Ketchup is one of the most popular sauces in the world. Delicate and soft, sharp and rich. This versatile product goes well with many dishes. And if you don't know how to do it yourself at home, then read this review!

Recipe content:
- How to make ketchup at home - the subtleties of cooking
- Tomato ketchup
- Ketchup with tomatoes and apples
- Tomato ketchup for the winter at home
- Delicious ketchup at home
- Video recipes
Ketchup is a versatile sauce. It goes well with meat and fish, pasta and potatoes, however, any dish with it seems immediately tastier. But commercial sauces rarely contain natural products in their composition, and they are very expensive. They contain all kinds of food additives such as flavorings, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, preservatives. And if you want to enjoy the taste of a natural high-quality product all year round without paying fabulous money, then there is only one way out - to make ketchup at home on your own. If you follow the cooking sequence and certain rules, then it can be prepared in accordance with its organoleptic qualities. And then it will definitely surpass the purchased product.
How to make ketchup at home - the subtleties of cooking

It's hard to find people who haven't tried ketchup. But finding a person who has never tried homemade ketchup is easier than ever. Meanwhile, experienced chefs believe that homemade ketchup is much tastier than a purchased product, and this is not to mention its benefits. So, let's learn how to make delicious ketchup on our own.
To make delicious ketchup, it is not enough to choose the right recipe; it is also important to consider a few points.
- The main thing for homemade ketchup is ripe good tomatoes. Unripe or overripe and low-quality tomatoes will not make good ketchup. It is advisable to use tomatoes that are not store-bought or grown in a greenhouse, but village tomatoes grown in beds without chemical dressing. Only from such tomatoes will ketchup be fragrant and rich.
- Other products must also be of good quality. In particular: apples and plums must not be broken and wormy.
- All products are usually finely chopped thoroughly. To do this, the best way is to pass them through a meat grinder, and then grind the puree through a sieve. But there are also simpler ways - to pass the components through an auger juicer, however, it will still not work to achieve such a texture as in the first option.
- The ketchup pot should have a thick bottom.
- A valuable property of ketchup is its density. Manufacturers use starch for this, but at home, a similar effect can be achieved by evaporation. This process takes place at 1, 5-2 hours. First, the tomato mixture is brought to a boil, then it is cooked over minimal heat, stirring occasionally until the liquid evaporates.
- An apple added to it will also help make the ketchup thicker. The pectin in this fruit is an excellent natural thickener. In addition, apples will make the taste of ketchup more intense, brighter and more contrasting.
- Sodium benzoate is added to store ketchups. It inhibits yeast and moldy fungi, which allows the product to be stored for a long time. The same substance is found in small quantities in mustard, cloves, apples, cinnamon, cranberries, raisins.
Tomato ketchup

Homemade ketchup - there is nothing healthier and tastier among tomato sauces. Real ketchup, cooked in compliance with the cooking technology and all proportions, is a very healthy product.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 112 kcal.
- Servings - 3.5-4 kg
- Cooking time - about 1 hour
- Tomatoes - 5 kg
- Garlic - 3 cloves
- Onions - 2 heads
- Sugar - 150-200 g
- Salt - 30 g
- Ground black pepper - 1 tsp
- Cinnamon - 1 stick
- Table vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp
- Celery seeds - 0.5 tsp
- Carnation - 5 stars
Step by step cooking:
- Cut the washed tomatoes into wedges.
- Finely chop the peeled onions.
- Simmer the tomatoes and onions in an enamel bowl for 20 minutes. Then rub the mass through a sieve.
- Pour the resulting juice into a clean cooking pot and boil it halfway down.
- Put all the spices in a gauze bag and put them in a boiling mass.
- 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add sugar, salt, vinegar and garlic passed through a press.
- Continue to cook the ingredients for 5-7 minutes and remove the spices from the sauce.
- Pour hot ketchup into sterilized glass bottles and seal with sterilized caps.
Ketchup with tomatoes and apples

