Javanese cat (Javanez): history of the breed, rules for caring for a pet

Javanese cat (Javanez): history of the breed, rules for caring for a pet
Javanese cat (Javanez): history of the breed, rules for caring for a pet

The history of the Javanese cat breed, the standard of appearance of the animal, character, possible health problems, pet care: hygiene, nutrition and more, the cost of a Javanese kitten. The color of the fur of the Javanese cat is, for sure, its main feature. The point color is the only acceptable for representatives of this breed, but its variations can be varied:

  • Solid colorpoint - the main tone of this color option is white, but the secondary shades may be different. These include red, cream, cinnamon, smoky and many silvery tones. The color of the cat's nose may also differ, it can be pink, pale pink and even beige.
  • Links point color. Color variations of this color have a fairly wide range of shades, from bluish to tortoiseshell.
  • The color is party-color point. Any combination of colors and shades is permissible for this type of "fur coat" of a Javanese cat.

Features of the character of the Javanese cat

Javanez yawns
Javanez yawns

These meowing pussies are famous for their devotion, friendliness, lovingness, desire to constantly and everywhere be close to their friend, help him in everything, support and control everything that is not done in every possible way. But there is one "but", all these excellent qualities of Javanese, as a pet, he shows in relation to one person. This is who he will like from the members of your family, he will become for the cat, in fact, "the whole world." This pet will treat the rest of its neighbors with respect, will rejoice if it is treated with some delicacy or scratched behind the ear, but nothing more. He will never go into the arms of a stranger on his own, he will never follow him wherever he goes, sometimes invitations to the game can be ignored, and games for these cats are an integral part of life.

Pets are very active, playful, especially at a young age they have an overabundance of strength and energy, in the truest sense of the word. They can chase the toy around the apartment for hours without noticing anything in their path. The Javanese are very fond of heights, so climb on top of a cupboard, refrigerator, or try your luck and ride the curtains in an attempt to conquer the cornice. But you should not be afraid of this, firstly, this self-indulgence goes away with them as they grow up, and, secondly, if they are properly educated, without shouting, swearing and the use of force, then in a short time these purrs become practically models of discipline and good manners. …

Javanese cats are smart, strong in spirit and independent, in addition, they are very stubborn. They know how to stand firmly on their own, and in every possible way will demand attention, this also needs to be weaned off in time, since when a small kitten climbs onto its back - it can be cute, but when an adult cat is already painful, which, of course, unpleasant.

Representatives of this breed are excellent companions, with them "even into the fire, even into the water." Running around the house for a ball or a lace is with great joy, lying in bed with the owner is also very good, and going outside with a harness is generally a holiday.

Javanese cat health

Javanez is sitting
Javanez is sitting

If we talk in general about the organisms of Javanese cats, then we can say that these are quite healthy animals, with persistent natural immunity, and if you also get vaccinated according to the vaccination calendar, then there will be no complaints about the acquired immunity. However, some problems may lie in wait for individuals at the genetic level.

  1. Amyloidosis internal organs is a disease that does not have any etiological factor and, unfortunately, does not have an enemy in the form of drugs. The essence of the disease is that a specific protein, amyloid, begins to deposit in the tissues of internal organs, which slowly but surely changes the normal structure of the organ, which subsequently leads to dysfunction, and as a result to its complete failure. Most often, amyloidosis affects the liver and kidneys. The symptoms of this pathology become noticeable when, for example, the liver is "enriched" with a harmful protein by more than 50%. The main symptoms: decreased appetite or complete refusal of food, constant thirst, false urge to vomit and vomiting, yellowness of the mucous membranes, general malaise.
  2. Strabismus - this pathological condition scientists tried in every possible way to destroy both Siamese cats and those who have even the slightest relationship with them. The percentage of cats with eyes that mow a little, of course, has significantly decreased, but it was not possible to reduce it to zero. According to scientists, this disease is closely related to the gene responsible for the point color. It is extremely rare, but nevertheless, in Javanese cats, pathologies such as bronchial asthma, rhinitis and rhinotracheitis are observed, as well as problems with the vestibular apparatus, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders.

Maintenance and care of a Javanese cat at home

Javanez resting
Javanez resting

By bringing a pet like a Javanese cat into your home, you don't have to worry about caring for it. They are smart and clean, so there are no problems with them, for Javanese the main thing is you and your love and attention. When purchasing a kitten of this breed, you should be aware that he will need you, the kitten is not a toy or decoration, therefore, as you train and educate your pet, educate yourself, accustom yourself to tradition every day, although to play for half an hour with his furry friend. Believe me, the more you pay attention to your four-legged friend, the more he will love, respect and obey you.

  1. Hair care includes two procedures - bathing and combing. In this regard, the owners of the Javanese are very fortunate. The fur of these seals is devoid of undercoat, straight and dense in structure, therefore they shed less abundantly, and the wool does not get lost in balls and the cat can clean it on its own. Often bathing a Javanese cat is not recommended, it is better to do it as needed. It is necessary to comb it about once a week; during molting, the procedure should be increased. Combing should be done with a medium-hard massage brush. Usually cats love to comb, and they need it. The animal itself can cope with dead hairs, but at the same time they swallow them, which later is very deplorable reflected in the state of their gastrointestinal tract and the whole organism as a whole.
  2. Hygiene of the ears is also an integral part of your pet's good health. Excessive accumulations of earwax can lead to problems such as inflammation of the middle ear, partial and even total hearing loss. Therefore, to warn your Javanese cat against such troubles, do not forget to conduct a thorough examination of his ears about twice a week. Cleaning should be carried out as needed. Cleaning the ears is not in any way a favorite cat activity, but the size and structure of the javanese auricles make this procedure much easier. The tools you will need during the cleaning process are the most common cotton swabs and a special ear cleaner sold at any veterinary pharmacy. In the absence of the latter, liquid paraffin or herbal decoction is quite suitable.
  3. Eye care in Javanese seals, like most others, it consists in periodically wiping the eye with a cotton pad. The disc must first be soaked in a disinfectant solution. It can be a weak solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin, chlorhexidine, or chamomile decoction.
  4. Dental care very important for Javanese, as they often develop tartar. For prevention, you need to regularly brush your pet's teeth, it is better to do this with a child's, soft toothbrush and special tooth powder. The Javanese cat should be taught this procedure from childhood, so it will be psychologically ready to brush its teeth. The optimal frequency of cleaning the oral cavity is twice a week.
  5. Claws. If the kitten is familiar with the scratching post from childhood, then there should be no problems. It is better for Javanese to choose a voluminous and high scratching post, so this will be entertainment for him, along which he will climb and a useful tool for claws.
  6. Tray. Javanese cats learn quite quickly what they need to do with a container filled with sand, more important for them is that their bathroom is always clean and that there is constant access to it. If you notice that the kitten has relieved its need in some other place and after your cleaning plans to go there a second time, sprinkle this place with lemon or other citrus juice, cats do not tolerate this aroma, therefore, after this they will never go to the marked place. …
  7. Nutrition. Your Javanese kitten's diet should be nutritious and balanced, as this pet spends a lot of energy throughout the day. If you prefer ready-made food, then it is better to give preference to premium and super premium food. If your pet eats homemade food, then its diet should include: meat (any lean), sea fish about once a week, offal, cereals (rice, barley, corn), vegetables, dairy and dairy products and chicken eggs. What prepares from this set for you to decide, here is what your friend will like. It is a good idea to feed the seals with extra vitamins and minerals from time to time.

It is important to remember that in no case should you feed your pet food from your dinner table. Sausages, smoked meats, pizza and your other delicacies will be eaten with pleasure, but whether it will benefit him, and most importantly, whether it will harm him, is another question.

Javanese cat purchase and price

Javanese kitten
Javanese kitten

The starting price of a kitten with all documents is 20,000 rubles. Without documents and with minor inaccuracies in the breed standard, you can find it for 8,000-10,000 rubles. But, as for the show-class kittens, there is a completely different pricing policy. A kid of titled parents will cost you from 100,000 rubles.

More about the Javanese breed in the following video:
