How to paint over gray hair at home?

How to paint over gray hair at home?
How to paint over gray hair at home?

Features gray hair, the best natural dyes and permanent dyes. How to paint over gray hair, the complexity of staining, proven methods and techniques.

To paint over gray hair is a difficult and responsible task, which sooner or later every woman has to resort to. When the hair changes color, this is expressed not only in appearance, its structure is also disturbed. This is due to the difficulty of staining. Therefore, before painting over gray hair, you need to understand what is the specificity of gray curls in order to choose the most effective solution.

Features of gray hair

Gray hair in a woman
Gray hair in a woman

In the photo, gray hair

Naturally, the hair is "colored" thanks to cells such as melanocytes. It is they who give the hair a certain shade. Negative factors, aging of the body lead to their loss. Therefore, the color is lost, it is replaced by a familiar shade, and you have to look for a hair dye that paints over gray hair.

Changes also occur within the structure of the hair shaft: when the dye leaves, only oxygen remains in its place in the core. Therefore, together with melanocytes, the elasticity of the curls is lost. These cells also give elasticity, resistance to destructive factors. And with their loss, the hair is vulnerable to sunlight and other negative influences. If the paint that covers the gray hair corrects the color, but does not fill the strands with life, they will be dry and brittle, rough to the touch.

That is why it is important to deal with gray hair with caring for curls. You can't take the first tool you come across and paint over the gray hair. As a result, the already lifeless hair will suffer, it will look like dry straw. Therefore, you should make a balanced choice so as not to cause harm.

What to do if your hair turns gray?

Mesotherapy for gray hair
Mesotherapy for gray hair

Before you paint over the gray hair on your hair, you should sensibly assess the situation. You don't always have to choose radical methods.

The first to turn gray are the areas on the temples. If a person is naturally fair-haired, he can do without staining for a long time, since these zones are almost invisible. Dark-haired people can try highlights first. When up to 50% is touched, this is a great way out of the situation. True, for a good result, a professional should deal with highlighting.

Also, with an insignificant percentage of gray hair, tint balms help out. They paint over problem areas well. But if you want to radically change the color, you should look for information about which paint paints over gray hair. Since balms are usually effective only if the tone is close to "native".

Another option is semi-permanent paint. It is appreciated for being ammonia free. Accordingly, it does not last as long as we would like. You can count on a few weeks, and then the color will be lost with each wash. If your scalp has less than 30% gray hair, this solution is temporary.

It is not necessary to look for products of cosmetic corporations with a chemical composition: they also use folk remedies to paint over gray hair, vegetable dyes. True, such methods are limited to the choice of shades. However, they delight in that, with proper use, they also strengthen the curls.

By the way, sometimes a visit to a trichorologist will help solve the problem in the most humane way. If a person turns gray too early, they will recommend him:

  • Mesotherapy … By introducing B vitamins, niacin, oligoelements under the skin, it is possible to improve nutrition and blood flow in the scalp. If gray hair has appeared due to metabolic disorders, the events will return the color. Depending on the drug, the cost of one procedure is within 2000 rubles.
  • External remedies … By applying gels and balms rich in sulfur and copper, zinc and iron, it is possible to stimulate the production of pigment.
  • A healthy diet … It is important to make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals by replenishing their reserves in a timely manner. And adjustments in the diet are one of the integral parts of the program to restore color instead of looking for products that paint over gray hair.

In any case, if you want to work with your hair, it is better to tune in right away that you will not be able to return the “native” color. It is worth moving away from it a couple of tones in favor of lightening. First, it will help smooth out the tone. Secondly, with age, wrinkles and other defects appear on the skin. If you paint over gray hair with light paint, the face will also benefit - any nuances will not be so obvious.

If you still want to stay in a dark tone, it is important to take into account that coloring will not hide, but only accentuate the receding hairline! Therefore, it is worth thinking twice before giving up clarification. Moreover, the growing roots will also appear much faster due to the contrast of dark paint and gray hair.

Natural dyes for gray hair

Henna for dyeing gray hair
Henna for dyeing gray hair

Henna photo for dyeing gray hair

Many people are wary of ordinary dyes that paint over gray hair well, as they are afraid to ruin their hair, which has already lost its elasticity and vibrant shine. There is a rationale for such fears. Moreover, you can try to hide gray hair with natural remedies that are not so dangerous.

