashes. Remember, don't get too carried away with makeup removers. Plain water will do, also wash your face thoroughly, try not to rub your eyes.

If after sleep the eyelashes are stuck together or have changed their curvature, you can comb them. But if you used cheap, low-quality glue initially, you won't change anything. Monitor the condition of your eyelash extensions every day and make corrections regularly so that you do not have to do the entire extension procedure from the beginning.

See this video for more valuable eye care tips:
