How to rinse your hair after washing?

How to rinse your hair after washing?
How to rinse your hair after washing?

Learn how to choose the right hair rinse and how to use it. Hair rinse is one of the main products in hair care. But few people know how to choose and apply it correctly, what is better to use, ready-made or homemade cosmetics. In this case, the choice will depend only on individual characteristics and needs.

What are the benefits of hair rinses?

Girl rinses her hair after washing
Girl rinses her hair after washing

As a rule, the store simultaneously purchases shampoo and conditioner from the same company. But few people think about whether the purchased cosmetics really suits a certain type of hair.

Shampoo is a skin care product that keeps the scalp clean and healthy. Thanks to its alkali content, it helps to quickly get rid of excess sebum and wash dirty hair well. But it is alkali that has a negative effect on regrown hair, since dead cells of the epithelium are destroyed much faster under its influence.

The rinses contain a unique acid that has the following effect on the hair:

  • It extinguishes acid, particles of which are still on the hair, and after neutralization, it turns into water.
  • The tousled hair particles are pressed and adhered to the trunk again, as a result of which combing becomes much easier, fragility decreases, and the strands become stronger and stronger.

Hair rinse effects

Girl combing her hair
Girl combing her hair

Depending on which product is used to rinse your hair, you get a different result. Typically, you can achieve the following effect:

  • hair becomes more manageable, and combing becomes easier, now styling in the morning will not take too long;
  • dyed hair retains a bright shade for a longer time;
  • strands return a healthy, attractive shine (if wax is included in the used rinse aid);
  • the problem of hair electrification is eliminated;
  • the hair scales are smoothed, making them smoother and softer;
  • curls are reliably protected from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • there is a healing effect, thanks to which you can get rid of the problem of split ends;
  • empty hair cavities are filled.

Regular rinsing of hair after washing helps to achieve this result. To this end, you can use not only modern expensive branded products (highly specialized or medical cosmetics), but also folk methods that are no less effective.

Types of hair rinses

Hair care products
Hair care products

All hair rinses should be used according to the same scheme - a small amount of the product is applied to wet strands and left for a couple of minutes, then thoroughly washed off with plenty of warm water.

According to the principle of action of hair rinses, today there are several types of these caring agents:

  • The rinse cream has a rather oily structure, since it contains vegetable wax that covers each hair along its entire length and literally seals them.
  • The conditioner-rinse has a very thick consistency and has the ability to reconstruct the damaged areas of the hair, as it has regenerating qualities.
  • The rinse in the spray provides reliable protection of the hair and should be applied to damp, but not wet strands, it is not necessary to rinse it off, but after using it, you can dry the curls with a hairdryer.
  • Conditioner-rinse helps to preserve the natural structure of the hair, but does not improve its condition and has a protective effect.

After washing, it is recommended to alternately use two rinses at once - rinse aid and conditioner. If only conditioner is used, then the hair will not receive proper care. And the rinse aid helps to restore their strength, beauty and health. It is necessary to select these funds taking into account the type of hair.

Choosing a rinse for hair after washing

Girl chooses hair balm
Girl chooses hair balm

To rinse your hair, you can use modern branded products or opt for folk cosmetics, which are not only available, but in some cases are more effective than professional ones.

Brand funds

Hair Balm by Gliss Cure
Hair Balm by Gliss Cure

The most popular are the following tools:

  • Doctor Nature is one of the most popular remedies among modern girls, but its main drawback is its too bulky packaging and inconvenient cap, which complicates its use.
  • Gliss Cure is ideal for the care of colored hair, because thanks to its regular use, it retains a bright and rich color for much longer.
  • Pantene Pro-V perfectly cares for hair and makes combing easier after washing.

But it is best to purchase hair rinses from the same series with shampoo, thanks to which the curls will receive full-fledged comprehensive care.

Home remedies

Ingredients for making homemade rinse aid
Ingredients for making homemade rinse aid

Despite the fact that today there is a very wide range of various cosmetic products intended for rinsing hair, many representatives of the fair half of humanity prefer folk methods. These home remedies should be selected based on the type of hair and having problems, for example, dandruff, increased fragility or electrification of the strands.

Nettle for rinsing hair

Nettle branch and curl
Nettle branch and curl

One of the main advantages of nettle is that it effectively heals both the hair structure and the scalp. Moreover, such a rinse aid is very easy and quick to prepare at home.

It is necessary to put the juice of young nettle into the water and the resulting composition is used for rinsing. You can boil the herb, but this is not necessary, because the positive effect of this will not increase.

You can also make a decoction of nettle, calendula flowers and oak bark. For 1, 5 pure water, 2 tbsp is taken. l. of each remedy. The broth should be boiled for about 10-15 minutes, then filtered, cooled and used to rinse the strands.

Birch leaves for rinsing hair

Birch leaves and buds
Birch leaves and buds

Birch leaves provide an effective restorative treatment and are easy to use. For this purpose, you can use not only birch leaves, but also tree sap.

To prepare an infusion for rinsing hair, you need to take fresh birch leaves (about 1 tbsp. L.) And pour boiling water (about 1 tbsp.). The broth is left for exactly 2 hours so that the product can brew well. The container with the infusion should be tightly covered with a lid. The finished product is filtered and used for rinsing. This method is most suitable for weak, injured and very dry hair.

Hair rinse tea

Rinse tea
Rinse tea

Tea is a universal rinse for hair and, if used regularly, returns its natural shine, smoothness and silkiness.

For brewing tea, you need to use only tea leaves, and their variety does not matter. If desired, you can add a little dry or fresh mint to the tea leaves (1 tbsp of raw material is taken for 1 liter of boiling water).

The broth is left to infuse for exactly 15 minutes, then it is filtered, cooled and used to rinse the hair. At the end, the curls are washed with plenty of cold water. Before using this product, you must remember that it can give hair a dark shade, so it is not always suitable for blondes.

Oak bark for rinsing hair

Bark, leaves and oak decoction
Bark, leaves and oak decoction

Oak bark has a lot of positive qualities and is ideal for hair care for brunettes. To prepare a hair rinse, you need to boil 3 tablespoons of water in 1 liter of water. l. raw materials, after which the curls are washed with a filtered and cooled agent.

You can buy chopped oak bark at the pharmacy or collect it yourself in the forest, if possible. This product is recommended for the care of dark hair with a tendency to oily. Literally after the first rinsing procedure, the curls acquire a stunning chocolate shade.

Chamomile for rinsing hair

Chamomile decoction for rinsing hair
Chamomile decoction for rinsing hair

Chamomile tea is very useful for rinsing blonde hair. Regular use of a decoction from this medicinal plant will strengthen the curls, have a regenerating effect on the injured structure of the strands and return them to their natural bright shine.

Chamomile interacts best with light hair. If owners of dark hair will use chamomile decoction for rinsing, it is necessary to take into account the fact that as a result, the strands may lose their attractive appearance.

The longer the herb is brewed in the water, the more substances will be contained in the broth, which cause a change in pigmentation. With regular use, curls can become three shades lighter. But this fact will not in any way affect the quality of the color of light hair, but a slight golden hue may appear, because they contain a large amount of melanin pigments, which chamomile cannot change the arrangement of.

To rinse your hair with chamomile, it will be enough to boil the dry flowers of the plant for 5 minutes. For 1 liter of water, you will need 2 tbsp. l. raw materials. You can also make a special tea leaves - chamomile flowers are poured with hot water, but not boiling water, and left for half an hour so that the broth is well infused.

As soon as the rinse aid is completely ready, it is filtered and cooled, after which it is used as directed. Then you do not need to rinse the strands with water, you need to let the hair dry on its own.

Aloe juice for rinsing hair

Aloe juice for rinsing hair
Aloe juice for rinsing hair

Aloe juice is recommended for very oily hair. To do this, you need to take the lower leaves of aloe and wrap them in white paper, then place them in the refrigerator and leave for a couple of hours, due to which the beneficial effect of the plant is enhanced several times.

In 500 ml of water, 2-3 tbsp. l. aloe juice and mixes well. The resulting product is used to rinse the hair after each shampooing.

Lemon rinse for hair

Hair rinse lemons
Hair rinse lemons

Lemon peel has a pronounced drying effect, therefore it is recommended to use it for rinsing oily hair.

It is necessary to carefully grind the peel of one lemon and boil it in 500 ml of water in a steam bath for about 20 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered, cooled and used to rinse the hair.

Hair rinsing should be carried out after each shampooing, thereby preventing overdrying of the strands, effectively nourishing and restoring injured strands.

For rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar, see this video:

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