Bikini Competitions and Steroids in Women's Bodybuilding

Bikini Competitions and Steroids in Women's Bodybuilding
Bikini Competitions and Steroids in Women's Bodybuilding

All girls want to look attractive. To do this, you need to work on your body. Find out how steroids affect girls. Sometimes girls, seeing their reflection in the mirror, understand that it is necessary to change their lifestyle. Everyone wants to look attractive and this can be achieved through bodybuilding.

Scientists have proven that strength training brings many benefits and can solve many problems. Even one hour a week can be very effective. Those who dream of looking like the world's top athletes need to train accordingly.

Gaining muscle mass is also difficult for men. It is several times more difficult for girls to increase their muscle mass. Moreover, if the changes in the woman's body are significant, then this can even bring harm to health.

Muscular tissue cells cannot divide and multiply, but only have the ability to increase their size. The rate of mass gain depends on the number of cells that a person has been endowed with by nature. At the same time, muscle growth is not possible without building materials - protein compounds. Professional bodybuilders use strict dietary nutrition programs in which all nutrients are in appropriate proportions.

First of all, they limit the intake of fat. Without this nutrient, it is much easier for men, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Indeed, in the human body, fat is not only under the skin, but also envelops the internal organs. If weight loss is excessive, then the body will begin to consume this internal fat. This can lead to bad consequences.

Women are more dependent on fat. Firstly, it is fat that is one of the components for the synthesis of female hormones - estrogens. Secondly, breast shape is also directly related to fat. And men primarily pay attention to this part of the female body.

Female bodybuilding and steroids

Women bodybuilders posing at the tournament
Women bodybuilders posing at the tournament

Everyone wants to achieve quick results in any business. However, in bodybuilding, rush is unnecessary. With the right training and nutrition programs, you can lose about 2 percent of body fat every month. This is a great result. After a couple of months of training, you will be able to notice how your figure has improved.

Today, the construction of a woman's body with the help of training is called the buzzword "fitness". However, each girl pursues her own goals, depending on which the training program is drawn up. In addition, work also influences her.

The level of workload for an office worker will be different in comparison with a woman who is engaged in light physical labor. The situation is the same with age. There is one rather serious difference between bodybuilding and fitness. In bodybuilding, muscle mass comes first. In turn, fitness is designed to create a harmonious body and girls who are engaged in fitness will definitely be liked by many. Fitness not only allows you to create a body at will, but also has a positive effect on the performance of all body systems. Very often, girls believe that if they start doing strength training, they will lose their femininity. However, if you go into the hall, then it is impossible to find women with large muscles. The female body resists gaining muscle mass, and it is extremely difficult for women to pump up large muscles. This can only be achieved by professional athletes who have worked hard for many years and often use steroids. With regular strength training, you will only improve your body while remaining feminine and attractive.

It should be admitted that today professional female bodybuilding has undergone major changes and, by and large, is on the path of degeneration. Bigger muscles definitely won't make a girl look attractive. But why, then, do some women try to bring their bodies to a state of strong masculinization?

Scientists have discovered that there is a mental disorder called "muscle dysmorphia" in bodybuilding. It affects not only men, but also girls. In this state, a person only cares about his muscles. In a state of muscle dysmorphia, people are afraid to lose muscle mass and this is what makes them spend a huge amount of time in the halls.

If a girl engages in strength training more than five days a week, then she can cause serious damage to the body. All professional bodybuilders use steroids in the same way as men. This enables them to gain muscle mass relatively quickly. Otherwise, they will not be able to count on high results. It is steroids that deprive a woman of her femininity. The more female athletes started using steroids, the less interesting female bodybuilding competitions became.

Steroids are a big threat to the girl's body. All drugs are derived from testosterone. This is a male hormone, which is synthesized in small quantities by the female body. If the level of testosterone is artificially increased with the help of steroids, then a large number of side effects may appear. Here are the most common ones:

  • Acne;
  • Body hair growth;
  • The abdominal wall is stretched, thereby complicating the digestion process;
  • Aggressiveness increases;
  • The voice grows coarse;
  • Irreversible growth of the clitoris;
  • Disorders of the heart and vascular system.

Of course, not all anabolic steroids can cause such disturbances in the body, provided that they are used in reasonable doses. However, the whole point is that the body gradually adapts to steroids and the previous dosages become not so effective. For this reason, they have to be increased, and as a result, changes in the body can become irreversible.

Women's bodybuilding is a great sport that allows girls to shape their bodies while making them attractive. But this only applies to healthy bodybuilding, in which there is no place for anabolic drugs.

Watch the performance of the women competitors in the bikini fitness tournament in this video:
