Learn what a wrestling throw with a deflection is, as well as learn the technique for self-mastering the technique at home. The deflection throw is less difficult than the throw over the back. However, to study it, you still have to spend a certain amount of time and effort. If you want to know how to learn to throw with a deflection on your own, then you need a sparring partner and a wrestling mat.
How to independently learn to throw with a deflection - recommendations

Below we will tell you in detail how to independently learn to throw with a deflection. Now I would like to give some recommendations that will help you in mastering this type of throw:
- Carefully study the theoretical part and only after that proceed to practical exercises.
- Start by practicing the approach to the opponent by placing your foot. To do this, substitute the leg located behind to the one in front, placing it outside the opposite leg of the opponent.
- Practice walking. The leg located at the back must be directed behind the opposite opponent, while lowering the shoulder joint and turning the opponent's body. It is necessary to tear it off the carpet by straightening the legs, sharply tilting the body back and jerking with your hands.
- Combine both movements into one. After completing the tap, you should turn your chest towards the carpet, making a turn in the air, after touching the ground with your head and shoulders.
- When your opponent gets off the mat, take a few steps back to make it easier to unbalance your opponent.
- We recommend that you practice additionally the deflection throw with a hang.
- It is necessary to devote time not only to practicing the throwing technique, but also to develop strength parameters and gain muscle mass.
How to independently learn to throw with a deflection - technique

This is the most extensive group of techniques, in which there are quite easy throws from a technical point of view, as well as difficult to master. At the moment of their execution, the attacker falls backward, bending over and throwing the opponent over himself. The main characteristic movement of the final stage of the technique is turning the opponent's chest to the carpet. You can perform deflection throws using various grips: for the neck and torso, arm, body, two arms, etc. There are also options for holding a reception from behind, in front and from the side.
Basic elements of deflection throws

There are three of them in total:
- Capture and approach to the enemy.
- Disrupting the attacker from the balance with separation from the carpet due to the deflection of the opponent.
- Pivot of the thrower to the carpet, followed by pressing and holding.
If the technique is performed according to the scheme discussed above, the opponent's separation is carried out at the very beginning of the fall due to concerted actions - a jerk with the arms up and back, deflection of the head, straightening of the legs and bending. The summing vector of all efforts should be directed up and back. Also, in practice, other situations can be observed when the opponent takes off from the ground before the fall begins.
In such situations, the pattern of sequential actions must be changed - first, the opponent breaks off the carpet, and then falls backward with a deflection. This can be useful in cases where the attacker is less tall than you. The lift off the ground is carried out by straightening the legs. After that, you fall backward, slightly bending your legs, and perform a jerk-jerk, thereby throwing your opponent over yourself.
During the throw, you can swing your chest towards the carpet with or without a bridge. The turn depends on the point of capture, its density, the strength of the knockout and the behavior of the opponent during the hold. The higher the capture point is, and its density is lower, the lower, other things being equal, the turn must be performed lower. It is advisable to make a U-turn without touching the mat with your head, which allows you to increase the opponent's fall force, and less time is spent on the throw itself. If you use a U-turn with a bridge, then the throwing technique is significantly different from the option discussed above. Using the bridge, you first touch the ground with your head, and then your opponent falls onto the carpet. Deflection throws are of great importance when making combinations. They are perfectly combined with the transfer of the opponent to the ground, throws with a tilt and turn, as well as with knocking down.
Deflection throw with hand and body grip

Opponents are in a right-handed stance. The attacker must perform a grip by joining his hands behind the opponent's back and substitute his rear leg at the level of his right, outside-in front of the defender's leg. Having mastered the basic technique of reception, you can continue to improve and work out a throw from the left stand with a similar position of the opponent.
The distance between the feet of the attacker should be about 15–20 centimeters. Substituting your leg, begin to pull the opponent up and towards you, pressing him towards you so that the chest of the attacked is slightly higher or at the level of yours. It is also important to remember that the opponent's head must be on the side of the grabbed hand. Begin to lean back slightly, unbalancing your opponent. In this case, you cannot feed the pelvis up, and the knee joints forward.
When you start to lose your balance, do a tap-dash. It is important to remember that the summing vector of forces should be directed up and back at an angle of 30 degrees relative to the vertical plane. To perform a dash-tap, you must perform the following actions at the same time:
- A jerk with hands up and back.
- Head deviation.
- Straightening the legs.
- Flexion.
If the hit was done well, then using the force of inertia, you can quickly get to your feet. At the time of the end of the knockout, the attacker must be at an angle of 40 degrees relative to the horizontal plane, with his head down. After completing this movement, you should move on to turn your chest in the direction of the carpet. In this case, you have to slightly loosen your grip, but do not release your opponent completely.
This will release the stiffness that slows down the reversal. This movement should be started at the moment when the opponent's head is at a distance of 30 centimeters above the ground. Turn in the direction of the opponent's grabbed hand. To speed up the turn, we recommend turning your head to the left at the beginning of the movement.
When throwing with a deflection, it will be quite difficult to execute the must if, after hitting, the turn is performed too high, and you put a lot of force into the opponent's fall. We have already said that in practice, other options for performing this throw are often used. One of the most popular is the walking technique.
It is better to perform it from the left-sided rack, grabbing the opponent's body. After grabbing, you should slightly lower down, while simultaneously stepping with your right foot behind the left of the attacker. It is important to remember that the chest and right shoulder should be below the opponent's chest. Press him tightly to you and, having made a strong knock, unbalance. To do this, you must make a backward-left movement.
Another option for performing the technique is a deflection throw with a grip on the body and hand. Grab your opponent by the body and left arm, while placing your standing leg between the legs of the attacker, and firmly press your pelvis against him. Simultaneously with the movement of the leg forward, direct the force of the grip to yourself-to the right, shifting the body weight to his left leg. When your right foot is on the ground, hit hard. The turn should be started simultaneously with a jerk back and right.
Let's note the main methods of tactical preparation for the reception:
- You jerk your opponent's neck to the side with your left hand. To maintain balance, the attacker must move in the opposite direction. This will allow you to capture the enemy's corps and perform a technique.
- Put your forearm on the shoulder joints of the opponent and push him away from you. The attacker will begin to resist and, having picked up the moment, grab his arm with the body to perform the throw.
- Hold your opponent's left wrist with your right hand. As soon as he begins to free himself from the grip with a movement to the side or back, grab his body and arm. After that, it remains only to hold a reception.
- Grab the opponent's right arm from above. At the same time, try to grab his neck. The attacker will be forced to straighten up and you just have to use this movement to execute the throw.
There are two effective ways to protect against deflection throw:
- Do not allow your hands to join behind your back, pulling your pelvis back and resting the forearm of the grabbed hand against the opponent's chest.
- If the opponent has performed a grip, join your hands in a hook and rest it against the attacker's stomach, while simultaneously pushing back the leg of the same grasped hand.
Consider a few countermeasures:
- Throw by rotation with a grasp of the hand from above.
- A roll-over throw with a hand grip over the shoulder.
- Deflection throw with the grip of the body and hand.
- Deflection throw with a two-handed grip.
- Covering by putting the leg to the side of the turn. When the opponent makes a grip, he is forced to slightly lower back and down. At this point, turn your pelvis and put your right leg back.
Before you start mastering the technique, you will have to perform exercises aimed at strengthening the bridge and developing the muscles of the back, as well as the extensors of the legs. These movements must be started from the very beginning of wrestling. Before you begin to master the deflection throw, you need to learn how to confidently stand on the bridge. This will minimize the risk of injury while falling backwards. If you have a sufficient level of physical fitness, then you should begin to study the deflection throw about three months after the start of wrestling.
It is important to master the technique with turning left and right. Start practicing the throw in the direction that is more comfortable for you. To master the structure of the technique, we recommend performing the following movement - after substitution, you should straighten your legs and perform a jerk with your hands up and back. After mastering the technique, start working with a scarecrow, and then a partner.
Here are some effective combinations:
- Throw in a twist with a grab of an arm and a neck - a throw in a deflection with a grab of the arms from above.
- Bending over the arms from above is a deflection throw with a similar grip.
In conclusion, the most common mistakes should be highlighted:
- Low density capture.
- The attacker did not unbalance the opponent by deflecting, but sits down on the ground.
- The jerk-knock is performed out of time, ahead or late by the time the opponent starts to fall.
For more on how to throw with a deflection correctly, see the video below: