Make the legs slim and the buttocks firm? Easily! Using in the arsenal of your exercises lunges with a barbell or dumbbells, the back of the thigh and the gluteus maximus muscle can be worked out so that others will follow you with their eyes. The main thing is to become familiar with the technique and perform the exercise correctly without the risk of injury. Weighted lunges are an effective basic leg exercise that engages the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and back.
Lunges with a barbell or dumbbells effectively pump the hips, make the buttocks sculpted and work out all the other muscles involved.
Who needs barbell and dumbbell lunges?

The exercise is necessary for women and men who want beautiful and strong buttocks - it really "sculpts" this particular area.
For the fair sex, their legs (hamstrings and buttocks) are a sore subject. Indeed, many women have excess fat, cellulite and underdevelopment of the muscles of the legs. Is it beautiful? Slender legs and luscious buttocks are great to look at!
As for men, many of them "hammer" in training the back of the legs and train only the torso, arms and quadriceps. This cannot be done, it is necessary to competently think over the training plan and evenly spread the load so that the body is equally pumped up, without any lags.
Therefore, lunges with a barbell or dumbbells are relevant for absolutely everyone, without exception. They, along with deadlift on straight legs and bending the legs in the simulator, will undoubtedly "forge" an ass, from which it will be impossible to take your eyes off.
Technique and nuances of lunges

In non-rest circuit training, the lunge bar is often replaced with dumbbells to increase the load on the entire body.
First, it is worth mastering lunges without weight in order to choose the optimal stride length and objectively assess the position of the legs and the angles formed in the knee joints. And only then take on the weights, so as not to harm yourself and not earn serious injuries from improper technique. If you intend to perform lunges with dumbbells, take an apparatus in each hand, so that they are on the sides of the body. If your weight is a barbell, place it on your shoulders as you would for a squat.
- Inflate your chest with a wheel, pull your stomach in, slightly bend your back in the lower back, fix your head in the same plane with the spine, direct your eyes only forward, and put your feet parallel to each other at the width of the pelvis.
- Take a big step forward, but keep your torso straight. To do this, keep your left leg straight, and bend your right leg at an angle of 90 degrees. With such a stance, special attention should be paid to the knee of the right leg - it should not go beyond the toe.
- Place your center of gravity on your front right leg and tighten the back of your thigh with your gluteal muscles.
- The knee of the left leg should be a couple of centimeters from the floor, but not touch it, otherwise the whole point of the exercise is lost.
- The return to the starting position should be made only by the force of the right front leg.
- Then lower yourself down again until the knee almost touches the floor and stand up again.
- After completing the required number of repetitions, change legs and repeat the approaches so that the back of the thigh and butt “grind” equally equally.
It is necessary to keep exactly the right angle, because in the case of an obtuse angle of the front leg, the lunge with a barbell or dumbbells will be made very far and it will be difficult to technically perform the exercise correctly. In the acute angle version, excessive stretching is applied to the knee ligaments, which is fraught with dangerous injury.
It is important to "feel" the exercise: lifts should be smooth and unhurried due to the biceps of the thigh and buttocks, and not due to inertia as a result of sudden movements, the hind leg should also not take on the load, it only performs a supporting function. Only in this case will there be effective muscle pumping. If the load on the required muscles is not felt, the exercise is performed incorrectly. In lunges, it is important to observe correct breathing: when going down (squats), you need to take a deep breath, while getting up - exhale.
The exercise can seem difficult for those with weak muscle stretches, so it is recommended to do a little warm-up before each workout and stretch after each workout.
Video about the technique of performing lunges with a barbell from Denis Borisov and tips: