The history of the origin of purebred cats, the standard of appearance, features of the character of Arabian cats, health, rules of care and maintenance, the price of a kitten of the Arabian Mau breed. The Arabian Mau breed standard allows the following color options:
- white and black, no matter how these colors will be combined on the body of the animal, the main thing is that they are clean and rich;
- brown tabby with darker stripes on the dorsal side of the pet's body is the hallmark of Arabian Mau cats;
- white color - in this version, no shades, tints are allowed;
- black - this is an extremely rare variety of color, it has a characteristic bright shine of the coat, but without an admixture of yellowness or silver, such cats are especially appreciated;
- silver-white tabby (spotted or mackerel) - any shade ratio is acceptable.
Character of cats Arabian Mau

The temperament of these amazing cats is perhaps their main feature. It is difficult to find a pet among the Arab Mau with a more boundless loyalty. About these animals without a twinge of conscience to say that they will stand uphill for their master, these cats, like guard dogs, will in every possible way protect and protect you from offenders and, of course, from a bad mood. Despite all their independence and pride, they know how to beautifully and unobtrusively show their love. They will also be happy to sleep in the master's bed, play with a ball or just purr on their knees.
These cats, by their nature, are very freedom-loving, they vitally need space, while they will occupy it not only on the ground, but also in the trees, and in the apartment - the closer to the ceiling. Probably, the representatives of the Arabian Mau breed were destined to be "parachutists", maybe this can explain their boundless love for jumping from a height, and it does not matter to them whether it is a closet, a refrigerator or a balcony on the fourth floor. So, bringing such an unusually jumping cat into the house, you will have to make sure that he does not have the opportunity to observe the world from an open window, especially if you live on higher floors.
Walking in the fresh air is one of the favorite activities of a cat from the Arabian Peninsula, you need to remember this and in your free time arm yourself with a leash and go for a walk. This fluffy can be freely let go for a walk alone, nature has awarded him not with some kind of intelligence and cancellation of memory. So he will find his way home without much hesitation.
As for the relationship of the Arabian Mau with other animals, then you should not worry if a dog or another cat lives in your house, in the near future they will become best friends, but at the expense of rodents or birds is a completely different question. This Arabian fluffy will not miss any convenient opportunity to give free rein to his hunting instincts.
These cats usually have very warm and friendly relations with small children, due to their seemingly inexhaustible activity, your pet will always be happy to play with the child, not noticing children's little pranks in relation to his person.
Arabian mau health

Due to their natural origin and rather difficult living conditions in the desert, over the years these cats have developed a very strong immunity. No hereditary pathologies have been registered in the representatives of this breed, and if the natural defenses of the cat's body are supported by timely vaccination, proper care, balanced nutrition and walks in nature, then this cute fluffy will delight you for many years.
Maintenance and care of a representative of the breed Arabian Mau

Choosing such a cat for yourself as a pet, you will be pleasantly surprised by its independence, cleanliness and undemandingness.
Hair care
No matter how your tailed friend takes care of himself, he will never refuse your help. In order for the Arab Mau fur to look neat and beautiful, it needs care. Many people adhere to a certain rule that if a cat looks good, its coat shines perfectly, and there are no tangles on it, then there is no need to scratch it. Don't believe it at all. Yes, you can watch a picture several times a day how your pet thoroughly licks its fur coat and at the end of this process it looks much better. But you need to know the purpose of such a cat's work - she does this solely in order to get rid of extraneous odors, and removing dirt and dead hairs is an added bonus.
First, brushing your Arabian Mau regularly is beneficial to its health. This is due to the fact that there are many rough papillae on the cat's tongue, which are slightly raised above the level of the mucous membrane of the tongue. When a cat licks its fur, the hair gets caught on these papillae and the animal swallows them safely. If you do not rid your friend of excess hair, then soon it will manifest itself as serious problems from the gastrointestinal tract. The most dangerous of these is intestinal obstruction caused by a blockage of the alimentary canal by a hairball.
Of course, it is not always possible to completely protect your pet from the opportunity to eat some of its fur. For prophylaxis, you can purchase either food or a special paste at the veterinary pharmacy, which cats enjoy with pleasure and it has the effect of removing hair from the animal's stomach. In addition, while brushing your purr, you massage the skin and improve blood flow to the hair follicles, which improves the appearance of the coat and promotes better hair growth.
For Arabian Mau wool, a massage brush with a medium frequency of teeth is perfect, if your pet is categorically against it, you can buy a rubber glove brush. Animals are usually more favorable to her. You must establish the regularity of this procedure yourself, but for this breed it must be done at least once a week, and during the molting period - daily.
As for the swimming of the Arabian Mau, it should be noted that representatives of this breed are very afraid of water, so it is better not to test your friend's psyche unnecessarily, but this does not mean that this should not be done. You can bathe your cat once a season, if he is not often outside in bad weather, then this will be more than enough.
You need to bathe the cat with shampoo, it is better to additionally use a conditioner. Today, a wide range of various detergents for cats is presented on the windows of pet stores, here the choice is yours. The main thing to remember is that in no case should a cat be washed with a shampoo intended for humans. This is because the pH of a cat's skin is significantly different from that of a human's skin, and thus, you can harm the cat's skin. In addition, after taking a bath, cats usually thoroughly lick themselves if there are residues of your shampoo on their fur coat - this is fraught with disorders from the cat's digestive system.
Ear care
Caring for the ears of the Arabian Mau is to regularly cleanse them of earwax and dead skin particles. To do this, you need to arm yourself with ordinary cotton swabs and lotion designed for this. It can be purchased at any pet store. Such substances perfectly thin the ear discharge and do not cause allergic reactions or inflammation in cats.
Eye care
The Arabian Mau also needs eye hygiene, for this you need to wipe your purr's eyes with cotton pads or pieces of thick cloth about once a week. They are pre-moistened in a decoction of chamomile or calendula, a solution of boric acid of low concentration, or in ordinary tea leaves without sugar.
Nail care
In order to keep your furniture and wallpaper intact - together with the kitten, get a scratching post and teach your baby to use it from the very first days. But not always - this completely solves the problem, the whole point is that when scratching furniture, a cat does not just sharpen its claws, it trains a certain mechanism for releasing its claws and marks its territory, in the pads of cats there are exocrine glands that produce a completely invisible secret, colorless and odorless. In this case, neat trimming of the claws is allowed, but you should know that the claws are a kind of part of the cat's body and by trimming the claws you can cause discomfort to your friend, even if you did everything right.
The claws affect the gait of the animal, the ability to jump, keep balance, therefore, if you want to cut the claws of your cat, teach him to do this from childhood, you should not start at an older age, this may not come around in the best way, as in the physical and the psychological health of your pet.
Proper, balanced food is the key to the health and longevity of your Arabian Mau. Representatives of this breed are not just not picky about food, they are, in truth, omnivorous. The kitten will never turn away from a slice of smoked sausage or some other goodies from your table, but you cannot treat your pet with them, this is for his own good. The feline body is not adapted to digest foods from your table.
As the main dish of Arabian mau, it is best to give preference to ready-made industrial feed, the cat does not care what his lunch tastes like, but his body needs high-quality balanced feed, we must not forget about this. So it is better to choose premium or super premium feed.
If you have decided to feed your pet food of natural origin, then the list of permitted and healthy foods should include: lean meats (chicken, rabbit, turkey, beef), from time to time sea fish, offal, milk, dairy products, cereals, etc. vegetables. No matter how natural homemade food is, it does not always contain all the necessary and useful substances. So it is recommended to feed Arab Mau kittens that eat natural products 2 times a year with additional vitamin and mineral complexes.
Buying and price of an Arabian Mau kitten

Due to the fact that all nurseries with this breed are concentrated in their native lands, they cost a lot. The average price of a kitten is 50,000-60,000 rubles, show-class kittens will cost about 100,000 rubles, and those who come from the nursery of the creator of the breed are especially valuable, their cost is about 120,000-150,000 rubles.
For more information on the Arabian Mau breed, see the video below: