Seated Leg Extension

Seated Leg Extension
Seated Leg Extension

The formative exercise for the quadriceps "leg extension in the simulator" is intended specifically for training the quadriceps muscle of the thigh. With its help, the relief is worked out and the detailing of the front surface of the thigh occurs. The advantage of this exercise is that the technique of its execution is quite easy: it is suitable for both experienced bodybuilders and beginner athletes. Extension of the legs in the simulator is an effective selective exercise, the main function of which is to work out the quadriceps.

Exercise will not make the legs big and will not build up huge potholes of meat on the legs, there is a special base for this function. For the athlete, the extension of the legs in the simulator will first of all give spectacular detail and relief of the quadriceps, make it convex along its entire length with a beautiful distinct shape. And with a low percentage of fat under the skin, a clear separation of the rectus and lateral muscles will be striking.

Due to the simplicity of execution and the minimal percentage of risk of injury, the extension of the legs in the simulator is recommended for absolutely everyone as an additional load on the muscles of the front of the thigh: for beginners, the exercise will harden the legs before squatting with large weights, and for experienced athletes it will help purposefully "iron" the quads.

Technique and the main features of leg extension

Seated Leg Extension Technique
Seated Leg Extension Technique

The quality of the training process directly depends on the technical training of the athlete, so it is imperative to know all the subtleties of performing leg extension:

  1. Get into a comfortable sitting position in which the pelvis and lower back will be tightly pressed against the back throughout the entire set. Grasp the handles or the edge of the seat with your hands to make it easier to keep the chassis stationary.
  2. Bend your knees at a right angle and place your ankles under the special roller.
  3. Take a deep breath and begin to extend your legs to a horizontal position, straining the quadriceps. At the top point, hold for 1–2 seconds, creating a maximum load in the anterior thigh muscle.
  4. Then, lowering the projectile, smoothly and slowly return to the starting position, avoiding the slightest inertia.
  5. Do the exercise for the required number of repetitions.

In order for the load to be the same on all four heads of the quadriceps, the location of the feet should be parallel to each other. If you want to develop some separate part of the quadriceps muscle of the thigh, the load can be varied by turning the socks. If the socks are turned to the sides, then the main load will fall on the lateral head of the quadriceps muscle, if to each other - the medial one.

Seated Leg Extension
Seated Leg Extension

At the lowest point of motion, the knee joint creates a right angle. It is not necessary to put it further than the lower leg under the seat, this will not increase the effectiveness of the exercise, but, on the contrary, will increase the risk of injury to the knee joints.

Leg extension in a simulator with a minimum working weight is used as a warm-up on “leg day” before basic exercises (squat, leg press, hook squat). Extension of the legs with heavy weight is used as a "finishing" exercise after "pumping" the muscles of the lower extremities with a heavy base.

It is not worth taking excessive weights from the start, because it will lead to unpleasant consequences in the knee joints. It is necessary to start straightening the legs in the barbell with a moderate weight and gradually increase the load with each workout. When drying, experts recommend using a minimum weight with the number of repetitions from 8 to 12 times in 3 × 4 sets. If you need to more accurately "draw" the relief of the front of the thigh, the number of repetitions is increased.

Video about leg extension in the simulator while sitting with Denis Borisov:
