What to do if eyelashes fall out?

What to do if eyelashes fall out?
What to do if eyelashes fall out?

The main reasons why eyelashes fall out. How to cope with their rapid thinning: first aid, massage, oils, compresses, cosmetics.

Eyelash loss is a natural physiological process that occurs on a daily basis. However, if you are losing more than 5 hairs a day, it's time to sound the alarm - find the cause of this trouble and start taking decisive action to eliminate it.

The main causes of eyelash loss

Low-quality cosmetics as a cause of eyelash loss
Low-quality cosmetics as a cause of eyelash loss

Thick eyelashes with a graceful curve not only make the look more expressive and successfully emphasize the beauty of a woman, but also protect the eyes. Therefore, if there is a problem of their shedding, you should immediately pay attention to it.

At the same time, it is important to remember that physiological renewal of eyelashes is constantly taking place: some fall out, others appear, the lifespan of each of them is 100-150 days, then it is replaced with a new one. The norm for eyelash loss is the loss of 4-5 hairs per day. If you lose more, the process is developing rapidly, which means that the matter is serious, you need to find out the reason that provoked it and take action.

The main reasons why eyelashes fall out:

  1. Low quality cosmetics … This phenomenon can be caused by creams, gels for the skin around the eyes and cosmetics for make-up (mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner, pencil) that come into contact with this area.
  2. Failure to comply with hygiene rules … Another common cause of eyelash loss. It is caused by the lack of the habit of removing makeup before bedtime. Decorative cosmetics, including mascara, contain parabens, which clog the pores, which adversely affects the hair follicles. The habit of rubbing the eyes with dirty fingers can also lead to loss of eyelashes, as a result of which germs from the hands are transferred to the eyelid area and cause inflammation of this area and shedding of hairs.
  3. Allergic reaction … Despite popular belief, allergies are not only the usual redness, itching and increased tearing of the eyes. It can also manifest itself with the loss of eyelashes, for example, inappropriate mascara or old eyeliner is often the culprit.
  4. Curler application … Curling irons can provoke eyelash loss in women. It is important to use the beauty tool correctly, otherwise injury to the roots of the eyelashes, their fragility and loss cannot be avoided. Do not apply mascara before using the curler, as the process of curling the eyelashes will become difficult, they will break, stick to the tool and fall out.
  5. Permanent make-up of eyelids … The procedure should be performed using disposable needles under sterile conditions, otherwise infection of the working area and the development of inflammatory eye diseases, which is the cause of eyelash loss, may occur. You may also experience an allergic reaction to a pigment or antiseptic.
  6. Eyelash extensions … If the master uses low-quality materials, does not follow the technique of performing the procedure, this is fraught with the loss of native eyelashes in the near future. It is very important that the tools used by the eyelash extension specialist are sterile.
  7. Poor food … In pursuit of a slim figure and the fight against extra pounds, you can be left without eyelashes. It is especially dangerous to follow kefir diets, starve, unload on smoothies. A strict diet turns into a lack of B vitamins and many minerals, and in this case, hair, eyebrows and eyelashes fall out.
  8. "Failures" in the body … Such a problem can be provoked by an altered hormonal background, if, along with the eyelashes, the hair on the head crumbles, the reason may lie in the dysfunction of the thyroid gland and the lack of its hormones (hypothyroidism). This problem can be caused by a deficiency of certain vitamins - A and group B, as well as minerals. In addition, hair and eyelashes fall out during postpartum hormonal imbalance and menopause due to a decrease in the level of female hormones that negatively affect hair follicles.
  9. Change in metabolism … Eyelash growth and loss are interrelated. Over the years, the metabolism slows down due to natural processes, the stimulation of the hair follicles decreases, the hairs grow slower than their shedding occurs.
  10. Subcutaneous mite … The pest is able to penetrate the hair follicle, cause inflammation and ulcers. If the follicles are infected and hair loss occurs.
  11. Blepharitis … This eyelid disease causes Staphylococcus aureus. As a result of the course of the disease, the sensitivity of the eyes to light, dust increases, the eyelids itch. Since the hair follicles are involved in the process, the eyelashes thin out a lot.
  12. Stress … Prolonged depression and continuous stressful period are manifested not only by alopecia areata, bald spots in the eyebrows and hair loss, but also by the loss of eyelashes. These processes are triggered by the "stress hormone" cortisol, which, by the way, affects many functions of the body.
  13. Medications … Some pharmacy medicines cause loss of eyebrows and eyelashes. In particular, this applies to medicines for arthritis. But other drugs can also have such side effects, it is important to consult with your doctor before starting any pharmacy product for undesirable effects.

There are other possible reasons for the loss of eyelashes, in particular, hairs can crumble as a result of injuries and surgical interventions in the eye area, thermal and chemical burns, increased radiation, radiation and chemotherapy.

Having found out why eyelashes can fall out, one more question remains open - whether they will grow back in the future. If the process of hair loss is not associated with serious injury or surgery, then you should not worry. In general, it is very difficult to completely destroy hair follicles, since they are located deep enough. New eyelashes will surely appear in place of those that have fallen out, the normal increase in their length is 0.13 mm per day.

First aid for eyelash loss

Removing makeup before bed
Removing makeup before bed

As soon as you notice that eyelashes are rapidly falling out, you should minimize the use of decorative cosmetics for the eyes - shadows, eyeliner, mascara, even if you buy high quality products. It will not hurt to rest your eyes, for example, while on vacation. It is also recommended to give up eyelash extensions.

Additional measures if eyelashes fall out:

  • Carefully choose eyelid cream, micellar water, makeup remover, and eyelash tint to eliminate exposure to potential allergens. Do not buy cosmetic products with a poor shelf life or, moreover, expired.
  • Remember to remove your makeup before bed. To do this, you need a special mild makeup remover containing oils, it is not recommended to use soap, as it dries the skin and upsets the acid-base balance.
  • If you suspect you have some kind of skin disease, you should seek the help of a dermatologist. It is forbidden to use medications on your own without a doctor's prescription.
  • If eyelashes begin to fall out, it is not enough just to give up decorative cosmetics. It is important to reconsider your diet, as food greatly affects the human body. The menu should include a sufficient amount of animal proteins, vegetable oils, cereals, seeds, fruits and vegetables. It is important to increase the intake of folic acid, vitamins A, B3, E, for this, pay attention to such foods: turkey meat, bell peppers, carrots, broccoli, peaches. At the same time, you need to exclude junk food, fast food, fatty, fried, smoked, sweets, carbonated drinks, alcohol from your diet.
  • Proper nutrition can be supplemented by taking a vitamin-mineral complex, since we often do not get the required amount of nutrients from food.
  • In addition, in case of eyelash loss, you should use various strengthening agents, oils, and make masks. Perform home treatments at least 2 times a week.
  • In the summertime, extra care should be given to your eyes and eyelashes to minimize the harmful effects of UV rays. Wear sunglasses.
  • Do not forget about careful hygiene, this concerns washing your hands, refraining from using other people's cosmetics and personal hygiene items, using protective glasses when swimming in the pool.

Microcirculation of blood in the eyelash growth zone is disrupted during prolonged work at the computer, so it is important not to overload the eyes and give them a break during the day. At this time, it is recommended to do exercises for the eyes, it will affect both vision and the condition of the eyelids with eyelashes. If you wear contact lenses, exercise caution when exercising, as vigorous movement may cause them to fall out.

Massage for eyelash loss

Massage for eyelash loss
Massage for eyelash loss

If your eyelashes are falling out, it is helpful to periodically massage. Before carrying out it on the eyelids, you must apply oil or cream. It is good to use petroleum jelly for this purpose, it stimulates the hair follicles, as a result of which the growth of eyelashes is enhanced. If you do massage in the morning, it is recommended to combine it with a contrasting wash to harden the vessels.

How to massage for eyelash loss:

  • First, the temples and outer corners of the eyes are massaged, performing circular movements. Do 10 reps.
  • Then the lower eyelids are massaged, slightly pressing the skin with the fingertips and moving them horizontally. Move from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.
  • All steps are repeated for the upper eyelid.
  • Next, perform circular movements, moving clockwise from the lower eyelid to the upper. The number of repetitions is 8-10.
  • Afterwards, patting movements are performed in the area of the eyelids. Direction - from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.
  • The massage for the prevention of eyelash loss is completed with light pressing movements on the upper eyelid. Do several reps.

Oils for eyelash loss

Oil for eyelash loss
Oil for eyelash loss

In the photo, oil from eyelash loss

It is useful to use oils for additional nutrition and strengthening of eyelashes. The most effective of these is castor. Before using it, you can warm it up a little in a spoon. A small amount of castor oil is spread over the hairs using a brush or fingers. Be careful not to get it in your eyes. The surplus is removed with a corner of the napkin.

To enhance the effect of castor oil, it is mixed with rum in a 1 to 1 ratio. For applying to the eyelashes, use a brush, act carefully, it is important not to let the product get into the eyes or on the skin. A mixture of castor oil and rum will help make your eyelashes shiny and soft, and also give them a deep dark color.

Linseed, coconut, rosemary, fir, sea buckthorn, burdock oil also helps to strengthen and restore the condition of eyelashes. And with the help of olive, you can massage the eyelid zone in the morning and in the evening. This procedure stimulates hair growth.

On the basis of burdock oil, one of the best remedies for eyelash loss is prepared: it is mixed with cognac and petroleum jelly, taken in equal quantities. The composition is used daily. The first results will not be long in coming.

Vitamin E is useful against eyelash loss, so it can be mixed with oils or used in Alpha-Tocopherol acetate capsules. It enhances blood circulation in the eye area, stimulates the growth of new eyelashes.

Herbal compresses for eyelash loss

Herbal compress for eyelash loss
Herbal compress for eyelash loss

If you don't know what to do when your eyelashes fall out, look at medicinal plants. Compresses for the eyelids are made on their basis. Herbs such as chamomile, string, sage, cornflower will do.

To prepare the broth, pour 200 ml of water into a container and put it on fire. When it boils, add 20 g of dry raw materials and boil the herb for 15 minutes. After this time, leave the broth to infuse a little, but remember that a warm liquid is used for the compress.

Soak a cotton swab in the infusion of the medicinal plant and apply to the eyelids for 20 minutes. It is recommended to make such lotions daily for 30 days. Also, a decoction of herbs can be applied to the eyelashes after removing makeup.

For the same purpose, you can use green tea, which nourishes the eyelashes with antioxidants. Compresses are made in the same way as when using herbs.

Note! If your eyelashes fall out strongly, compresses alone are indispensable. An integrated approach is needed. A visit to a dermatologist and ophthalmologist will not hurt.

Cosmetics for eyelash loss

Dzintars Kredo Lux balm for eyelashes
Dzintars Kredo Lux balm for eyelashes

In the photo, Dzintars Kredo Lux balm for eyelashes at a price of 500 rubles.

If your eyelashes began to thin out rapidly, do not despair! The modern beauty industry has many developments in this area and offers to use innovative products aimed at combating eyelash loss, stimulating their growth, nutrition with useful substances.

Of course, cosmetics must be selected individually. However, when buying, it is important to consider that the best product is the one that contains retinol and tocopherol. These vitamins have a beneficial effect on the eyelashes, restore their structure, and normalize the metabolism in the hair follicles.

It is also good if keratin and vitamin C are included in the composition of cosmetics for eyelash loss. These components will protect them from the harmful effects of the external environment.

The best cosmetics for eyelash loss:

  • Long4Lashes Serum for eyelash growth … The product contains bimatoprost, which is responsible for the main action of the product, hyaluronic acid, thanks to which smoothness returns to the hairs, vitamin B5, allantoin to moisturize the eyelashes. Serum costs about 1000 rubles.
  • Pierre Rene Conditioning Gel Lash & Brow for strengthening eyelashes … The product is intended primarily for nourishing the hairs, as it contains numerous vitamins - A, E, B5. The price of the gel is about 300 rubles.
  • Dzintars Kredo Lux balm for strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows … The product contains numerous beneficial oils, therefore it nourishes and strengthens the hairs well. Its components include vitamin E, keratin and aloe extract. The balm does not require rinsing, so it can be applied before applying mascara. The approximate price is 500 rubles.
  • Relouis "Long eyelashes" gel … From the name of the product it follows that it is designed to enhance the growth of cilia, contains a complex of ceramides, panthenol and kiwi extract. Means of the budgetary category: the price of the gel is only 150 rubles.
  • Balm "Mirra Lux" for eyelashes … The complex of oils (castor, ylang-ylang, jojoba, jasmine, grape) strengthens and nourishes the eyelashes, gently cares for the skin of the eyelids. According to reviews about eyelash loss, the product relieves puffiness in the eye area well. The cost of eyelash balm is about 500 rubles.

What to do if eyelashes fall out - watch the video:
