Cherries: useful properties, harm, composition, recipes

Cherries: useful properties, harm, composition, recipes
Cherries: useful properties, harm, composition, recipes

Caloric content and chemical composition. Who benefits from cherries, and who better not to use them in the diet? How to choose a delicious berry and what dishes are better to add? Recipes for desserts, jams, hot dishes, salads.

Cherry is the fruit of the plant of the same name from the genus Plum. There are more than 150 types of culture, the most ancient of which is bird cherry or sweet cherry. It is believed that they knew her already 8000 years ago in the territory of modern Turkey, Denmark and Switzerland. Already in those days, the fruits were actively used for food purposes, a thick syrup was cooked from them and either drank, diluted with water, or added to baked goods. Cherry fruits are round, small in size - 1-2 cm in diameter, burgundy in color with a sweet and sour taste. Today, the culinary culture is universal, mainly various desserts and drinks are prepared from berries - pies, cakes, cookies, muffins, pastries, preserves, jams, compotes, punches, cocktails. However, cherries are not only tasty, but also very useful due to their content of vitamins and minerals, as well as due to a number of specific components.

The composition and calorie content of cherries

Cherries in a plate
Cherries in a plate

In the photo, cherry fruits

Cherries are low in calories and low in fat and sugar.

The calorie content of cherries is 52 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 0.8 g;
  • Fat - 0.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 10.6 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1, 8 g;
  • Organic acids - 1, 6 g;
  • Ash - 0.6 g;
  • Water - 84 g.

The berry makes a significant contribution to the overall vitamin and mineral balance, but it is especially valuable for vitamin C, silicon, chromium - 100 g of fruits, respectively, contain 17%, 137% and 14% of the daily dose of these components.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin A, RE - 17 mcg;
  • Beta carotene - 0.1 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.03
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.03 mg;
  • Vitamin B4, choline - 6, 1 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 0.08 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.05 mcg;
  • Vitamin B9, folate - 6mkg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 15 mg;
  • Vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol - 0.3 mg;
  • Vitamin H, biotin - 0.4 mcg;
  • Vitamin K, phylloquinone - 2.1 mcg;
  • Vitamin PP, NE - 0.5 mg;
  • Niacin - 0.4 mg

Macronutrients per 100 g:

  • Potassium - 256 mg;
  • Calcium - 37 mg;
  • Silicon - 41 mg;
  • Magnesium - 26 mg;
  • Sodium - 20 mg;
  • Sulfur - 6 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 30 mg;
  • Chlorine - 8 mg.

Microelements per 100 g:

  • Aluminum - 103 mcg;
  • Boron - 125 mcg;
  • Vanadium - 25 mcg;
  • Iron - 0.5 mg;
  • Iodine - 2 mcg;
  • Cobalt - 1 mcg;
  • Lithium - 3 mcg;
  • Manganese - 0.08 mg;
  • Copper - 100 mcg;
  • Molybdenum - 3 mcg;
  • Nickel - 0.9 mcg;
  • Rubidium - 15 mcg;
  • Selenium - 77 mcg;
  • Strontium - 5, 9mkg;
  • Fluorine - 13 mcg;
  • Chromium - 7 mcg;
  • Zinc - 0.15 mg.
  • Zirconium - 0.08 mcg.

Carbohydrates per 100 g:

  • Mono- and disaccharides (simple sugars, fast carbohydrates) - 10, 5 g;
  • Starch and dextrins (complex carbohydrates) - 0.1 g.

Fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Saturated - 0.068 g;
  • Omega-3 - 0.044 g;
  • Omega-6 - 0, 046 g.

Organic acids in the composition of cherries are of particular value; they are represented by citric, malic, succinic, salicylic acids. In addition, the fruits contain such specific components as pectin, coumarin, anthocyanin, ellagic acid, tannins, antibacterial components, etc.

Useful properties of cherries

The chemical composition so rich in important biologically active elements explains the tremendous benefits of cherries for our body. It is actively used by traditional medicine in the treatment of various ailments. Especially valuable for the cardiovascular and circulatory system, the prevention of iron deficiency anemia, gout, body cleansing. The effectiveness of berries is noted even in the treatment of cancer. However, sweet and sour fruits are used not only for the treatment of serious illnesses, but also for the treatment of, say, the common cold, they are often used as an expectorant. Finally, it is important to note that the product as a whole is important as a general tonic due to the presence of a wide range of vitamins and minerals. That is why cherries are so useful for everyone - both adults and children.

The benefits of cherries for men

Cherry for a man
Cherry for a man

Statistically, men are more susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system than women, and therefore a berry must be present in their diet. It has a beneficial effect on the properties of blood, reduces its coagulability, and, therefore, the likelihood of developing thrombosis and an acute heart condition.

Moreover, there are statistics according to which regular use of the product not only significantly reduces the likelihood of developing a heart attack, but also, if it does develop, reduces its intensity and destructive consequences for the body. This is possible due to the properties of the product to regulate pressure, remove excess cholesterol, and strengthen blood vessels.

It is noteworthy that cherries are often even called "heart berries", and the darker and richer its color, the more useful components are accumulated in it for the good functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

The beneficial properties of cherries for the liver are also noted. Again, this fact matters more for men, who tend to strain their liver more than women. Fatty foods, alcohol, and other negative factors overload the organ, and the special components contained in the fruits help the liver to quickly neutralize toxins, facilitate its work and, thus, protect it from certain diseases.

What are the benefits of cherries for women?

Cherry for a woman
Cherry for a woman

The berry is especially valuable for women who want to lose weight. It contains fiber and pectin components, thanks to which the normal functioning of the intestines is established, toxins and toxins are quickly excreted from the body. In addition, the fruit is rich in chromium, a mineral known to reduce sugar cravings.

Cherries need to be eaten regularly to prevent anemia: berries are rich in vitamin C, without which iron simply cannot be properly absorbed. Anemia is a condition that often develops in women, especially those who refuse red meat. However, vitamin C is useful not only for the normal absorption of iron; along with silicon, it is also an important participant in the process of collagen synthesis, which, when produced in sufficient quantities, reliably protects against the signs of aging.

The effect of the product is noted in the treatment of female diseases such as fibroids and endometriosis. It is also valuable for cosmetic purposes, and therefore the fruits can be used not only for food, but also for the preparation of all sorts of healing products for the skin. Cherry is especially effective against problem skin, all sorts of rashes, due to the presence of salicylic acid in the composition.

Useful properties of cherries for pregnant women

Cherries for a pregnant woman
Cherries for a pregnant woman

Pregnant women will appreciate the product as a decongestant. On the berries and their stalks, you can prepare a useful broth, which not only normalizes the exchange of fluid in the body, but also protects against the development of urinary tract infections typical for expectant mothers.

Sweet and sour fruits are a good remedy for toxicosis. You can cook compote from them without adding sugar and drink with bouts of nausea. It is very convenient to take a bottle of such a healthy drink with you.

The berry has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. This property is very useful for the expectant mother, who, as a rule, finds many reasons to worry. You can add dried cherries to tea, eat berries in their pure form or cook delicious dishes with them to avoid mood swings, fatigue, and depression.

Are cherries good for kids?

Cherries for a child
Cherries for a child

Delicious sweet and sour fruits can be easily introduced into the child's diet, while receiving only benefits. The product will replenish the total vitamin and mineral reserve, protect the immune system, and save you from colds.

However, the berry is good not only for prevention, but also for treatment. The antibacterial properties of cherries will counteract infection, antipyretics will remove fever, and expectorants will help to quickly get rid of coughs and clear the lungs. For treatment, you can either brew tea from the fruits and leaves of the plant, or simply brew compote. It is advisable, however, to use honey as a sweetener, not sugar, so the product will be more useful.

Also, the berry awakens the appetite well: using it in this regard can be a salvation for mothers whose children do not eat well. Before lunch, you can give your baby a few berries.

Contraindications and harm of cherries

Stomach ulcer as a contraindication to eating cherries
Stomach ulcer as a contraindication to eating cherries

The product has many useful properties and, at the same time, has practically no contraindications. Cherries can harm only those who suffer:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - I mean severe ailments, such as ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, pancreatitis, etc., in this case, the beneficial acids contained in the fetus can cause a negative effect, irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • Severe forms of diabetes mellitus and obesity - in this case, even a small content of fast sugars in the composition can negatively affect the condition.
  • Respiratory system diseases - we mean diseases that are chronic.

Also, a contraindication to the use of cherries is an individual intolerance to the components, and therefore if you are trying a berry for the first time, you should not immediately eat a large amount, a couple will be quite enough. This recommendation is especially relevant for allergy sufferers, nursing women and children.

You should not lean too much on cherries if you have problems with tooth enamel - in general, it is advisable for everyone to rinse their mouth with clean water after consuming it so that the acids contained in the berries do not have a negative effect on the teeth.

The rest of the cherry, if not to talk about the use in unlimited quantities, is completely harmless, although its bones are dangerous. Never eat them, they contain the glycoside amygdalin, which can lead to severe poisoning. If you accidentally swallow a bone whole, you shouldn't worry too much, since in this case it is whole and the substances inside it cannot be released.

Note! If you have any disease that suggests a therapeutic diet, be sure to first consult with your doctor before introducing the berry into your diet.

How to choose cherries: varieties and purchase rules

How to choose cherries
How to choose cherries

A sweet and sour healthy berry, fresh, appears on store shelves for a very short time, and therefore one does not want to make a mistake with a purchase. In addition, there are many varieties of culture, each of which has its own characteristics. Knowing these features, you can buy a berry with the desired characteristics.

How to choose a cherry, depending on its variety:

  • Assol … Medium early grade. Fruits are black-red, distinctly sweet, with a slight sourness. The bone is easily detached.
  • In memory of Yenikeev … An early ripe variety with large fruits and excellent taste. Please note that the seed of this cherry variety is large and takes up a significant part of the fruit.
  • Zhukovskaya … A variety of medium ripening. The fruits are dense, heart-shaped, of a beautiful dark red hue, can reach a weight of 6, 5 g, while the stone is not large and separates well. The pulp is sweet and sour.
  • Kharitonovskaya … A variety of medium ripening. It has a very delicate orange flesh. The fruits themselves are small, but with a large stone. Possesses good taste.
  • Volochaevka … Another mid-season variety. Fruits are medium in size, so are the seeds. Dessert taste - there is an obvious sweetness in it, although sourness is also present. The size of the fruit is 4.5-5 g.
  • Youth … One of the most famous varieties of our region, it is especially good for making jams and compotes, fresh berry may seem sour to someone, although the sweetness in the taste is definitely present, but it is not as pronounced as in other dessert varieties. The pulp itself is juicy and firm.
  • Novella … Cherry with a classic sweet and sour taste and dark red, slightly flattened fruits. The size of the berry is about 5 g, while the stone is small.
  • Chocolate girl … A variety with small fruits weighing no more than 3-3.5 g. Intense red pulp, good density, classic sweet and sour taste and pronounced aroma.
  • Tamaris … A sweet variety with an almost indistinct sourness and light astringency. Fruits are rounded with a flattened top. The size is medium - about 5 g, the stone is large.
  • Lyubskaya … One of the oldest varieties with dark red, rounded heart-shaped fruits. It can be both small - 4 g, and large - 6 g. The pulp is very tender and juicy, the sourness is pronounced. The bone is large.

Please note that when choosing a variety, you also need to carefully assess the quality of the fruit - when buying, pay attention to:

  • Density … The berry should be of medium density, that is, it should not be too hard, but also too soft. If, when pressed, it loses its shape, the cherry is overripe, if, on the contrary, it squeezes very poorly, it is unripe.
  • Appearance … Examine carefully several fruits, they should not have any damage, dents, scratches, dark spots. If certain defects are present, this means that such fruits were not properly stored or transported. Please note that a berry that has lost its integrity quickly loses its beneficial properties, and therefore never buy damaged fruits.
  • Colour … Ripe cherries of any variety should have a burgundy hue of varying intensity. If you have scarlet berries in front of you, then with almost a 100% guarantee we can say that they are unripe.

Of great importance is not only the correct purchase of cherries, but also its storage. Rinse the purchased berries well, dry them slightly and put them in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Please note that although cherries in this state will not deteriorate for a long time, do not forget that vitamins will be lost during storage, and therefore it is better to eat any product as fresh as possible.

How to make cherry jam?

Cherry jam
Cherry jam

Cherry jam is a favorite for many people - moderately sweet and with a slight sourness, it can be eaten with pleasure in the morning with crispy toast and butter, or you can add it to pies, pies and other dishes.

Classic cherry jam recipe:

  1. Rinse berries (1 kg) well, peel them.
  2. Put the berries in a cooking bowl, cover with sugar (1 kg), leave for 3-4 hours.
  3. Put the basin on fire, cook for 7-10 minutes, remove and leave for a day.
  4. Repeat the cooking and infusion procedure twice.
  5. Pour the jam into sterilized jars.

In addition to the classic recipe, there are many alternative ones - cherries are combined with other berries and fruits, spices are added to jam, cooked with honey instead of sugar, etc.:

  1. Quick honey jam with rosemary … Peel the berries (800 g), mix with honey (450 g) in a cooking bowl, put rosemary (1 sprig) there. Cook for 15-20 minutes, until the cherries are soft and the honey syrup thickens. Add lemon juice (1 fruit), salt (1/2 tsp). Pour into sterilized jars.
  2. Chocolate-covered cherry jam … Peel the berries (750 g), rinse, cover with sugar (400 g), leave until the syrup appears. Put on fire, bring to a boil, remove froth, put vanilla (1 tsp), cocoa (1 tbsp), cook for half an hour. Chop the chocolate (70 g) into small cubes, remove the jam from the heat, add chocolate to it, then lemon juice (1/2 fruit). When the jam has cooled, pour into jars and store in the refrigerator.
  3. Strawberry and cherry jam … Peel the cherries (1 kg), mix with sugar (500 g), heat for 5 minutes. In another saucepan, mash the strawberries (1 kg), also heat with sugar (500 g) for 5-10 minutes. Mix berries, cook together for 2-3 minutes, pour into jars.

What to bake with cherries?

Cheesecake with cherries
Cheesecake with cherries

Having chosen and bought a berry, you, of course, ask yourself the question of how to eat cherries - fresh or add to a particular dish. And then it's up to you: fresh, you will get much more vitamins, but on the other hand, the variety of desserts with this berry is so impressive that it is impossible not to try to cook at least a couple of them.

Open and closed, large and small, simple and with a complex recipe - there are cherry pies and, indeed, there are a great many:

  1. Simple Vanilla Pie … Free the cherries (500 g) from the seeds, rinse and place on the bottom of the baking dish, cover with sugar (50 g), leave for half an hour. Sift flour (120 g), add salt (pinch), vanillin (on the tip of a knife), grated fresh lemon zest (from 1 fruit), sugar (200 g). Beat eggs (5 pieces) separately and gently add to the dry ingredients, also add sour cream (350 g) and milk (1 cup). Stir the dough until smooth, if necessary, use a mixer. Pour the dough over the berries, bake for 40-50 minutes at 180OWITH.
  2. Curd open pie … Beat eggs (2 pieces), add salt (pinch). Melt butter (50 g), add to eggs, also add cottage cheese (180 g), powdered sugar (2 tablespoons). Gradually add flour (7 tablespoons), soda (on the tip of a knife) into the dough, put the kneaded dough in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. In the meantime, prepare the filling: cottage cheese (120 g), mix with eggs (1 piece), powdered sugar (150 g), cherries (200 g), peeled. Distribute the dough in shape, make sides and leave a little for the top. Bake the dough at 180OFrom 10 minutes, then remove, lay the filling. Cut the dough left for the top into strips and make a nice "lattice". Bake for another 20-30 minutes.
  3. Cherry Brownie with Almonds … Melt the dark chocolate (100 g) and butter (90 g) in a water bath, when the mixture cools down, stir in the eggs (2 pieces). Mix separately flour (50 g), sugar (150 g), baking powder (1/2 tsp), cocoa (40 g). Gradually add dry ingredients to the chocolate-butter mass, then add cherries (50 g) and almonds (50 g) - peel the berries, chop the almonds. Bake the pie at 180OC for half an hour.
  4. Cherry pies on yeast-free dough … Melt butter (100 g) in a saucepan, add salt (0.5 tsp), milk (250 ml), mix well. Sift flour (300 g), add loose (1 sachet), sugar (3 tablespoons), and then the milk-oil mixture. Knead the dough, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour. In the meantime, take care of the filling - free the cherries (400 g) from the seeds, mash slightly, cover with sugar (to taste), starch (1 tbsp), cinnamon (1 tsp), pour in the cognac (1 tsp.), mix well. Divide the dough into pieces, roll each of them, lay out the filling and mold the pie. Arrange the pies on a baking sheet, bake for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 200OWITH.
  5. Cheesecake with cherries … Mash softened butter (100 g) with sugar (6 tablespoons). Divide the eggs (4 pieces) into yolks and whites, put the first in a bowl and refrigerate for a while, and add the yolks to the butter-sugar mixture. Sift flour (300 g) and gradually add to the dough. According to the cherry cheesecake recipe, distribute the dough over the baking dish - be sure to form the sides. Put the mold in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. In the meantime, prepare cottage cheese cream - cottage cheese (200 g) combine with sugar (6 tablespoons). Whisk the whites until thick foam and gently add to the curd. Take out the dough, spread the peeled and lightly crushed cherries (400 g) on it, sprinkle it lightly on top with sugar (1 tablespoon), vanilla (to taste), starch (1 tablespoon). Put the cream on top, smooth it gently and bake for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180OWITH.
  6. Cherry and Chocolate Cake "Black Forest" … Take eggs (5 pieces), separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with sugar (200 g), whites separately into a thick foam, then combine the yolks with the whites. Sift flour (70 g), cocoa powder (30 g), salt (pinch), soda (1 tsp), stir. Combine the egg mixture with dry ingredients, add the latter gradually to get the most homogeneous dough. Bake the resulting dough in a round form for 30-40 minutes for 180OC. Cut the cooled biscuit into three parts - you get 3 cakes. Peel the cherries (250 g), mash slightly, cover with sugar (50 g), leave for 15 minutes so that the berry gives juice. In the meantime, prepare a syrup to soak the cakes: mix water (100 ml) and sugar (100 g), bring to a boil, turn off the heat, add a little cherry juice, brandy if desired. Now prepare the cream: bring water (100 ml) to a boil, add the candied cherries, starch (1 tsp), boil until the mixture thickens, remove from heat, transfer to another dish and cover with plastic so that it touches the top cherry layer. Whip cold cream 33% (500 ml) with powdered sugar (200 g). Soak each crust with syrup, then add the cream and cherries, spread only the cream on the top crust, and also coat the sides with cream. Decorate the cake with whole cherries and grated chocolate. Refrigerate overnight.
  7. Cherry cupcakes … Melt the butter (60 g), let it cool, add the eggs (2 pieces), milk (150 ml). Combine flour (220 g), sugar (200 g), soda (1 tsp), vanillin (1/2 tsp), salt (pinch). Mix both masses, mix well. Stir the peeled cherries (300 g) into the dough. Arrange the dough into molds, bake for half an hour at a temperature of 200OC. Prepare the protein cream: whisk the proteins (4 pieces) until thick peaks with powdered sugar (200 g) and vanilla sugar (to taste). Transfer the cream to a pastry bag, decorate the cooled cupcakes, and then place them in the oven for 5-7 minutes.
  8. Austrian strudel … Sift flour (250 g), add salt (pinch), egg (1 piece), vegetable oil (50 ml), water (140 ml). Rinse out the dough - it will take about 10 minutes, wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Dry white bread (50 g) in a frying pan, grind it into crumbs with a blender, also do with almonds (50 g). Melt the butter (30 g) in a frying pan, fry the bread crumbs for a couple of minutes, then add the almonds and sugar (100 g), stir and remove from heat. Roll out the dough in the shape of a rectangle, it should turn out to be very thin. Brush it with butter, add the contents of the pan, then the pitted cherries (600 g). Wrap the strudel like a roll, coat with butter. Gently transfer the roll to a baking sheet, bake at 180OFrom 45-50 minutes. Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and powdered sugar.

Cherry recipes

Duck in wine sauce with cherries
Duck in wine sauce with cherries

It is noteworthy that not only desserts, but also original hot dishes and salads can be prepared with cherries. Several interesting recipes:

  1. Duck in wine sauce … Rub the duck (1, 5 kg) with salt and pepper. Pour vegetable oil (100 ml) into the mold, put the meat on top, put in preheated to 180OFrom the oven, bake for 40 minutes, continually pouring over the resulting fat. Peel the cherries (500 g), simmer in red wine (1 glass). 10 minutes before the poultry is ready, pour it with wine and cherries. Serve hot with rice.
  2. Spicy pork … Prepare cherry salsa: peel the cherries (250 g), chop coarsely, mix with lime juice (2 tsp), grated zest (1/2 tsp), and finely chopped red onions (1/4 head), chopped coriander (1.5 tsp) and jalapenos (1 tsp). Dip pork tenderloin (350 g) in salt, black pepper, fry over high heat until golden brown on both sides in olive oil. Put the fried pork in a baking dish, put in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200OC. Put the meat on the board, let it rest, cut after 5-10 minutes and serve with cherry salsa.
  3. Salad with shrimp … Peel and marinate cherries (350 g) in cognac (100 ml). Boil shrimps (300 g) in salted water. Peel avocados (3 pieces), cut into cubes, drizzle with lime juice. Cut into slices of suluguni (150 g). Prepare the dressing: whisk olive oil (50 ml), lime juice (from 1 piece), a little cherry juice soaked in cognac. Combine all ingredients, mix with dressing and pine nuts (20 g).
  4. Salad with beets and nuts … Peel the beets (1 piece), boil in salted water. Pour a little broth (100 ml) into a glass, drain the rest. Cut the beets into slices. Rinse lettuce leaves (150 g), pick with your hands, put in a serving plate. Zucchini (1 piece) cut into thin strips. Cut the Adyghe cheese (120 g) into cubes, chop the Brazil nuts (100 g) into 3-4 pieces. Peel the cherries (120 g), rinse, put in a small saucepan, cover with balsamic vinegar (50 ml), beet broth. Simmer for 5-10 minutes, about 2-3 liquids should evaporate. Combine all prepared ingredients, cover with sauce and linseed oil (50 ml).

Interesting facts about cherries

How cherries grow
How cherries grow

When Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky, cherry was the only fruit tree in the region.

The famous Japanese sakura is one of the subspecies of cherry. By the way, its fruits are inedible, but the tree is still actively grown, since it blooms incredibly beautifully.

In England, there is a cherry tree more than 13 m high, its age is more than 150 years.

Cherries, due to the special components present in the composition, can have the same effect as aspirin - 15-25 cherries will replace one tablet.

It is also noteworthy that it is often recommended to eat a lot of cherries and drink decoctions from its berries and leaves for epileptics, this reduces the likelihood of developing an attack and helps to make it less intense.

On one cherry tree, about 7000 fruits can be harvested per season.

There is a popular belief that if a woman eats a lot of cherries, she will give birth to a healthy child. However, this sign has scientific grounds; this berry is very useful for pregnant women.

Cherries before bed are a great idea because the sweet and sour fruits stimulate the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Watch a video about the properties of cherries:

Cherries are a tasty and healthy product, rich in many vitamins, minerals and specific components that every person needs. It is definitely worth eating a berry, especially in the season when it is sold fresh, it is in this form that it is most valuable. However, even frozen cherries added to a particular dish will make it not only tastier, but also healthier.
