Woman with a barbell: workouts and exercises

Woman with a barbell: workouts and exercises
Woman with a barbell: workouts and exercises

Find out what are the most effective free weights exercises for girls to get the perfect proportions of the hips and buttocks. Secret technique. Every woman, regardless of age, wants to be slim and fit. It is necessary to start building the figure of your dreams by burning fat, actively using cardio load for this. Then you should add some strength training to tighten the muscles. Note that girls are often afraid of strength training and in vain.

By using dumbbells and barbells, you can improve your figure. Today we will focus on the features of training and exercises for women with a barbell. Using this sports equipment, you will be able to achieve excellent results in a fairly short time, using moderate weights in training.

Benefits of Barbell Workout for Women

A girl performs a squat with a barbell on her shoulders
A girl performs a squat with a barbell on her shoulders

By working with a barbell, you will significantly strengthen and build your muscles. It is the word "build up" that discourages many girls from doing strength training. But you have absolutely nothing to fear, since the mass gain will be modest. At the same time, the muscles can be useful to you in everyday life and will give the figure a slenderness.

You must remember that the muscles are responsible for posture, gait and general appearance in general. For example, the buttocks can become elastic only through strength training, and all girls want to achieve this. If you maintain muscle tone, you can forget about cellulite. An equally important advantage of using a barbell is an increase in metabolism. The rate of fat burning and the body's ability to create new deposits largely depend on this. If you have sufficient muscle mass, then the body will have to burn 20 percent more calories at rest. Of course, even in this situation, you still have to follow the nutrition program.

Features of exercises for women with a barbell

Bench press on the Scott machine
Bench press on the Scott machine

Of course, barbell work for girls is very different from men. First and foremost, you should combine strength training with strength training for maximum results. Aerobic exercise will prevent the formation of new ones, and burn existing fat deposits. Strength training, in turn, will allow you to maintain the muscle tone of the body.

If you do not plan to go in for sports professionally, then you can easily do without sports nutrition. If guys need it even if they just want to pump up, then girls do not have to use sports food.

It is also necessary to dispel perhaps the most popular myth about the high rate of testosterone production. Girls should not be afraid of this at all, although the male body really reacts to powerful physical activity by accelerating the secretion of testosterone. In order for a woman to gain a significant amount of muscle mass, strength training alone will not be enough and one cannot do without the use of a sports farm. However, you do not need it and you should not be afraid of the appearance of facial hair and other symptoms of virilization.

A set of exercises with a barbell for women

Bench press
Bench press


Girl performing deadlift
Girl performing deadlift

This movement is very effective for gaining mass and strength. However, girls should not exhaust themselves with heavy weights and heavy barbell work. The best option for this movement for women is the sumo deadlift. This movement uses the muscles of the legs as much as possible, and this is what girls need. At the same time, due to the low load on the back muscles, the sumo deadlift is quite safe.

The main difference from the classic version is the wide stance of the legs. You need to take the starting position (NP), grasping the sports equipment with your hands, while crouching low. It is also necessary to move the pelvis back so that the knee joints do not protrude beyond the level of the socks. After that, begin to straighten your legs, slightly pushing your pelvis forward and keeping your arms straight. Then you need to return to the NP and repeat the movement.


Girl performs squats with trainer
Girl performs squats with trainer

Squats are also one of the best and most effective bodybuilding movements. You can squat by placing the sports equipment on your chest or shoulders. We will tell you about each of these types of squats.

Squats with a barbell on the chest actively work not only the muscles of the legs and back, but the press. When performing this type of squat, do not use large weights, and beginners can use only one bar without pancakes at all. In the NP, the legs should be at the level of the hips, pointing the toes forward. The sports equipment must be placed on the arms crossed in front of you, which at the same time should be parallel to the ground.

It is very important to remember that the back should be straightened and only natural deflection in the lumbar region is allowed. When you squat, the pelvis needs to be pulled back, and the end point of the trajectory is where the thighs will be parallel to the ground. Upon reaching it, it is necessary to return to the NP and repeat the movement. When a sports equipment is placed on the shoulders, the load on the back increases significantly. NP is similar to squats with a barbell on the chest, but it is better to put your legs slightly wider than the level of the shoulder joints. From this position, begin to descend, while taking the pelvis back, but the head should always be directed forward. To avoid annoying injuries, the knee joints should be spread apart when moving downward, and not brought together.

Barbell push from the chest

Woman performing a barbell push from the chest
Woman performing a barbell push from the chest

This movement will allow you to effectively work your upper body. Beginners should use an empty bar, then gradually increase the load. The legs should be wider than the level of the shoulder joints, and the bar should be taken with a wide grip.

After that, straining the muscles of the back and arms, it is necessary to move the projectile to the chest, while bending the elbow joints. The palms should be facing up and the back should be straight. From this position, you need to push the projectile upward, pausing for a couple of seconds in the upper position of the trajectory. Then return the barbell to your chest.

Barbell bends

Woman performing bends with a barbell
Woman performing bends with a barbell

The legs are located at the level of the shoulder joints, and the projectile must be placed on the shoulders. The back should be perfectly flat at all times. From this position, begin to alternate bends to the sides. You can also do body turns.

Barbell Exercises for Arm Muscles

EZ Bar Press
EZ Bar Press

The barbell can be effective in targeting all muscle groups. If before that we talked about exercises for the lower body, now it is necessary to remember about the upper one. Of course, girls have no reason to try to pump up big biceps or triceps. However, thanks to the developed muscles, you can get rid of saggy skin. This is most often seen in the triceps area.

To perform the first movement, you need to take the shell with a reverse grip, and your legs should be at the level of the shoulder joints. The knees can be bent slightly and the back should be straight. From this position, begin to perform lifts of a sports equipment for biceps.

The second movement will allow you to strengthen your triceps and traps. Without changing the starting position, take the shell with a narrow grip, palms facing you. Start lifting the projectile upward, while spreading the elbow joints to the sides. To relieve the spinal column, tilt your body slightly forward.

What barbell exercises are most effective for women, you will learn from this video:
