Lamb ribs on the grill

Lamb ribs on the grill
Lamb ribs on the grill

Lamb ribs on the grill, cooked even according to this step-by-step recipe with a photo, will become worthy competition for pork kebab. Try to cook them and see for yourself. Video recipe.

Grilled lamb ribs
Grilled lamb ribs

Many people opt for pork kebab. However, the lamb kebab turns out to be no less tasty. Cooking lamb ribs on the grill over an open fire today. Serve them deliciously with fresh bread, herbs, different sauces and red wine. They will decorate any festive feast, and turn an everyday meal into a festive meal. They will bring a lot of pleasure to lovers of crispy, appetizing meat with a crust. However, in order for the lamb ribs to be tasty, they must first be selected correctly. Suitable ribs are a combination of fat and muscle, where there should be more of the second. Therefore, for a perfect result, buy lamb ribs with plenty of meat and minimal fat. The meat should be lighter in color, and the lard layer is very thin. Among meat gourmets, the finer ribs are considered the best. The meat of an adult ram is excessively tough, requires longer marinating and may have an unpleasant odor.

Having bought the ribs of a young lamb for up to a year, they must be properly marinated, then they will turn out delicious. The marinade can be very different, for example, honey, soy, mustard, plum, tomato, citrus, combined, etc. This recipe suggests using a classic marinade of onions, hot peppers and bay leaves.

See also how to pan lamb ribs.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 325 kcal.
  • Servings - 3-4
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes preparatory work, 1-2 hours for marinating, 40 minutes for baking


  • Lamb ribs - 2 layers
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Onions - 4-5 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 tsp or to taste

Step by step cooking lamb ribs on the grill, recipe with photo:

Peeled onions
Peeled onions

1. Peel the onions and wash them under running water.

Peeled garlic
Peeled garlic

2. Peel the garlic.

Onions grated
Onions grated

3. Grate onions on a fine grater, and pass the garlic through a press. Stir the vegetables.

The meat is put in a saucepan, onions, garlic and spices are added
The meat is put in a saucepan, onions, garlic and spices are added

4. Wash the ribs and dry with a paper towel. Remove the film on their back, otherwise the stiffness of the finished product cannot be avoided. In this recipe, we will bake them in a whole layer, but you can divide them lengthwise into segments of 3-4 bones and, if desired, chop them across into pieces. Single ribs are not suitable for baking on a fire, because they will quickly char and be less juicy.

Place the ribs in a large saucepan, add the chopped onions, season with black pepper and a few bay leaves. Stir, cover and marinate for at least 1 hour, but can be kept in the refrigerator overnight.

Lamb ribs are laid out on the wire rack and sent to the grill
Lamb ribs are laid out on the wire rack and sent to the grill

6. Heat the coals in the grill or allow the wood to burn through. Lay the ribs on the wire rack and send them to bake on the grill. Coals are considered ready for baking meat if you can hold your hand 10 cm above them for no longer than 6-7 seconds. Place the ribs on the grill and season them with salt. Cook on one side for about 15-20 minutes, then turn over. Check readiness with a puncture of a knife: clear juice should ooze from the meat. If it is bloody, then continue to bake the lamb ribs on the grill further and after 5 minutes take a sample again.

See also a video recipe on how to cook lamb ribs kebab.
