New Year contests

New Year contests
New Year contests

What contests can be organized during the New Years celebration? Relevant entertainment for guests of all ages, options for a family, a group of friends, corporate parties, children.

New Years contests are a great way to add variety to your traditional celebration program. In addition to choosing gifts and making a menu, it is worth spending time organizing entertainment so that the magical night will leave an indelible mark on your memory.

What do you need for a fun New Year celebration?

How fun it is to celebrate the New Year
How fun it is to celebrate the New Year

New Year is a special holiday. On this night, everyone feels a part of a miracle, and therefore, in fact, it does not take much effort to surprise and please both children and adults. You can use a wide variety of ideas, some as simple as ingenious, to create a fun, festive evening.

Contests for the New Year 2020 come in different formats:

  • quizzes;
  • games;
  • relay race;
  • competitions.

A big plus is that you can use the simplest tools at hand. For example, the following attributes are used in the organization of leisure:

  • regular and helium balloons;
  • sparklers and firecrackers;
  • white office and colored paper;
  • felt-tip pens, pencils, crayons, pens;
  • plastic cups;
  • fruits, berries;
  • sweets, sweets.

Both adults and children love some kind of material reward for victories. So that no one leaves the celebration without a present and a smile, you can prepare small gifts. During the celebration, it is the reward that matters, it doesn't matter what it is.

What contests can be held for the New Year?

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the format of the event. Whether it will be a family celebration, a party for friends or a corporate party, who will be among the guests - these are the key moments. Based on the answers to these questions, they start choosing fun contests for the New Year.

Family Party Ideas

New Year's contests for the family
New Year's contests for the family

If you decide to celebrate the main holiday of the year with a warm home circle, you should think about what entertainment will help to involve both children and adults. A wide program can be drawn up, including games designed for toddlers, contests exclusively for seniors.

Popular contests for the New Year in the family circle:

  1. "Forest Fairy" or "Herringbone" … A game for everyone. One or more people depict a tree, while others decorate it with all available means. To make the process fun, it is worth starting a competition: whose "Herringbone" will turn out to be more elegant.
  2. New year drawing … Participants portray the symbol of 2020 - the Rat, but blindfolded! It will be spectacular and fun.
  3. "Merry caterpillar" … Those wishing to form a "locomotive". That is, they stand behind each other, taking hold of the waist in front of the person standing. Then the presenter gives the task to the "caterpillar" - to dance, sing, jump, sit down, sleep, tightening its "paws". All this looks hilarious, because it is categorically impossible to break the chain, trying to demonstrate your talents.

It is possible and necessary to hold not only outdoor games and contests for the New Year. When everyone is full and relaxed, it is worth having fun sitting right at the festive table. There are great options to cheer up a friendly family company:

  • "Whose ball is bigger" … Balloons are handed out to everyone, and the race begins - who will inflate them harder.
  • "I love - I do not love" … Each one tells a neighbor on the one hand, for what he loves him, and on the other hand, for what he does not love (arms, legs, cheeks, nose, etc.). Naturally, all this is in a joking manner. What a person loves, he kisses, and what he does not like, he bites.
  • Ball of desires … First, desires and tasks are written on the leaves, which are hidden inside the balls. After they need to burst, inflating, but by any means, excluding squeezing by hands. Further, each fulfills the desire or task that came across to him.
  • Fortune telling … New Year's Eve is filled with magic, so why not try your luck in a comic mode. They write their wishes or questions on pieces of paper, then put them in a convenient dish - wide enough, fill them with water. As they float up, everyone catches a leaf: this is the answer to the wish.

If representatives of all generations, including the elderly, have gathered at the family table, you can include the performance of ditties in contests and entertainment for the New Year. How exactly to arrange a competition depends on your imagination. The simplest way is that everyone sings in turn a famous or favorite ditty, and the one whose song caused the loudest and most sincere laughter wins.

Entertainment for a group of friends

New Year's contests for a group of friends
New Year's contests for a group of friends

If close friends have gathered at the festive table, you can add a variety of amusements to the program. Among the amusing contests and competitions, you can find options for any situation: when everyone is still cheerful and full of energy, when the company managed to have a good snack and drink, and therefore is ready to have fun only sitting at the table.

What fun contests for the New Year 2020 involve vigorous activity:

  1. "Clockwork Cockerel" … Two people come out to the Christmas tree, and each of them has his hands tied behind his back. The task is to peel and eat the fruit, limiting yourself only to the mouth. For example, you can put a banana or tangerine in front of the participants.
  2. "Clothespins" … Two girls and one guy are invited to participate. Clothespins are attached to a young man in various places. The task of the girls is to film them to the music while blindfolded.
  3. "A cap" … The essence of the game is to pass the hat in a circle, but without touching it with your hands. All guests will be able to take part in the entertainment. If someone drops a hat, you need to put it on a neighbor, but also without touching it with your palms.
  4. "Sobriety test" … A game that will amuse everyone. It is presented in different versions. For example, you can arrange for reading tongue twisters, and the winner will be the one who reads them as quickly and clearly as possible.

What funny contests for the New Year can be held without getting up from the festive table:

  • "Piggy bank" … It is necessary to decide who will be the leader. This person takes any jar or other empty container and puts it in a circle. Everyone throws a coin at her. At the end, the presenter secretly calculates how much has accumulated. And whoever guesses it as accurately as possible gets all the money.
  • "Fortune Telling" … To do this, you need to come up with "prophecies" in advance, write them down on pieces of paper. Then the leaves are hidden: you can bake them into cookies, you can put them in balls and inflate them. After that, each guest receives his "prophecy", voices it for the amusement of others and himself.
  • "Racer" … For this game, you will need ordinary small toy cars and glasses of sparkling wine. Champagne is placed on the transport and distributed to everyone sitting at the table. The task is to carry the cars by the strings, trying not to spill a drop.

Competitions for a corporate party

Competitions for a New Year's corporate party
Competitions for a New Year's corporate party

Competitions for adults for the New Year within the corporate party have to be selected, taking into account the specifics of the company and relationships in the team. If the enterprise is large, a team gathers for the holidays, in which few people know each other well, you will have to look for rather restrained entertainment. If all members of the team have long become relatives to each other, you can come up with entertainment on the verge of decency.

The most calm and restrained games include the following:

  1. "Drawing the New Year" … Everyone receives a pen and a sheet of paper, draws on it as many objects related to the holiday as possible. You need to limit the time to make it more interesting. For example, allocate only 12 seconds. The winner is the one who has time to draw as many objects as possible.
  2. "New Year's movie" … Papers with catch phrases from famous films about the New Year are prepared in advance. The presenter reads them, and the participants in the celebration are in a hurry to name the film, from where the words are borrowed.
  3. "New Year's professions" … Everyone receives a leaf and a pen, at the command of the presenter, he begins to invent and write down funny professions associated with the New Year. For example, a champagne pourer. The winner is the one with the most violent imagination.
  4. "Funny Rhymes" … Papers are prepared, on each of which 4 New Year's or winter's words are written. For example, "snowflakes", "Christmas trees", "Santa Claus", "Snowman". The leaves are hidden in a bag, from where the guests pull them out one by one. The presenter sets the task - to choose rhymes for the words. And when the participants in the game voiced them, they move on to the second stage: he orders them to come up with a poem using selected rhymes.
  5. "Fool me" … It is necessary to prepare in advance a list of elementary questions related to the holiday. The game begins with the presenter asking such questions quickly, and the guests must answer them a lie. For example: "What do they dress up for the New Year?" - "Sea buckthorn!"

When choosing funny and funny contests for the company for the New Year, you should pay attention to such entertainment if the relationship in the team is very close:

  • "Cheerful mitten" … Forfeits are put in a mitten, on which desires are written. The thing is let in a circle, and everyone, taking out a piece of paper, must complete the task indicated on it. You can come up with a variety of options.
  • "Drunken hares" … All participants put tights on their heads, tying them in knots. The task of "drunken hares" is to untangle the tights-ears without removing them.
  • "Photo session at the New Year tree" … This entertainment will also leave its mark in the form of colorful pictures. Everyone, going to the tree, receives the task - to appear in a certain tree. For example, you need to show Spider-Man, Yodo or other well-known heroes.

New Year contests for children

New Year's contests for children
New Year's contests for children

Which contests to choose for the New Year for children depends on the age of the children. You can combine different entertainments if both kids and schoolchildren are at the party.

For crumbs, you can offer such wonderful games:

  1. "Forest beauty" … Children stand around the Christmas tree, and each one chooses more beautiful words to describe the thorny guest. It is better to reward each toddler so that no one is offended by coming up with a variety of nominations.
  2. "New Year's Theater" … Suitable for a party to which children came in carnival costumes. Then they play with them, using their images, offering to show a kind of performance.
  3. "Guess!" … The presenter names part of the designation of the New Year's symbol, the hero of a book or cartoon, and the children guess the continuation. For example, "Santa … (Frost)", "Snow … (Queen)".

Schoolchildren are challenged with more complex tasks, choosing or even inventing cool contests for the New Year. Ideas like this can be used:

  • "Felt boots" … You need to get these shoes! Moreover, it must be large! Each participant in the game must put on felt boots and run around the Christmas tree in them without losing a pair.
  • "Who am I?" … Literally, as soon as a guest comes to a festive event, a leaf with an inscription is attached to his back. This is the name of an animal, the name of a cartoon character or a fairy tale. That is, those around them see what is written, but the person does not. It is necessary to try to guess what is written on paper, asking others indirect questions.
  • Harvest the harvest! … Having spread out sweets and fruits in vases or other convenient utensils, the children are given the task of collecting as much tasty as possible. For example, transfer from the tree to your place at the table. The difficulty lies in the fact that you can only use your mouth, not grab anything with your hands!
  • "Lottery" … Each guest chooses a piece of paper from the bag with a comic description of an item. For example, "The bald man doesn't need her" - about a comb. The task is to guess the object and get it as a gift.

Coming up with children's contests for the New Year, games and entertainment, you can follow a path that is simple to genius. Let the children remember New Year's songs, heroes from themed fairy tales and cartoons. With just sheets of paper and pencils at hand, kids can compete in artistic skills. A wonderful initiative - to cut snowflakes, twist the simplest origami. If you have plasticine, clay, constructors at hand, you can set the task of creating some elementary figures for speed.

What contests to hold for the New Year - see the video:

Thinking over the scenario for the New Year with contests, the most important thing is to take into account the peculiarities of the team that will gather at the festive table. There is no need to start complex competitions that require special skills and abilities. After all, the purpose of such competitions and games is entertainment, fun. It's great when every guest is involved and no one gets bored during the celebration.
