How to choose a bikini trimmer

How to choose a bikini trimmer
How to choose a bikini trimmer

The functionality of the women's bikini trimmer, the main purpose and additional functions, types of devices for intimate design, models, manufacturers, rules of application. The female trimmer is a small hand-held device designed to remove unwanted hair from sensitive skin areas. The principle of operation of this device is similar to the operation of hair clippers, which are very often used to create short hairstyles for both children and adults. However, the main difference is the improved capabilities of the trimmer, which cuts hairs as close to the skin as possible, without injuring it and leaving almost invisible ends. Many representatives of the fairer sex have long abandoned the previously usual methods of removing unwanted hair and use only such machines to design an intimate haircut. We offer for reading detailed information on the possible characteristics of products in this category, which will help in choosing a specific model of the device.

Description and purpose of the women's bikini trimmer

Hair removal in the bikini area
Hair removal in the bikini area

The bikini trimmer is a device from the group of products for removing and shortening hair, which also includes clippers, epilators, shaving machines. Each type of device has distinctive features, purpose and functionality, which allows the buyer to make a choice according to personal preferences and needs.

The main purpose of the women's trimmer is to cut the hairs in the bikini area with high quality. Compared to other types of similar goods, this device has a number of advantages, which gives the right to call it the best in its business.

The advantages of using a bikini trimmer are as follows:

  • Painlessness … The principle of operation of any epilator is described as pulling hairs from the root, which certainly causes pain even on the legs, whether it is worth talking about the delicate and sensitive skin in the intimate area. Trimmers cut vegetation delicately without causing pain.
  • High quality hair cut … Compared to clippers, which are able to shorten hair by up to 3-5 millimeters, a trimmer leaves a length so short that it is almost invisible.
  • Security … We can talk about security in several directions - direct and indirect. Firstly, every trimmer is designed in such a way that it is impossible to inflict any damage to the skin with its help. In this regard, they are similar to hair clippers. Most razors act as antagonists. Secondly, when using it, there are no problems such as ingrown hairs, which cause great aesthetic discomfort and skin irritation.
  • No irritation … Pulling the hair out or removing it with a razor almost always leads to the formation of redness, irritation, which are accompanied by itching. This increases the likelihood of infection of certain areas with the formation of acne. By performing the usual shearing, it is possible to avoid such consequences.
  • Convenient body shape … Clippers are often larger than trimmers and therefore less comfortable to hold.
  • Convenient attachment shape for intimate haircuts … Full-fledged epilators have a fairly wide working surface, so they are less maneuverable in the intimate area, which greatly complicates the hair removal process. The bikini trimmer attachments are more sophisticated, which allows you to create intimate hairstyles of varying complexity with their help.
  • Functionality … Trimmers have a wide functionality: bikini area, armpits, point hair removal, eyebrow and outer hairline modeling on the head, mustache and beard correction for men. However, the range of functions depends on the specific model. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully determine the list of necessary tasks that should be solved using the device, and choose the most suitable model.
  • Best hygienic result … Paying attention to beauty in intimate areas, in addition to the aesthetic factor, it is worth taking into account the factor of hygiene of delicate parts of the body, on which the health of the genitourinary system depends. The recommendations of medical specialists are as follows: a ban on shaving, removal of vegetation only by shortening to a comfortable length.

Among the disadvantages of this type of device for combating unwanted vegetation on the body stands out their inability to remove hair completely, which entails the need for their more frequent use, because on day 3-4, the hairs will become more noticeable. In addition, after treatment with an epilator, their development slows down.

Which is the best bikini trimmer to choose

The variety of machines for caring for the intimate area can be streamlined by comparing them according to the main characteristics of the product. The functionality depends on the available parameters, so the buyer can easily determine the model by purchasing the device that will cope with the solution of all the tasks.

Choosing a moisture-resistant bikini trimmer

Moisture Resistant Bikini Trimmer
Moisture Resistant Bikini Trimmer

This type of device is used for intimate haircuts, justified not only by a tribute to fashion, but also by hygienic requirements for body care. This is why many women and men sometimes combine hair removal with showering. However, unlike shaving razors, not all intimate design machines can also be used during water procedures.

There are three types of water resistance trimmers. Let's describe the main differences:

  1. Not moisture resistant … Most trimmers are designed to work in dry skin conditions to treat dry hair only. A dry cleaning brush should always be included with such devices. Their cost is the lowest, in contrast to similar devices with partial or complete moisture resistance.
  2. Partially moisture resistant … They can be cleaned not only with a brush, but also under running water, because the working part of the device does not allow moisture to pass inside and is made of materials that do not lend themselves to corrosion. However, you cannot use them in the shower.
  3. Fully moisture resistant … They have a waterproof case, even when used in the shower, not a single drop of water gets inside the device. Such trimmers must necessarily have a razor attachment in the kit. If not, then most likely the case is not resistant to moisture. If the buyer does not need to use a razor head, then it is better to take a closer look at cheaper devices with a non-moisture resistant case.

Adjusting the trimmer for the bikini area according to the size of the clipping part

Cutting part of the trimmer
Cutting part of the trimmer

The width of the working surface largely determines the quality of the future haircut. In this context, there are two types of trimmers:

  • Machines with a narrow shearing head … The length of the blades is from 20 to 25 mm. Such devices allow you to make more accurate lines in intimate design even without the use of stencils and to process hard-to-reach areas without touching nearby parts of the skin.
  • Devices with a wide cutting head … The length of the blades is from 25 to 30 mm. With such a trimmer, the processing speed of open areas is higher, however, it will be problematic to arrange a haircut with a neat shape.

Bikini trimmer assortment by attachment type

Intimate trimmer
Intimate trimmer

Each trimmer must come with at least one nozzle - zero. However, to give the device more functionality, manufacturers have developed other types.

Let's describe the characteristics of additional attachments:

  1. Comb attachment … Used to correct hair length. Most often, there are at least five levels in the range from 0.3 to 1 cm. The length of the hairs is regulated by a special wheel on the body of the device.
  2. Shaver attachment … Works in the same way as conventional women's shaving razors, allowing skin to be perfectly smooth without a single hairline. It is advisable to treat such nozzles with an antibacterial composition to reduce the likelihood of irritation. Precautions are the same as when using a regular shaver.
  3. Vertical nozzle … Purpose - removal of a small amount of hairs or spot treatment of individual areas. Most often, vertical attachments are used to treat eyebrows.
  4. Other nozzles … The most functional are the universal trimmers that support several functions at once, i.e. the device should perform the duties of not only a trimmer, but also, for example, an epilator, pumice. This condition is also possible due to additional replaceable nozzles. Accordingly, such products are also more expensive.

The trimmer is not a monolithic device. Depending on the model, some auxiliary items must be supplied with it. Here is an approximate list: attachments, batteries or rechargeable battery, charger, brush for dry cleaning of blades, stand, case or protective case, stencils for intimate design.

It is noteworthy that almost all trimmers are visually similar, however, each model has a special body shape, everyone can choose the one that will be most convenient to use.

Bikini trimmer price and manufacturers

Philips bikini trimmer
Philips bikini trimmer

After reading the general information, you can determine for yourself whether the trimmer is suitable, whether it is capable of solving specific problems of a particular person or not. To delve into the topic more deeply, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with certain models, their prices, as well as their functionality.

A few examples of popular bikini trimmer models:

  • Gezatone DP 503, France … This device is described as "5 in 1", it can be called universal. Power supply - rechargeable battery. The way of working is dry and wet shaving. Interchangeable attachments are available that allow you to make a variety of sophisticated bikini designs and use the DP 503 on other body areas such as underarms, scalp, eyebrows. The durability of the device is ensured by the use of high quality materials. The set comes with an AC adapter for charging. The cost is 1800 rubles.
  • Trimmer Philips BG105 / 10, China … Supports work with both dry and wet skin and hair. However, the reviews of people indicate that the BG105 / 10 is still better at its task in dry conditions. The attachments allow you to adjust the length of the remaining hair from 0.5 mm. The scope of application is wide - the intimate area, armpits, hair on the head. Powered by supplied batteries. The cost of this device is about 2,000 rubles.
  • Braun Silk epil Bikini Styler FG-1100, Germany … Can only be used in dry conditions. The area of use is all over the body. Spot hair removal function is supported. Bikini design stencils available. Powered by the supplied battery. The cost is 1900 rubles.
  • Trimmer Venus, China … This device performs the functions of three devices - an epilator, a trimmer and an electropump. Reviews for this product are divided because many users describe it as a cheap knock-off made from substandard materials. The cost varies from 1400 to 1900 rubles.
  • Veet Sensitive Precision, China … Scope - areas of the body with sensitive skin (face, bikini area, armpits). Various attachments make it possible to make neat intimate hairstyles, take care of eyebrows. Reviews of some buyers indicate that the advertising promises are a little exaggerated, but there is a high probability that users compare the trimmer with an epilator and expect from the first complete hair removal, which the trimmer simply cannot do, because it is designed to cut, not pull out hairs. The cost ranges from 1900 to 2300 rubles.
  • Philips HP6379, China … The cost of this product is about 2300 rubles. It is an indispensable device for bikini design; stencils with pictures are included in the set. Other functions include shaving and epilation, eyebrow care. Works only on batteries.
  • Philips BRT 382/15, China … The cost is 1800 rubles. It works both on dry skin and in a humid environment. Equipped with attachments for shaving, styling, trimming. Portable, like the vast majority of trimmers, it is therefore battery operated.

There is no definite pattern between the price and the functionality of the device. often the brand plays a big role in pricing. It should be borne in mind that it is better to buy even the most functional and high-quality trimmer in the first months after its release on the market, because Successful devices quickly enough begin to copy fraudsters, passing off a low-quality product as the original. It is best to choose time-tested brands with a worldwide reputation, and make purchases in certified stores, avoiding mass sales.

How to use a bikini trimmer

Using the trimmer for an intimate haircut
Using the trimmer for an intimate haircut

The main rules for using the trimmer are intended use, i.e. use to remove or shorten hair, while only on a clean body. The rest is even easier.

First you need to think about what actions you need to do with the device, select the appropriate attachments, and then proceed to direct use.

Each device is accompanied by instructions for use, which should detail the conditions of use, functions and limitations. By adhering to the manufacturer's recommendations, it is easy enough to get the maximum effect and extend the life of the trimmer.

Sometimes men also use women's trimmers, because These sophisticated devices can help them style their beard and mustache.

Watch the video review of the Philips Bikini Genie bikini trimmer:

The women's bikini trimmer is not only a tribute to fashion and beauty, but also a device that can keep intimate areas clean. Sales statistics of some manufacturers of such devices indicate that at present a large number of women prefer trimmers, refusing painful epilation and traumatic shaving with the usual machines.