The following natural dyes are used:

  • Basma and henna;
  • Coffee - natural, both ground and grain;
  • Pharmacy chamomile;
  • Onion husks;
  • Walnut fruits.

To find out which option to choose, you first need to figure out whether basma paints over gray hair, how effective other natural dyes are. But it is even more important to understand that natural remedies themselves are many times more difficult to dye. It is almost impossible to guarantee that a specific desired color will be obtained. But even if you manage to reach the desired tone, it is not a fact that the hair will be dyed evenly. It is worth returning to the peculiarities of gray curls - they have a broken structure. Therefore, the colorants will not penetrate evenly. The difference between tips and roots will be especially noticeable.

It is even more careful to start experiments with people with coarse hair. In principle, it is difficult to work with them. Natural dyes are often "not taken" at the first try. It will be unpleasant if the color is "taken" by areas. Therefore, the ideal option is to experiment with a single strand.

Of course, a big plus is that basma paints over gray hair, like other natural products. Sometimes, if you are allergic to regular paint, this is the only acceptable choice.

Having decided to paint over the gray hair with folk remedies, you can experiment to get winning shades:

  • By adding tea or coffee, cocoa or other components to basma with henna, you get the most unexpected and pleasant colors of the dark spectrum.
  • If gray hair appears in a red-haired person, henna or a decoction of onion husks will save.
  • For dark-haired people it is better to use a combination of henna with basma, otherwise a blue-green tint may appear.
  • It is ideal for blondes to tint with a decoction of chamomile, which will make the curls golden.
  • If you want to get a deep dark color, then a mix of basma with henna is recommended, the second should be larger. Plus, they certainly add strong black tea or coffee.
  • Using rhubarb, you can dye gray hair light brown.

It's just that henna combined with several additives shows amazing results. With crushed dried elderberries, you get a ripe plum shade. If you want auburn hair, then add cinnamon. Light red is obtained when henna is combined with ginger or parsley. Together with a decoction of chamomile or dandelion, the dye will give real gold.

The important thing is not so much the answer to the question of whether henna paints gray hair, but understanding - natural remedies are effective at the initial stage. When the whole head is gray, it will not be possible to radically solve the problem.

In this case, you will have to conduct tests in order to achieve a beautiful result. The length and stiffness of the hair, as well as the level of spread of gray hair, are taken into account. Although henna paints over gray hair, if handled ineptly, natural products only disappoint.

To avoid trouble, you should adhere to these rules:

  1. When combining henna with basma, it does not mean that they are mixed - they are dyed in stages.
  2. It is worth adhering to the time to maintain the composition on the hair, not hoping that the longer you keep the product, the better the color will take, this is a mistaken belief.
  3. Protect the skin before coloring: apply oil or cream.
  4. It is important to rinse your hair thoroughly after dyeing. Natural dyes make the strands heavier, so that all particles have to be washed off without leaving any residue.
  5. Wash off herbs without using shampoo.

Before painting over gray hair with henna and basma, it is important to remember that they wash out quickly enough. Although the hair grows tighter, you will need to repeat the procedure more often. Moreover, after natural dyeing, you cannot immediately use professional paints!

Going to the store for henna or basma, you need to expect that the powder in the amount of 100-300 g is enough for short or medium hair. If the curls are long, then it will need up to 500 g.

Long lasting dyes for gray hair

Long lasting dye for gray hair
Long lasting dye for gray hair

Thinking about the best way to paint over gray hair, when choosing cosmetic products, you should study their types. First of all, they differ in the concentration of the oxidizing agent: the more there is, the more stable the result will be. But the effect on the strands will be more harmful!

The following proportions are recommended:

  • If gray hair is less than a quarter of all hair, a 3% oxidizer is sufficient.
  • When the head is 50% white, 6% oxidizer is needed.
  • If the hair is completely gray, then take a dye with a 9% oxidizer.

Studying the recommendations, which paint paints gray hair well, you should pay attention to the ammonia content. He is not very fond of because he damages the curls. However, the substance does enhance the effect. It will not work to paint over gray hair without ammonia: it should be at least 6%. Then a rich and uniform color is guaranteed.

When choosing a product, it must be borne in mind that the thinner the strands, the easier they are dyed. Accordingly, with the stiffness of the curls, you will have to take a concentrated dye with a high percentage of oxidizing agent.

Before you paint over gray hair at home, you will have to choose a shade for a long time and carefully so as not to spoil the appearance. It is worth remembering that gray curls are a source of worries and troubles, not only because they hint at age and disappoint with fragility and fragility. Alas, the wrong tone is fraught with sad consequences. It's one thing if a specific given color scheme does not work out, and quite another thing when the hair turns green or turns yellow. We'll have to think a hundred times what color to paint over gray hair, given that not all shades will look natural on such hair.

What should be discarded right away - from too pure and pronounced colors. Dyed gray hair then looks like a wig. They also accentuate tired look and wrinkles.

If you have a question how to paint over gray hair on blond hair, it is better to find ash colors. Then the growing roots will not be so noticeable, and in general the result will be guaranteed to be flawless even with the first home experiment.

If the hair is not only gray, but also thinned, priority is for light shades. Indeed, against a dark background, the skin under the strands will show through more clearly.

Competently select paint that covers gray hair, according to reviews. Having studied the experience of other people, it is easier to make a choice in favor of a particular product. Most popular remedies:

  • Permanent hair color cream L'Oreal Paris "Excellence" … This is a proven and reliable solution. The manufacturer offers the widest range of colors, so you will definitely get the perfect result. The paint is appreciated for its creamy structure, thanks to which the composition is easy to distribute evenly over the strands. You can safely paint over Loreal's gray hair, without worrying that harm will be done to the curls: a protective serum is included in the kit. Average cost - 360 rubles. or UAH 138
  • Persistent cream paint De Luxe Estel Professional … Another decent option. The tool copes well with the problem, while strengthening the curls. Estelle paints over gray hair and maintains hair thanks to the presence of a complex of oils in the composition. The average cost of paint is 413 rubles. or UAH 158.
  • Permanent hair color cream Matrix Socolor Beauty … Also received good reviews. With its help, you can hide graying strands, and the complex of vitamins in the composition will support the condition of the hair.

How to paint over gray hair?

How to paint over gray hair
How to paint over gray hair

The photo shows how to paint over gray hair

Having decided how to paint over gray hair, you should prepare for the process and learn about its intricacies. It is worth starting from the places where the strands are the whitest - usually whiskey. From them they move gradually to the top of the head, and then to the back of the head.

Apply the paint, then you need to massage your head a little, helping the pigment to better penetrate the hair structure.

Before rinsing, it is recommended to comb the hair with a comb. Thanks to this, the transitions between shades will be evened out. Another secret of uniform coloring: 5 minutes before the end of the dye aging, it is useful to wet the hair a little.

The technique of applying the coloring composition is different, depending on how white the head is:

  1. If individual strands are upset, you do not need to spoil all the hair: you can walk along specific curls. It is convenient to apply paint on a dotted basis with a toothbrush or mascara brush. Or, as an option, they resort to highlighting, balayazh techniques, but in this case it is better to turn to professionals.
  2. In order to paint over the gray hair correctly, if half the head has turned white, it is worth choosing a tool for 1-2 tones in the direction of light from the "native" color. Coloring begins with areas that have turned gray, gradually moving to areas that are not subject to changes. Do not expect that in this case it is realistic to paint over gray hair with the help of a tonic: tint products will only help to maintain the result.
  3. If the head is completely or almost gray, then the choice is for persistent paints, which are applied to the entire head of hair completely, but also moving from the temples. You should not expect to be able to paint over gray hair with natural paint: rather, you can get green or yellow curls, and then fight them, which is very troublesome. When the head is 50-100% white, you will have to rely on regular tinting every 2-3 weeks.
  4. If, after staining, you need to maintain beauty by renewing the roots, of course, it is a pity to expose your hair to chemicals all the time. This is where a tonic or shampoo that paints over gray hair will help out.

How to paint over gray hair - look at the video:

In any case, the hair requires care. It is necessary not only to decide for yourself how to paint over gray hair without harm, but also to choose cosmetics that will nourish and moisturize the curls in the future. Preference for specialized products for colored hair. They also help preserve color.
