How to get rid of fat and prepare for the beach season?

How to get rid of fat and prepare for the beach season?
How to get rid of fat and prepare for the beach season?

Do you want to go on vacation to the sea and need to quickly get rid of fat? Find out the secret training and nutritional method for beach bodybuilders. Today, many people understand that in order to lose weight, first of all, it is necessary to change their dietary program. In addition, you should start training, and as a result, you will be happy with the effect obtained. It is believed that a properly designed nutrition program will provide you with 80 percent of a beautiful body. The share of training in this process is the remaining 20 percent.

In the difficult task of fighting fat, your best ally will be a dietary nutrition program. However, the concept of a diet should not be confused with a hunger strike. Hunger cannot make you more attractive, and this should be remembered. Let's take a look at how to get rid of fat and get ready for the beach season.

How to lose weight effectively?

The girl on the scales rejoices
The girl on the scales rejoices

Finding a starting point

Girl with weights and dumbbells
Girl with weights and dumbbells

Since for weight loss it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of the diet, so that as a result we consume less energy than we expend, we need to find a starting point. There are two ways here. One of them is intended for those people who love accuracy in everything, and the second is very simple and does not require much time from you.

So, let's look at the first way to determine the starting point. To do this, during the week you must eat in the same regime and write down everything that has been eaten by you during this time. Now you do not need to specifically select products, you will do this in the future.

After that, you need to calculate the energy value of the daily diet and the ratio of the main nutrients in it. It's clear. That for this you will have to use special reference books and first calculate the energy value of the diet for each day and, as a result, deduce the average calorie value.

The second method, as we said, is very simple, you have to use the averaged formulas:

  • Men - weight x 2.20462262 x 15.
  • Girls - weight x 2.20462262 x 14.

Calculation of the required calorie content

Cereal plate, calorie table and calculator
Cereal plate, calorie table and calculator

The energy values that you received as a result of the calculations mentioned above must be reduced by 10 percent. This will be the calorie content that will allow you to burn fat. For example, your daily calorie content is 3 thousand. 10 percent of this figure will be 300 calories. Thus, the energy value of your diet for weight loss should be 2700 calories.

How to distribute calories throughout the day?

Calorie distribution table
Calorie distribution table

To lose weight, you need to not just eat foods, the calorie content of which is in the limit set by you, but do it right. First of all, you need to switch to a fractional meal, eating at least six times during the day. Then you should correctly distribute nutrients within the required energy value. The proportion of protein compounds in your diet should be 20-30%, carbohydrates - 50-60% and fat - 10-20 percent. It is also necessary to distribute the total calorie intake for the whole day as follows:

  • 8.00 - 20 %.
  • 10.00 - 15 %
  • 12.00 - 15 %.
  • 15.00 - 15 %.
  • 17.00 - 15 %.
  • 19.00 - 15 %.
  • 21.00 - 5 %.

Choose the meal time that is convenient for you. You can also take down some changes in the percentage of calories, but they should be in the range of 3 to 5 percent. At the same time, adding calories after 18.00 is not worth it, but during the day you can.

At the same time, this recommendation does not apply to those who exercise in the evening, as you will need a lot of nutrients to recover. Also pay attention to the fact that you can eat after 6 pm. Moreover, it is necessary to do this, but eat only foods containing protein compounds.

What's in a Fat Burning Nutrition Program?

The guy holds out an apple
The guy holds out an apple

During the first twenty days, you should exclude foods that do not have great nutritional value from the new nutrition program. The body will not even notice it. It might look like this:

  • From 1 to 7 days - remove the ketchup, mayonnaise, and we begin to season the salads not with sour cream, but with vegetable oil, preferably olive oil.
  • From 8 to 14 days - we exclude sweets, sugary carbonated drinks and baked goods. Instead of table sugar, we switch to using substitutes, and then abandon them.
  • From 15 to 20 days - stop drinking alcohol.

Of course, for some people it is very difficult to give up various goodies. If you cannot overcome yourself, then stop using the diet, as you need to have a lot of willpower, which you do not seem to have. For the next seven days (21 to 28), you should stop eating fried foods. This applies to everything, including scrambled eggs. From now on, only boiled dishes and those that are steamed should be consumed.

The final step is for you to transition to using the correct nutrient ratios. Also note that only slow carbohydrates should be used and vegetable fats should be used. It is also worth starting to use complexes of vitamins and minerals, as you may have a deficiency of these substances due to lack of nutrition.

Allowed once a week to allow yourself a little liberties, say, eat a chocolate bar or cookies. But you cannot overeat these products. Remember the importance for the body of fiber, which is found in vegetables. A minimum of 25 grams of plant fiber should be consumed throughout the day. Since you need to eat a lot of vegetables to get this norm. That not everyone can do it, you can use pharmaceutical preparations.

Water is the basis of life and you need to drink at least two liters. Now we are talking about simple drinking water, not juices or, say, milk. And don't go hungry. If you have this feeling, then eat egg white.

Learn how to get rid of fat as quickly and efficiently as possible by the beach season in this video:

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