Raspberries - useful properties of berries and harm

Raspberries - useful properties of berries and harm
Raspberries - useful properties of berries and harm

Raspberry berry really attracts us with its amazing aroma and incredible taste. But the unique vitamin and mineral composition gives it special value. Want to know more? Read our article. The content of the article:

  • Interesting Facts
  • Ingredients: vitamins and calories
  • Useful properties of raspberries
  • Harm and contraindications

Raspberries (English Raspberries) is a shrub of the Pink family, up to one and a half meters high. It can be wild and cultivated. It is noteworthy that Russia is among the first countries to grow raspberries, so every housewife harvests "bear berries" in our country. Asia is considered the birthplace of this berry. It is known that Pliny the Elder in the first century A. D. gave the name to the raspberry Rubus (red) Idaeus (in honor of Mount Ida). This plant is unpretentious, therefore it grows almost everywhere. Its closest relatives are cloudberries, blackberries (read about the beneficial properties of blackberries) and drupes. There are about 600 species.

Interesting facts about raspberries

  • For the first time in Russia, a raspberry garden appeared thanks to the founder of Moscow, Yuri Dolgoruky. According to ancient manuscripts, the garden was so vast that even bears grazed in it.
  • One bush can contain up to one and a half kilograms of fruit.
  • Despite the superiority of garden raspberries to forest raspberries, no garden variety can compare with wild ones, since the latter is much more fragrant and healthier. Small forest fruits contain the greatest amount of active components.
  • Yellow raspberries are considered less useful than red ones. The American black raspberry variety contains the highest amount of vitamins, but is extremely rare. Scientists have also succeeded in breeding varieties that do not require support and a garter of shoots - the so-called "crimson trees". Their stems are tough and resilient, and the fruits are very large.
  • Compared to strawberries, raspberries exhibit 50% better antioxidant properties, and 300% better than kiwi.
  • There is more iron in raspberries than in other berries (up to 3, 6 mg). In terms of the amount of iron, only gooseberries and cherries are ahead of it.

Raspberry composition: vitamins and calories

Composition, vitamins and calorie content of raspberries
Composition, vitamins and calorie content of raspberries

Raspberries contain salicylic, malic, citric acids, sugars (sucrose, fructose and glucose), tannins, vitamins PP, B9, B1, B2, C (26 mg per 100 g), provitamin A, fiber, pectin, trace elements (copper, iron, calcium, potassium, cobalt, zinc, magnesium). The leaves are rich in flavonoids, and the seeds are rich in beta-sitosterol and fatty oil.

Calorie content of raspberries

per 100 g - 52–62 kcal:

  • Proteins - 1, 4 g
  • Fat - 0.8 g
  • Carbohydrates - 14.6 g
  • Sugar - from 4 to 5, 4 g

Useful properties of raspberries

Useful properties of raspberries
Useful properties of raspberries

Earlier, in the days of Ancient Russia, in the morning they liked to drink a cranberry and raspberry vzvarets - this miraculous drink improves digestion and perfectly quenches thirst. Today, during colds, we are always "rescued" by tea with a spoonful of raspberry jam. The benefits of raspberries are invaluable - they can lower the temperature, and all because of the action of salicylic acid. In addition to antipyretic, it has a hemostatic and antitoxic effect. A small portion of the berries will help you recover from nervous breakdowns, as it contains a lot of copper, and copper is known to be included in medicinal antidepressants.

Under what diseases does this fruit show all its beneficial properties? It must be included in the daily diet for people with hypertension, anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), weak immunity, to lower the level of harmful cholesterol. Raspberries are high in cancer-fighting bioflavonoids. Even Staphylococcus aureus viruses, moldy fungi, and yeast spores retreat before the phytoncides found in raspberries. People have long learned to use the antiseptic properties of leaves - they are used to prepare tinctures for the treatment of herpes.

The fruits do not harm women's health, but, on the contrary, are very useful due to the high content of folic acid (for conceiving and carrying a child). You can brew tea with raspberry leaves - they contain useful substances that help the intestinal and uterine muscles to function better. But still, too frequent use of these berries is undesirable during pregnancy - however, like any other product.

Its low calorie content makes it so popular in weight loss methods as well. In total, about 55 kcal per 100 g make it possible to enjoy the taste of the fruit and saturate your body with useful vitamins and microelements.

Raspberry in cosmetology

In the "golden recipes" of traditional medicine, you can find a way to get rid of acne on the basis of fresh raspberry leaves: they are crushed and stirred with butter (1: 2). Apply to cleansed skin. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

If you want to stay young as long as possible, feel free to use these berries as the best antioxidants. From ancient times, wonderful masks have been prepared from raspberries. They maintain skin tone, refresh, rejuvenate and even out the complexion. You can simply freeze the lime and raspberry leaves cubes and use them to rub. They smooth the face from deep wrinkles and tighten loose skin. And to narrow the pores, eliminate freckles and oily sheen, in the morning it is recommended to rinse your face with fresh raspberry juice.

Note to brunettes: a gorgeous natural black shade of hair is easily achieved with the help of a decoction of green raspberry bush. The problem of oily hair can also be quickly solved: for this, a mask of olive oil, raspberry juice, pea flour and one egg is used. In cosmetology, there are still a bunch of similar recipes with raspberries, it remains only to find out how to cook them in order to be young and well-groomed.

Video about the benefits of raspberries (program "Life is great!"):

Harm of raspberries and contraindications

Harm and contraindications of raspberries
Harm and contraindications of raspberries

Eating raspberries can harm people with urinary acid diathesis, kidney disease, or gout. It is also unsafe to eat it with urolithiasis - the oxalic acid present in raspberries contributes to the formation of calcium oxalate sediment in the kidneys and bladder.

If you are allergic to aspirin, raspberries are contraindicated because they contain salicylate. In all other respects, these wonderful berries are useful and their calorie content is very low, so eat them for health, and preferably fresh or, at worst, frozen!
