Side lunges in a crossover

Side lunges in a crossover
Side lunges in a crossover

Learn the technique of performing non-standard lunges in the simulator to maximize the load on the hamstrings. Lunges are a basic exercise and use the leg muscles, in particular the glutes and quadriceps. First of all, lunges are used to pump the gluteal muscles. Other muscles, although they are involved in the work, do not increase their size. Today we will talk about the technique of performing side lunges in a crossover.

Should you do side lunges to gain mass?

Performing a side lunge in a crossover
Performing a side lunge in a crossover

If you analyze the training programs for novice athletes, then there is rarely a place for lunges in them. We are not going to dispute the effectiveness of squats or leg curls, but just want to point out that side lunges in a crossover can also be very effective for pumping leg muscles. For a long time, lunges were the main movement in weightlifting.

Today they are not a competitive movement, but they continue to be actively used by weightlifters in training. In bodybuilding, the situation is different and this movement is rarely used by athletes. We are sure that this is completely unfounded and the implementation of heavy lunges may well compete with the more popular squats today.

By and large, lunges are one of the types of squats, called in weightlifting a non-leg. For weightlifters, this exercise is also useful in that it allows them to improve the skill of maintaining balance under a heavy sports equipment. If you take a closer look at the discussion of squats on specialized web resources, you will notice that often athletes in the list of positive properties indicate the ability to better maintain balance.

This is understandable, since when performing squats, small muscles actively participate in the work, which play the role of stabilizers. In fact, it is this property of the free weight squat that makes it a priority over other leg muscle development exercises.

However, let's take a look at the benefits of side lunges in a crossover. When performing a lunge, you must make every effort to maintain balance. Compared to classic squats, the area of support when performing lunges is less, which makes the task more difficult for you. In order to maintain balance in such conditions, it is necessary to connect the maximum number of muscles to work, except for targeting ones. To get the most out of your crossover side lunges, you need to work with high weights in the mid to low rep range.

Since the buttocks are a problem area on the body of many girls, lunges should definitely be included in your training program. Let's take a look at the benefits that lunges have:

  1. They contribute not only to gaining mass, but also to perfectly stretch muscle tissue.
  2. If for some reason you want to use only one movement for the muscles of the legs, then they should be lunges, since they will perfectly work out the quadriceps, buttocks, and also the back of the thigh.
  3. They don't require a lot of sports equipment and you can do dumbbell lunges at home.
  4. The movement is safer for the spinal column than squats.

But this exercise, in principle, has no drawbacks, except for the need to spend more time, since each leg is worked out separately. Also, you should remember that the higher the working weight and the wider the stride, the greater the load on the knee joint. If you place your free hand on targeted muscles, you can better feel the extent of their stretch.

Since the muscles of the lumbar spine are stretched during each step of the movement, you must carefully monitor the position of the back. This is especially true when you use weights. To shift the load on the muscles of the buttocks, it is necessary to increase the distance between the legs, and you can also slightly tilt the torso forward. The narrower your positioning of the legs in the starting position, the more actively the quadriceps will take part in the work. If you want to more actively pump the adductor muscles of the thigh, then perform side lunges. However, it should be remembered that this movement puts more stress on the knee joints and it makes sense to reduce the weight of the burden.

Crossover side lunges technique

Athlete performing side lunges in a crossover
Athlete performing side lunges in a crossover

This movement is aimed at strengthening the adductor muscle of the thigh. If classic lunges, as we said above, represent a basic movement, then side lunges in a crossover are combined. The movement combines both basic and isolated loads.

To complete the exercise, you will need to set up the machine. Set the operating weight you need on the lower blocks and attach the Bubnovsky cuffs. With the cuffs on your legs, take a standing position in the center of the machine. Moreover, the legs should be located side by side, and keep your back straight. Lunge to the right, then squat down to parallel with the ground. After that, get up and return to the starting position. Repeat the movement in the opposite direction. During the squat, the load is basic, and when you put your leg back into the starting position, the load on the muscles becomes isolated.

If you want to increase the load while squatting, then use any weight that is convenient for you. This will increase the effectiveness of side lunges in the crossover. Also, make sure that your muscles stretch as much as possible when doing the squat. During flexion, the knee joints should be located in the plane of the toe. As with any strength exercise, you need to practice breathing technique. After you've lunged and started squatting, breathe in. Breathe out the air while lifting from the squat.

How to correctly perform side lunges in a crossover, see here:
