Useful properties of milk thistle oil in cosmetology

Useful properties of milk thistle oil in cosmetology
Useful properties of milk thistle oil in cosmetology

Milk thistle oil is a unique source of beauty and health. Find out the useful properties of this product and the peculiarities of its use. Milk thistle can also be called "thistle", "budyak", "thorn" and is considered a simple weed, but few people know what benefits the oil from this plant is for health and beauty. The beneficial properties of milk thistle have been known for many centuries and today it is actively used not only in medicine, for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, as well as for cosmetic purposes.

Useful properties of milk thistle oil

Manufactured Milk Thistle Oil Organic
Manufactured Milk Thistle Oil Organic

Milk thistle essential oil is extracted from the seeds of the plant by cold pressing, outwardly it has a delicate yellow-green hue and has a specific taste and smell.

The benefits of milk thistle oil are priceless:

  • The composition of this product includes 12 types of silymarin substance, which has a regenerating and strengthening effect on the cells of the body. As a result of the negative effects of various toxic substances, the liver suffers the most in the body. This organ is directly influenced by silymarin, causing a regenerating and activating regenerative effect.
  • Vitamin B normalizes and improves the functioning of the brain, as well as the endocrine and nervous systems.
  • Milk thistle oil helps to get rid of excess weight, since all metabolic processes are activated in the body. This oil has a choleretic effect, due to which it has a positive effect on digestion.
  • The oil contains a large number of valuable microelements - manganese, selenium, magnesium and zinc.
  • Milk thistle essential oil contains many beneficial vitamins. Due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in them, the levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood decrease, and its deposition on the walls of blood vessels is prevented. That is why this remedy is an effective prevention of stroke, heart attack, and atherosclerosis.
  • Due to the high content of vitamins E and A, the human body will be protected from premature aging. These substances have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, preventing the development of various inflammatory processes.
  • Milk thistle oil contains vitamin D, thanks to which calcium and phosphorus are absorbed much better and faster by the body.

Using milk thistle oil

Pharmacy milk thistle
Pharmacy milk thistle

Milk thistle oil has the greatest value due to the fact that it reliably protects the body from toxins. As a result of the negative effects of alcohol, harmful toxins remain in the liver, causing its destruction from the inside. Due to the regular use of this agent, accumulated toxins are removed from the body much faster, the liver is cleansed and restored.

Milk thistle oil is prescribed for problems with the cardiovascular system. As a result, blood clotting improves, and the likelihood of blood clots is minimized.

It is recommended to use milk thistle oil for the treatment of wounds, abrasions, as well as a variety of skin conditions. It is widely used in dentistry, providing a strong antiseptic effect during the treatment of periodontal disease and stomatitis.

Since this agent has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is widely used in gynecology. It helps during the treatment of cervical erosion, eliminates inflammation in the vagina. If every day medical baths are taken and applications are made, a positive result will be noticeable in the near future.

Milk thistle oil contains a large amount of vitamins and other valuable substances, therefore it is useful for women during pregnancy, as well as during lactation.

Contraindications to the use of milk thistle oil

Milk thistle oil in a spoon
Milk thistle oil in a spoon

It is surprising that milk thistle oil has practically no contraindications and restrictions in use. The only exception is individual intolerance to the drug.

Milk thistle oil does not cause an allergic reaction and does not include harmful and dangerous substances that negatively affect the body.

Subject to strict adherence to the established dosages and recommendations for the use of this tool, it can be safely applied.

However, in the presence of serious diseases or ailments proceeding in a chronic form, you must first consult with a specialist who will help you choose the correct dosage of the drug.

Milk thistle oil in cosmetology

Milk thistle oil reference in cosmetology
Milk thistle oil reference in cosmetology

Milk thistle oil will help you quickly get rid of a variety of problems associated with the condition of the skin of the face. This tool helps to accelerate the process of blood microcirculation, due to which small mimic wrinkles are quickly smoothed out.

  1. Milk thistle oil can be used in its pure form every day, but it is recommended to mix it with other esters. As a rule, oils are taken in equal amounts. This product works well with almond, olive and peach oils. It is useful to lubricate the skin of the face with these mixtures every day.
  2. You can use the following compositions - mix 1 tbsp. l. milk thistle oil with a few drops of rose, neroli and limetta oil. The finished composition is applied to a pre-cleansed face every day, the mask is washed off after 30 minutes. Excess oil is removed with a clean cloth. This procedure helps to improve the complexion, make the skin more elastic and elastic.
  3. In finished cosmetics, you can add a few drops of milk thistle oil. The tool is prepared only once, it is not recommended to store it for a long time, since the oil will lose all its beneficial properties.
  4. Milk thistle oil can be used to prepare a variety of face masks. For example, for oily skin, it is recommended to use the following recipe - in proportions of 1: 2, black cumin and milk thistle oil is mixed. In the resulting composition, clean gauze or bandage is well soaked and applied to the face. The compress is removed after 20-22 minutes. This cosmetic procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a day, every day. This mixture can be used to spot treatment of problem areas of the skin.
  5. Milk thistle oil also benefits during the treatment of dermatosis. In this case, tea tree oil (3-4 drops) and milk thistle (2 tablespoons) are mixed. After 14 days of regular use of this remedy, positive changes will be noticeable.
  6. To care for dry and flaky skin, it is recommended to regularly apply masks with milk thistle oil. A small amount of the product is heated and applied to a previously cleansed face. After half an hour, you need to blot the remaining oil with a clean napkin and wash with warm water.
  7. To eliminate inflammation, irritation, manifestations of allergies or acne, all problem areas can be lubricated with milk thistle oil twice a day.
  8. This oil is also beneficial during massage of the neck and face area. In the evening, after the makeup has been removed, gently massage the skin with your fingertips, apply a small amount of milk thistle oil in advance and leave it overnight. In the morning you need to wash yourself with warm water.
  9. Before going outside, it is recommended to apply a small amount of milk thistle oil to your face to prevent frostbite or chapping.
  10. Milk thistle oil is widely used to soften and moisturize lips, leaving them plump and fresh. This product can be used both in pure form and combined with avocado and jojoba oil (all components are taken in equal proportions). Apply milk thistle oil every day and do a gentle lip massage.
  11. To strengthen the nail plate and prevent delamination, it is recommended to rub the product in its pure form several times a day. Milk thistle oil can be mixed with avocado or wheat oil (ingredients are taken in equal amounts). To enhance the firming effect, you can add literally a few drops of lemon, eucalyptus, rosemary or chamomile ether.
  12. Milk thistle oil helps strengthen hair. To do this, add it to a balm or shampoo in a ratio of 1:10, then apply the product to the strips and leave for about 10 minutes, then rinse with plenty of warm water.

To improve the skin of the face, this remedy can be used externally, as well as taken orally every day for 1 tsp. on an empty stomach, about 30 minutes before a meal. You need to drink milk thistle oil 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment cannot last more than 40 days.

Milk thistle oil in the fight against obesity

Milk thistle oil in a bowl
Milk thistle oil in a bowl

Milk thistle oil contains a large amount of valuable vitamins, thanks to which it helps to get rid of subcutaneous fat deposits. However, only one tool will not make the figure perfect, as an integrated approach is needed.

For the purpose of losing weight, it is necessary to take milk thistle oil in 1 tsp. twice a day before meals and drink a glass of warm water. This remedy can be added in small amounts to cereals and vegetable salads.

After about a month of daily use of this technique, positive changes will be noticeable. To improve the effect, you need to adjust your own diet, removing harmful and high-calorie foods from the diet, and also start playing sports.

Features of taking milk thistle oil

Thistle flower
Thistle flower

In order for this remedy to have only a positive effect on the body and to help cope with various diseases, it is necessary to follow certain rules for taking it:

  1. To enhance the immune system, including protecting the liver from the negative effects of harmful substances, it is necessary to take a full course of taking milk thistle oil. For two months, every day you need to take 1 tsp. funds.
  2. During the treatment of burns, as well as other skin diseases, a gauze cloth soaked in milk thistle oil is applied directly to the affected area. This compress should be done several times during the day.
  3. To improve well-being with cirrhosis and hepatitis, it is recommended to take 1 tsp every day, about 30 minutes before the start of the meal. funds. This procedure is carried out twice a day. The duration of the course of treatment is exactly one month. Then a short break is taken for one week and, if necessary, a second course is carried out.
  4. During the treatment of gynecological diseases, as well as various inflammatory processes, a cotton swab is moistened in milk thistle oil and inserted into the vagina. The duration of the course of treatment is determined only by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the condition and the patient's well-being.
  5. Milk thistle oil helps to get rid of hemorrhoids. In this case, it is recommended to apply the following procedure - a cleansing enema is done, after which 40 g of the product is injected with a pear. The treatment lasts until complete recovery.

Milk thistle oil is a completely natural remedy that is widely used today in traditional and folk medicine, as well as in the field of cosmetology. By following simple recommendations for its use, amazing results can be achieved in a relatively short period of time.

Learn more about milk thistle oil, its beneficial properties and medicinal uses in this video:
