How to make a mask for curly hair at home

How to make a mask for curly hair at home
How to make a mask for curly hair at home

The article discusses recipes and methods for applying masks for curly hair. Natural Masks for Curly Hair are formulations made from natural ingredients. Most often, fruits, dairy products and natural oils are used as the main component. They are able to moisturize naughty curly locks and make them shiny and beautiful.

Useful properties of natural masks for curly hair

Honey mask for curly hair
Honey mask for curly hair

Curly hair requires special care, as without the use of masks and styling products, it looks untidy and resembles a washcloth. They are also prone to drying out and tangling. The use of a mask for curly hair depends on the composition of the product.

Useful properties of the most common masks made from natural ingredients for curls:

  • Mayonnaise composition … This product contains vegetable oil that nourishes and moisturizes dry ends. Vinegar and citric acid relieve itching and signs of seborrhea. Mustard improves blood circulation and improves hair growth. The yolk is known for its regenerating properties. It is best to use homemade mayonnaise to prepare the mask.
  • Fruit masks … It is necessary to use fruits that are high in fat and carbohydrates. These include banana and avocado. These masks moisturize dry curls and keep them from frizz.
  • Fermented milk products masks … Fermented milk products normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, moisturize the skin and relieve irritation. This makes the curls shiny and non-frizzy.
  • Herbal masks … They contain essential amino acids. Eliminate dandruff, reduce the properties of hair to electrify. Most often, herbal decoctions are used as a rinse for curly strands.
  • Honey masks … Bee nectar is a unique product that contains many trace elements and amino acids. Zinc helps to cope with seborrhea, vitamin B prevents split ends, and copper helps to improve collagen and elastin production.

Contraindications to the use of masks for curly hair

Fungus on the scalp
Fungus on the scalp

Despite the benefits of natural ingredients, there are contraindications to the use of masks:

  1. Individual intolerance … If you are allergic to a specific component of the mask, do not use it. Before applying any composition, you need to check if it is right for you. Just apply a little on the elbow and wait 20 minutes. If there is no redness and itching, you can use the composition.
  2. Vascular disease … With vascular ailments, you should not use warming masks with mustard and substances that improve blood circulation. It is allowed to apply the product only to the ends.
  3. Chronic pyelonephritis … Contraindications apply only to masks that are applied to the roots. Part of the substance enters the deep layers of the skin and is excreted through the internal organs.
  4. Fungal ailments … If you have seborrhea associated with the fungus of the genus Candida, any sweet masks and products containing brewer's yeast are prohibited. These components are a nutrient medium for the growth of fungal colonies.

Mask recipes for curly hair owners

Various means are used to improve the condition of curly hair. They can contain herbs, fruits, and even spices. The choice of components depends on the specific problem.

Best Curly Hair Masks for Growth

Ginger for Curly Hair Mask
Ginger for Curly Hair Mask

Basically, the composition of such funds contains substances that improve blood flow to the capillaries. Because of this, metabolic processes are activated, new thin hairs (down) appear. Regular use of them will allow you to grow long curls.

Recipes for masks for the growth of curly curls:

  • With oil and ginger root … Ginger is a medicinal root known for its stimulating and irritating properties. It activates blood circulation, while the oil slightly neutralizes the effect of the spice. To prepare the product, wash and scrape off fresh ginger root. Grind it up. Use a grater, meat grinder or blender for these purposes. Mix a spoonful of puree with 25 ml of sesame seed oil. Apply a viscous mass to the skin and rub in the mixture vigorously. Keep it on for 20 minutes. The procedure is best done before each shampooing, that is, the substance is applied to dirty curls.
  • With honey and onions … To make the mixture, you need to peel the onion and chop it to puree. Mix two tablespoons of onion porridge with 20 ml of liquid honey. Apply the composition to a dry head and rub vigorously. Leave to act for 40 minutes. Do not use shampoo while rinsing off the product. To remove the smell of onions, you can rinse your hair with a decoction of mint or lemon balm.
  • With mustard … Mustard powder is used as the main component. Pour a spoonful of powder into a bowl and add the yolk. Homemade eggs with orange yolks are best used. After that, pour 30 ml of strong green tea into the mass. The creamy mixture is applied to the roots and kept for a quarter of an hour. If it burns badly, wash off the mask immediately.
  • With pepper … Buy pepper tincture from the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Pour 10 ml of tincture into a container and add to it the yolk, 20 ml of olive oil and 30 ml of bee nectar. Stir the mixture and spread it evenly over the hair roots using a patting motion. Application time is 15-20 minutes.
  • With cognac … Alcohol is often used as a hair growth stimulant. It should not be used for oily seborrhea. Pour 20 ml alcohol into a bowl and add aloe leaf puree to it. Stir the mass and pour in 25 ml of acacia or buckwheat honey. It should be warmed up beforehand. Apply the mixture to the roots and rest for 20 minutes.
  • With garlic … Crush a clove of garlic and mix with 30 ml of acacia nectar and 20 ml of lemon juice. Rub the liquid into the roots. Put on a shower cap and cover your head with a hot, thick towel. The duration of exposure is 40 minutes. The mask is applied to damp curls.

Moisturizing masks for curly hair

Sea buckthorn for making a mask for curly hair
Sea buckthorn for making a mask for curly hair

Curly hair is prone to overdrying, which is why it is undesirable to dry it with a hairdryer. In extreme cases, drying under a stream of cold air is allowed. To prevent curls from looking dull, they need to be moisturized regularly.

Recipes for moisturizing curls:

  1. Yogurt … This is an excellent fermented milk product that saturates dull curls with moisture. Take a fatty product for the mask. Pour 200 ml of yogurt into a glass and heat it in the microwave to a temperature of 40 ° C. Pour the curls liberally with the mixture. The roots also need to be applied. Cover your head with plastic or put on a shower cap. Leave on for a third of an hour, but do not rinse. Add a little more curdled milk to the root area, massage the skin for 2-3 minutes. Wash off without using detergents.
  2. With sea buckthorn … Sea buckthorn oil can be purchased at a pharmacy. To prepare the composition, pour 50 ml of sea buckthorn oil and 10 ml of regular sunflower oil into a bowl. Rub the greasy mixture into the roots. Leave to act for an hour. Rinse off with shampoo for brittle and dry curls.
  3. Double moisturizing mask … The mixture received this name because of the stepwise application of the components. Peel and puree an aloe leaf. Add the same amount of onion juice. Apply the mixture to dry hair, actively rubbing into the roots. Leave on for half an hour, but do not rinse. Now mix in a bowl 50 g of sour cream, 20 ml of honey and 10 ml each of burdock and castor oil. Leave the milk mixture on the curls for an hour. Rinse off with shampoo.
  4. With glycerin and vinegar … It is a unique blend for moisturizing dry curls. For cooking, use natural glycerin obtained by condensation and freezing of vegetable oil. The vinegar should be wine or apple cider vinegar. The usual 9% acetic acid solution is not used. Pour 20 ml each vinegar and glycerin into a bowl. Add 30 ml castor oil and yolk to the mixture. Transfer the mixture to curls and wrap with cellophane. Wrap the top with a warm towel. You can pre-iron it or put it on the battery. Application time - 40 minutes.
  5. With mint and carrots … Grate one root vegetable and squeeze out the juice. Mix 30 ml of carrot juice with 30 ml of lemon juice. Add a few drops of peppermint tincture to the liquid. Spread the mixture evenly over the entire length, try not to get the liquid on the roots. Keep it on for 10 minutes. This mask is suitable for girls with dark hair. White curls can give a reddish tint.
  6. With arnica tincture … The tincture is sold at any pharmacy stall. To prepare a healing mixture, you need to mix 10 ml of tincture with 20 ml of burdock oil and yolk. Beat the mixture until you get a cream. Apply it to the roots and spread the rest over the entire length. Part of the mixture must definitely get to the ends. Wrap the plastic over your head and put on a towel turban. The exposure time is one third of an hour.

Hair straightening masks

Mask with cognac and chamomile for curly hair
Mask with cognac and chamomile for curly hair

Curly hair is an eternal problem for girls. Owners of perfectly straight hair want to curl them, and curls try to straighten them in every possible way. Now, to straighten the curls, it is not necessary to use an iron, because it dries out the already dull curls. The situation can be corrected with natural masks.

Hair straightening mask recipes:

  • With gelatin … This mask allows you to make curls obedient, do not expect that after the first application, the curls will become straight. To prepare the mixture, pour 50 ml of cold water into a bag of gelatin. Leave it on for a few minutes. Put the container with the swollen gelatin on the fire and dissolve all the grains. Mix the liquid viscous mixture with a spoonful of any balm. Apply to curls, try not to get the product on the roots. Comb through wet hair and place the bag over your head. Leave it on for 1-2 hours. Rinse off with the minimum amount of shampoo.
  • With cognac and chamomile … The mask is suitable for blonde girls, it will make the curls golden and straight. It is necessary to pour 2 tablespoons of plant materials with a glass of boiling water. Measure out 50 ml of the broth with a measuring cup and mix it with 100 ml of quality cognac. Pour 20 ml of sea buckthorn oil into the mass. Apply to full hair and comb through with a wide-toothed comb. Put on a plastic bag and leave for 35 minutes.
  • With tea … Brew a strong tea. To do this, place a spoonful of black leaf tea in a cup and pour 100 ml of boiling water. Cover the cup with a lid and wrap with a towel. Strain the tea leaves after 20 minutes. Mix the resulting liquid with a spoonful of sugar. Stir until the sand is completely dissolved. Apply to dry curls and comb through. Leave to act for 40 minutes. Wash your hair gently.
  • With beer … Purchase dark, unfiltered beer from the store. It must be "alive". Mix 100 ml of an alcoholic drink with 50 ml of fatty kefir. Apply the mask to the curls and pull them out with a comb. Leave the mixture on the curls for 30 minutes.

How to make masks for curly hair

Preparation of a mask for curly hair
Preparation of a mask for curly hair

To get the maximum effect after the mask, it is necessary to prepare it correctly.

Rules for preparing masks for curly hair:

  1. Use only clean utensils to prepare curl care products.
  2. All hair care products are prepared immediately before application. The masks contain exclusively natural ingredients, so the mixture cannot be stored for a long time. Prepare enough for one use.
  3. Do not warm up masks with yolk or honey. The yolk curdles at high temperatures, and honey loses its healing properties.
  4. All components must be thoroughly chopped and mixed. It is best to use a blender. This is especially true for fruit mixes and aloe products. There should be no lumps in the mask, the consistency should be homogeneous and creamy.
  5. Before preparing masks, check the expiration date of the components. Do not use sour yogurt. But candied honey can be included in masks. It is enough to dip the jar into a container of warm water. After such manipulation, it will become liquid again.

Rules for applying masks to curly hair

Masking curly hair
Masking curly hair

Almost all masks for curly curls are used according to a specific method. Warming and wrapping the head with cellophane enhances the effect of the funds.

Rules for applying masks:

  • Almost all products are applied to dirty curls. This is usually done before washing.
  • Do not apply tip mixture to roots unless instructed to do so in the recipe. For example, cognac masks straighten curls well, but they should not be used if you have an increased secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  • Be sure to wear a shower cap or wrap your head with cellophane after applying the mixture. Be sure to wear a towel turban.
  • Do not overdo it. It is enough to repeat the procedure 3 times in 10 days. Frequent use of masks can cause dandruff. Sometimes masks increase sebum production.
  • Rinse off medicated mixtures with warm water. Use cool water for the final rinse. Can be replaced with a decoction of medicinal herbs.

How to make a mask for curly hair - watch the video:

Curly hair is a gift, that's how you treat your curls. You do not need to flatten them with an iron every day. Do your best to keep your curls manageable and shiny.