Homemade ketchup with tomatoes and apples will be an ideal addition to meat dishes, fish steak, spaghetti and will be a good alternative to tomato paste for home cooking.
- Tomatoes - 3 kg
- Apples - 3 pcs.
- Vegetable oil - 6 tablespoons
- Salt - 2 tsp
- Vinegar - 3 tablespoons
- Sugar - 2 tsp
- Black peppercorns - 1 tsp
- Allspice peas - 1 tsp
- A mixture of Italian herbs - 1 tsp
- Ground sweet paprika - 1 tsp
- Turmeric - 1 tsp
- Carnation - 10 umbrellas
- Cinnamon sticks - 3 pcs.
- Anise - 3-4 stars
Step by step cooking:
- Wash the tomatoes, dry, cut into arbitrary pieces and grind with a blender.
- Pass the tomato juice through a sieve to remove the seeds and skins. If you have a juicer, you can use it - it will independently save a lot of everything unnecessary.
- Pour the juice into a saucepan and put it on fire. After boiling, remove the resulting foam.
- Wash the apple and, without removing the seed capsule and without peeling the skin, cut into pieces of 1-1.5 cm. Send them to the boiled juice.
- Add all dry spices and boil the ketchup for 1-1.5 hours until thickened to a third reduction from the original volume.
- Remove the finished ketchup from heat and rub through a sieve to get rid of spices, peels and apple seeds.
- Return the ketchup to the stove and add the vinegar and oil. Stir in the ingredients and cook the ketchup for 5 minutes.
- Pour the sauce into sterile jars and seal with lids. Wrap the container with a warm blanket and cool. After cooling, it will thicken a little more.
Tomato ketchup for the winter at home

Not many housewives prepare ketchup for the winter, considering it troublesome. However, this is not at all the case. After spending just a couple of hours of time and homemade ketchup will flaunt on the shelf of your pantry.
- Tomatoes - 3 kg
- Garlic - 1-2 heads
- Apples "Antonovka" - 1 kg
- Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp
- Dry mustard - 2 tablespoons
- Ground red pepper - 0.5 tsp
- Ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp
- Sugar - 1 tbsp.
- Salt - 1 tablespoon
Step by step cooking:
- Wash tomatoes and apples, cut into pieces and simmer until soft for about 1-1.5 hours.
- Cool the mass and rub through a fine metal sieve.
- Return the resulting puree to a clean saucepan, add sugar, salt, mustard, cinnamon, ground red pepper and garlic passed through a press.
- Heat the sauce over low heat to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar, mix and pour ready-made ketchup into sterilized jars. Roll up the lids hermetically, refrigerate and store at room temperature.
Delicious ketchup at home

Of course, you can buy ketchup in the store, but if it is made from natural products, then its choice is small, while the price is very high. And available ketchups contain more products with the E prefix than natural ingredients. Therefore, all thrifty housewives must prepare ketchup on their own for future use.
- Tomatoes - 1 kg
- Quince - 300 g
- Vinegar 9% - 1/3 tbsp
- Garlic - 1 head
- Dry mustard - 1.5 tsp
- Ground cinnamon - a pinch
- Salt - 1.5 tsp
- Sugar - 1/3 tbsp.
Step by step cooking:
- Wash and cut the tomatoes.
- Wash the quince and cut into 2-4 halves.
- Place the tomatoes with quince in a saucepan and cook them over low heat until soft for about 1.5 hours.
- Cool the mixture and rub thoroughly through a fine sieve.
- Put the puree in a clean cooking container, add sugar, salt, cinnamon and ground red pepper, add mustard and finely chopped garlic.
- Heat the sauce over low heat until boiling and continue cooking for half an hour, stirring.
- 5 minutes before cooking, pour the vinegar into the ketchup, stir and distribute in glass jars. Roll them up hermetically with lids, cool and keep at room temperature.
Video recipes: