How to make beautiful beds and decorate a vegetable garden?

How to make beautiful beds and decorate a vegetable garden?
How to make beautiful beds and decorate a vegetable garden?

Do you want that the beds in the country do not need to be loosened, weeded and watered? Learn how to make vertical beds and a strawberry pyramid. Many plant plants in the country. To save your labor, to organize the space beautifully, the beds are made in a certain way. They can be not only horizontal, but also volumetric, vertical.

Garden planning and selection of material for the fence

The beds can be not only beautiful and neat, but also self-watering. It is convenient to work on such, and weeds do not grow on them. It seems that this is an unrealizable dream of a gardener, but the so-called beds for the lazy, everyone can do.

Seedling beds
Seedling beds

Before you break them, measure the area that you are ready to give up for the garden. Zoom out and draw this rectangle on paper. Now imagine yourself as a draftsman. Using a ruler and a pencil, draw 1 meter beds on the canvas, their length should be a multiple of two. The distance between the beds is 40 cm. It is quite enough for a convenient passage.

Now you can go to the garden to transfer the markings from paper to the area. Secure the ridges with pegs and rope. Of course, they must be even and have 4 90 degree angles.

You will get not only beautiful beds, but also perfectly flat if you drive four pegs in the corners, and then pull 2 ropes along the diagonals. They must be the same. The edging for landings can be made from different materials. Some people use bricks for this. Empty plastic bottles can be used. To do this, cut off the necks along the wide area of the shoulders, pour earth or sand inside the container, turn it over, put it in a previously dug hole so that the bottle is half or a third in the soil. Prepare the second and the others in the same way and install them in the same way next to each other. If desired, the bottles can be painted, in this case the correct beds will look very cheerful even when the greens have not yet grown on them.

An example of a garden design
An example of a garden design

If you have slate, you can shield them with this material. To do this, a ditch is dug around the perimeter. Its width should be slightly larger than the width of the slate sheet. Put it in the groove, cover it by a third or half with soil, tamp the sheet in this place on both sides.

You can make beds not only from slate, but also from wood. Thick boards or beams are suitable for them. This material is pre-coated with an antiseptic in 2 layers, when it dries, a fence is made. If you have thin planks, then install retaining pegs on the inside and outside of the ridge to secure the fence. If the boards are thick enough or you have a timber, fasten them at the corners with self-tapping screws to make a rectangle.

You can buy ready-made metal beds, sheets about 7 mm thick are covered with paint. Such fences are supplied already with fasteners. Now you know that you can make a fence from:

  • plastic bottles;
  • slate;
  • wood;
  • gland.

Choose the option you like and proceed to the next stage of work.

Warm and self-watering beds

Plants do not like cold soils, and many, for example: cucumbers, watermelons, melons, zucchini, pumpkins, prefer warm beds rich in organic matter. For them, these will be just perfect.

For the device of warm beds, you can apply any of the presented methods. If you have a low-lying vegetable garden, then use the "lazy" option. In this case, it is not necessary to pre-dig a trench, but it is enough to mark the garden bed, during the summer to put any organic garbage on it: cut grass, foliage, thick stems of plants, tops, kitchen leftovers. Do not forget to periodically water the warm bed, it should be covered with a dark cellophane film, so that the process of overheating goes on better.

During the season, organic matter will half decompose, settle, many weeds will burn out. In the spring, you just have to pour fertile soil on it with a layer of 7 cm and plant pumpkin seeds. They will grow well in such places.

Next year, you will plant other plants here that will be comfortable on such a ridge. If you want it to provide heat for several years, then arrange it a little differently, but this will have to work hard.

Dig a pit 60 cm deep, put stumps and shabby boards on the bottom that need to be cut beforehand. Chop tree branches and stems of plants such as Jerusalem artichoke with an ax. Put a shredded cotton rag on top. Grass, leaves are thrown over such a base, watered. A warm bed will warm the plants for a long time due to the rotting effect.

In no case do not put the remains of plants, branches and other organics affected by diseases on a warm bed. After all, the spores of some harmful microorganisms are very tenacious, and will damage plantings. To spend less energy on moistening the soil during the summer season, provide a drip irrigation system.

The photo shows how to assemble a purchased one, and what it consists of.

Installation diagram of a purchased drip irrigation system
Installation diagram of a purchased drip irrigation system

This is how the drip irrigation system looks already in the garden.

Drip irrigation system in the garden
Drip irrigation system in the garden

Instead of pipes, you can use a hose, even an old one. Holes are made in it so that water flows from each under one large plant. If you are making a watering system for carrots, beets, onions, herbs, then the holes will be at a distance of 5-10 cm.

The indentations in the rubber can be made with a regular nail of a suitable diameter. Place it in the hose with the tip, hit with a hammer, and the hole is ready. A branch of the water supply system is connected to such a device using pipes, one-piece rubber hoses and adapters.

So that the water evaporates less, it was not necessary to weed, loosen the ground, cover the drip irrigation system and the soil on top with a thick dark film or black non-woven material or tar, roofing material.

The bed is covered with a dark film
The bed is covered with a dark film

Holes of the required diameter are cut in these materials with a knife or scissors, and plants are planted in them.

Dark film on the bed to retain moisture
Dark film on the bed to retain moisture

How to make a path in the garden?

See how good it looks between two beds. It is convenient to walk on such, after the rain your feet will not get dirty in the ground. Therefore, it is not only beauty, but also convenience.

A path laid out of edged stone between the beds
A path laid out of edged stone between the beds

Such paths in the country are made of edged stone, the thickness of which is 4 mm. And here is the entire list of required materials:

  • fine crushed stone;
  • coarse sand;
  • carved stone;
  • cement-sand mixture;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • building level;
  • rubber or wooden mallet.

Remove the turf with a shovel, pour sand here with a layer of 5 cm, spill it with water, tamp it. Pour crushed stone on top, also tamp it, put a reinforcing mesh, and a cement-sand mixture on it. Let it dry, then pour in a liquid cement-sand mortar, start laying stones on it, remembering to leave seams 5 mm wide between them.

Laying paths in the garden
Laying paths in the garden

To keep the track straight, first make the markings. To do this, pull a rope around the perimeter tied to the driven pegs. When placing stones, tap well with a mallet to remove any voids underneath. Fill in the gaps between the track elements with cement laitance. At this stage, the solution that has emerged cannot be washed off, and after a day you will remove it with a spatula.

Grouting the joints between stones
Grouting the joints between stones

For tall plants, consider how you will tie them up. You can use ready-made metal trellises, between which a rope is pulled, or make them yourself from wood. Then you will have such an amazing garden, which will have beautiful beds with picturesque paths.

Finished stone paths between the beds
Finished stone paths between the beds

There are other ideas on this topic that you might like, check them out.

Strawberry pyramid in the garden

pyramid for strawberries
pyramid for strawberries

If you want to collect large quantities of sweet berries, then arrange just such a bed for strawberries. This building has many advantages.

  1. The berries will be less affected by gray rot, since they practically do not touch the ground and are well ventilated.
  2. The strawberries will be sweet, as the garden warms up well, and each berry is illuminated by the sun.
  3. This design saves space as it takes up vertical rather than horizontal space.
  4. It is easier to care for the bushes and you do not have to bend over to handle the ones that grow on the middle and upper level.
  5. The strawberry bed looks well-groomed, looks beautiful and neat.

These arguments will surely motivate you to action. Therefore, check out how to make such a strawberry pyramid.

Choose a suitable place, it should be sunny, as strawberries love to grow in such areas. You need to position the pyramid so that one of its edges faces north.

Strawberry pyramid scheme
Strawberry pyramid scheme

Remove weeds from the prepared area by digging up and removing the roots of wild plants. Put a mesh-netting here, the size of which is 2 m 40 cm x 2 m 40 cm. Put on it a box of boards measuring 220x220x25 cm. Of course, they must be pretreated with an antiseptic. To prevent the strawberry stalks from being cut on the sharp edge of the boards, trim the tree with a plane.

Pour fertile sifted soil into the resulting box to a height of 15 cm. In its center, place an asbestos-cement or plastic pipe with a cross section of 10 cm. In it, you must first drill two holes - the upper one with a diameter of 1 cm, and the lower one - 0.5 cm. They are necessary for watering. Plug the lower end of the pipe.

Organization of watering for strawberry pyramids
Organization of watering for strawberry pyramids

Pour a mixture of compost and manure over the first tier, tamp well. Then install the second box, the dimensions of which are 170x170x25 cm. You also need to pour soil into this second tier.

When pouring soil, spill it well with water so that the soil subsides. Remember to add a mixture of humus and compost for plant nutrition. You can also pour a little mineral fertilizer for strawberries and embed it in the soil. 3 more floors are created in the same way. Here are their sizes:

  • the third - 120x120x25 cm;
  • fourth - 70x70x25 cm;
  • fifth - 20x20x25 cm.

All these tiers are also filled with fertile sifted soil and semi- or rotted organic matter.

Start planting strawberries from the top tier. 4 bushes will fit here (one on each side), on the next place 12 plants. Sinking even lower a step, plant 5 bushes on each side on this middle floor. On the second tier from the bottom you will have a total of 24-28 bushes, and on the lowest - 32-36 pieces.

You can vary the size of the pyramid at your discretion, as well as its number of storeys. In addition to this, you can build other tall strawberry beds, for example, these are.

Vertical bed for strawberries

See what materials are needed to make tall beds.

Materials for arranging high beds
Materials for arranging high beds

For them you can use:

  • pipes;
  • polyethylene bags;
  • old barrels;
  • pots with nests;
  • slate sheets;
  • wooden and plastic boxes;
  • tires;
  • wheel disks.

When using pipes, such a bed is suitable not only for growing garden strawberries, but also cucumbers, greens. For her you will need:

  • wide plastic sewer pipe;
  • central tube for irrigation and liquid fertilizers with a cross section of 4–6 cm;
  • sackcloth;
  • plastic or metal funnel;
  • drill.

See how such beds for strawberries and cucumbers are arranged.

Arrangement of high beds for strawberries and cucumbers
Arrangement of high beds for strawberries and cucumbers

We start with the design of the plastic pipe. Step back 10 cm from the bottom, use a drill to make holes in it. Depending on the variety of garden strawberries, they should be 15–20 cm apart. Before reaching the top of 15 cm, finish making the holes.

Drill a lot of holes with a diameter of 4-5 mm in the central irrigation pipe, wrap it in burlap so that the ground does not clog them, install it in a large pipe. Plug the lower part of this irrigation system with a plug or plug, and insert a funnel into the upper part.

The tire bed is made even faster. For her, you need to put these rubber parts of the wheels one on top of the other, cut holes, fill the containers with soil and plant strawberries.

Tire bed
Tire bed

You will learn more about how to make beautiful pipe beds by watching the video materials.

You will find many ideas on how to decorate a vegetable garden in the last video.
