Many athletes pay increased attention to the bench press, squat and deadlift. However, there are other effective exercises. Find out about them. Bodybuilding presupposes the harmonious development of the muscles and certain exercises should not be neglected. Athletes often focus on the so-called "golden three" exercises, which include squats, deadlifts and bench presses. Today we will look at all the intricacies of reverse hyperextension and pullover with a barbell in bodybuilding.
Reverse hyperextension in bodybuilding

This movement works out the glutes and hamstrings very effectively. In addition, part of the load falls on the back muscles. But the main purpose of the exercise is to stretch the muscles of the back. Note that this exercise is safer than normal hyperextension.
This is due to the fact that when performing classical hyperextension, most of the load falls on the rectus muscles of the back. To reduce the risk of injury, the athlete has to use less weight. Reverse hyperextension is devoid of this disadvantage, and you can use a decent weight.
The movement can be performed by athletes of different levels of training. We also note that girls are very fond of this exercise. This is due to the fact that the muscles that they most often work out are involved in the work.
How to properly perform reverse hyperextension?

There are special simulators for this exercise. However, if they are absent in your room, then you should not despair, since an ordinary board is also quite suitable. Your body should be supported by the middle and upper abs. To maintain a constant tension on the target muscles, the legs should be slightly raised and held in this position, even during the passive phase. Begin to raise your legs above the level of the lower back and, in the extreme upper position, pause for one second. Try to control movement along the entire trajectory. We have already said above that when performing a movement, the buttocks and hamstrings are actively involved in the work. The straight back muscle also partially works. It is very important not to spread your legs apart, as this increases stress on the joints and increases the risk of injury. But you can slightly turn the toes inward to increase participation in the work of the hamstrings.
The exercise should be done within the range to stretch the muscles as much as possible. However, they should not be very relaxed. Since the buttocks are actively working in the exercise, girls are more likely to perform it.
Pullover with a barbell in bodybuilding

The half-over is perfect for a novice athlete, making it possible to shape the chest. If the exercise is performed technically competently, then the result will appear quickly enough - the chest will become wider, the posture is better. The pullover can bring the best result in adolescence, when the body is forming. The main load when performing the movement falls on the large and broadest muscles of the chest. The anterior deltas, dentate muscles and triceps act as auxiliary ones.
How to properly perform a pullover with a barbell in bodybuilding?

Lie face up on a bench, first taking a sports equipment in your hands. Your feet should rest well on the ground. Raise your arms up and hold the projectile in outstretched arms over the upper chest muscles. The grip should be approximately equal to shoulder width.
Begin to slowly lower the projectile behind your head, having previously taken a breath. Be careful not to bend your arms. Otherwise, the main load will shift to the triceps. The projectile is lowered to parallel with the ground, after which it is necessary to maintain a short pause. Return to starting position. You must control the movement throughout the trajectory and pay attention to the stretching of the target muscles. It is also important not to bend the elbow joints.
Features of performing a pullover with a barbell in bodybuilding

If you adhere to a few nuances, which we will now talk about, you will significantly reduce the risk of injury:
- The main thing when performing a pullover is not the weight of a sports equipment, but the ability to feel the work of the target muscles.
- Do not try to touch the ground with the barbell. You must stop at the moment when the projectile is parallel to the ground.
- Do not bend your back too much in the lower back.
- Rest firmly with your feet, thereby creating high-quality support for yourself.
- It is best to perform the movement at the last stage of the complex for breast development.
- Do the barbell pullover for three sets of 12 reps each.
For more details on the pullover, see this video: