The best dog breeds for a private home: TOP-10

The best dog breeds for a private home: TOP-10
The best dog breeds for a private home: TOP-10
Best dog breeds for home
Best dog breeds for home

What breed of dog to get in a private house - an overview of the 10 best breeds for home guarding. Recommendations on what to look for when choosing an animal, what gender, friendliness to children, a description of the dogs.

As a rule, a guard dog is a friendly creature. He has a balanced character, able to play and feel affection for a person just like any other dog. The difference is a well-developed instinct to protect what they consider to be theirs. They also have a good hunting instinct. Its manifestation can be observed in the desire to chase the ball. Or in their favorite game of "who will win whom".

There are three things that distinguish a guard dog from just an evil one: breed, training and the ability to behave in society. The omission of even one point threatens the opportunity to own a potentially dangerous animal.

The main criteria for selecting a dog for a private house

Private house dog
Private house dog

The main task of a guard dog is to be a warning to a potential aggressor. Her presence alone or threatening behavior behind your fence, at home or in the car will make the offender think and look for something else.

However, there are many cases when Rottweiler dogs or German Shepherds allowed thieves to quietly walk into the house, take out things and jewelry. Such incidents are explained by improper training or lack of it. The dog must learn what to do in certain situations. Should know what to react to and what not.

A well-trained dog is a joy that is always with you. They play with the kids, spend weekends and vacations with you. They behave in the same way as other dogs, whose purpose is to be family companions. What sets them apart is that they are trained to take responsibility for the safe existence of the entire family. These dogs will only allow strangers to enter your home with your permission.

It remains to say what guard dogs cannot

In general, all dogs have no idea about causation. If someone in a friendly way decides to slap you on the shoulder or swing a baseball bat, this can trigger the dog's defense reflex. The mental development of most dogs is at the level of a 3-year-old child.

It must be remembered that you are responsible for your dog. If you are not ready or afraid, then you should not start.

If you decide to acquire not only a friend, but also a defender, you should opt for representatives of the service, as well as shepherd breeds. They have been bred for centuries for security and sentry services.

Study the breed, choose based on those qualities that are necessary for your dog.

When looking for a dog to protect your home and family, you need to pay attention to two things:

  1. Working qualities
  2. Health

There are tests by which you can determine:

  • The hunting instinct. Run the rag under the puppy's nose. If it grabs it, it starts fluttering and then runs away with it - a good sign.
  • Protective instinct. Puppy behavior among his siblings. He wins in the general fuss, dominates around the bowl of food, barks when a stranger appears.
  • Sound fear. Ring a bunch of keys nearby. The puppy will not recoil, he will begin to investigate the source of the noise. Grabbing the keys and taking them away is a good sign.

You should be careful when choosing with puppies if they:

  • Avoid communication
  • Do not want to chase a "running away" toy, rag
  • Tremble at noise or strangers
  • Scream or whine when frightened
  • Show signs of malaise

Bitch or dog - this is a typical question when choosing:

A child hugs a big dog
A child hugs a big dog
  • A bitch is preferable if the dog will live directly in the house. They are cleaner, more tolerant of children, also of strangers.
  • Males are still better as guards, as they are larger and stronger physically. They respond better to physical stimuli.

TOP 10 dog breeds for keeping in a private house

1. Rottweiler

Rottweiler - breed for home guard
Rottweiler - breed for home guard

The Rottweiler is very large, extremely powerful, full of strength. The figure is complex in proportion. Calm, balanced, slower than other dogs. His look expresses good nature. Characterized by devotion and sensitivity, courage and endurance. In his character there is no deceit, falsehood, impetuosity. Easy to train, but the approach should be gentle. An excellent guard dog, protective and accompanying.

  • Weight: 50 kg
  • Height: 55-68 cm
  • Life Expectancy: 10-12 Years
  • Puppy price: 8000-50000 rubles.

2. German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is the best dog for the home
The German Shepherd is the best dog for the home

Large, strong, well-developed musculature. Agile, the characteristic feature is tirelessness. Represents agility, strength and excellent demeanor. Follows orders quickly. Very hardy, temperamental, shows strength and anger, if necessary, in case of protection of the owner. Noble and balanced. Of the properties most valued: a strong nervous system, keen hearing and flair. And also attentiveness, sensitivity, incorruptibility, courage and viciousness. The coat can be either short or long. Beautiful.

  • Weight: 35-40 kg
  • Height: 55-65 cm
  • Life span: 10-15 years
  • Puppy price: 5000-40000 rubles.

3. Malinois (a kind of Belgian shepherd dog)

Malinois - a species of the Belgian Shepherd
Malinois - a species of the Belgian Shepherd

Malinsky Shepherd Dog. Bred by the Belgian Veterinary School. Medium in size, resembles a smaller German Shepherd. The coat is short. Very energetic, agile, hardy. Excellent as guard dogs. At the same time, they show great diligence, even more than the German Shepherd. They are friendly and assertive. Training is necessary to curb aggressiveness. Needs long walks and very strictly controlled nutrition.

  • Weight: 24-27 kg
  • Height: 58-60 cm
  • Life Expectancy: 15 Years
  • Puppy price: 30,000-40,000 rubles

4. Groenendael (a kind of Belgian shepherd dog)

Groenendael - long-haired black Belgian shepherd
Groenendael - long-haired black Belgian shepherd

Groenendael or is part of the Belgian Shepherd Dog. Medium in size. Long-haired, has a shiny black coat. Nervous, dexterous. As a result of selection, extreme timidity was eradicated. They have a good memory and intelligence. Its uniqueness lies in the presence of high intelligence. Obedient and brave as well as affectionate. Need to be praised. They love the company of children. Excellent guard dogs.

  • Weight: 28 kg
  • Height: 58-63 cm
  • Life Expectancy: 14 years
  • Puppy price: from 1000 USD
Species of the Belgian shepherd dogs Groenendael, Tervuren, Malinois, Laquenois
Species of the Belgian shepherd dogs Groenendael, Tervuren, Malinois, Laquenois

The photo shows the varieties of the Belgian shepherd dogs (differ in the type and color of the coat): Groenendael (1), Tervuren (2), Malinois (3), Laquenois (4).

5. Flanders Bouvier

Flanders Bouvier
Flanders Bouvier

Only in 1923 did dog breeders manage to restore this breed. Large, similar to a giant schnauzer, with powerful physical characteristics. The coat is very coarse. Extremely good-natured, slow, become pets. Possess quick wits. Used as a watchdog dog. Requires constant cleaning.

  • Weight: 40 kg
  • Height: 68 cm
  • Life Expectancy: 12 Years
  • Puppy price: 45000 rubles.

6. Doberman Pinscher

Best Sabak for Home - Doberman Pinscher
Best Sabak for Home - Doberman Pinscher

Large, muscular. According to its constitution, posture, beautiful lines it corresponds to the ideal constitution of the dog. The coat is short, thick, and shiny. Fearless, loyal and courageous. Has a strong nervous system. The dog is excitable, nervous. It lends itself well to training. Attentive, dexterous, energetic, fast. Empathetic and spiteful. Very elegant, beautiful noble shape. Excellent watchdog, protective and domestic dog.

  • Weight: 30-40 kg
  • Height: 61-71 cm
  • Life span: 15-20 years
  • Puppy price: 9000-50000 rubles.

7. Boxer

Dog Boxer for keeping in a private house
Dog Boxer for keeping in a private house

Medium in size, stocky, dense, with massive and dry muscles. The elegant dog has noble forms, beautiful and proud posture. The coat is short. Slow, has a calm character, with "short" breathing. Brave, strong, vicious dog. The movements are elastic and energetic. Hardy. Convenient for keeping in the house. Has an innate love for children. When he plays, he is cheerful and friendly, but when danger arises, he changes dramatically. Good watchman and protector. Tied to the owner. With his intelligence and control, he is an excellent domestic dog.

  • Weight: 24-32 kg
  • Height: 53-63 cm
  • Life Expectancy: 11-12 Years
  • Puppy price: 18000-40000 rubles.

8. Bullmastiff


Large, powerful. Shorthaired. Character is a combination of cheerfulness, seriousness, fearlessness. Slow, stubborn. He needs a master who will keep him strict. Tied to the master and obedient. An excellent domestic dog, a favorite of the whole family. He needs a balanced diet, as well as frequent walks.

  • Weight: 45-58 kg
  • Height: 61-68 cm
  • Life Expectancy: 8-9 Years
  • Puppy price: 25000-35000 rubles.

9. Akita Inu

Beautiful Japanese Akita Inu dog
Beautiful Japanese Akita Inu dog

Refers to the Spitz group. Bred in Japan for hunting and territory protection. Large. Hardy. The coat is thick. Young dogs are active and playful. They easily make contact with people and animals. Character changes with age. The dog becomes slow, stubborn and cunning, independent, aggressive towards strangers. He can independently assess the danger and make a decision to eliminate it.

  • Weight: 35-40 kg
  • Height: 57-71 cm
  • Life Expectancy: 10-12 Years
  • Puppy price: from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles.

10. Dogue de Bordeaux or French Mastiff (dogue de bordeaux)

Dogue de Bordeaux or French Ma-t.webp
Dogue de Bordeaux or French Ma-t.webp

The closest relative of the Great Dane. Very large, powerful. The coat is short, thin. Slower than most breeds, stubborn, ruthless. The overly aggressive nature was mitigated by careful selection. In the past, he fought with bulls. Now he is more tolerant. Loyal and loyal.

  • Weight: 50-68 kg
  • Height: 60-80 cm
  • Life Expectancy: 9-12 Years
  • Puppy price: $ 450


Man and dog have lived together for millennia. Faithfully the dog served our ancestors - hunters, shepherds. She helped to get food, protected a person, guarded his family and home. And now the dog is a faithful helper. A person has learned to understand the dog better and can teach it many useful things. A dog carefully raised and properly trained gives us a sense of security, companionship, love and unconditional loyalty.

Video about the 5 best dog breeds for guarding a private home:

Video with advice from a specialist on how to choose a dog for a private home:
