How to properly blanch asparagus beans at home? Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Secrets of cooking. Video recipe.

Blanching is a cooking method in which food is first quickly scalded with boiling water, and then quickly doused with ice water. This technique works especially well with green vegetables such as asparagus beans. Green asparagus beans are a leafless vegetable with thin petioles. It is boiled or steamed for use in salads, appetizers, or side dishes. However, if pre-blanched, the product retains maximum flavor, crisp texture and vibrant green color. Which is impossible to achieve with other methods of heat treatment. Blanching is also very useful because this method preserves all vitamins.
Blanch vegetables in boiling water, steam or in the microwave. Blanching is used as pre-cooking. For example, before frying or stewing. Blanched asparagus can be used in any dish. Blanching is also carried out before freezing the pods, which allows them to be better stored and quickly prepare meals with a frozen product.
See also how to cook frozen green beans.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 53 kcal.
- Servings - Any Amount
- Cooking time - 15 minutes

- Asparagus beans - any quantity
- Salt to taste
Step by step cooking blanched asparagus beans, recipe with photo:

1. Select asparagus beans that are straight and firm to the touch. It should be bright green, without brown spots, not flabby, not spoiled. To cook the asparagus evenly, select stems of equal thickness. Place the selected product in a colander and rinse under running water.

2. In a large saucepan, bring drinking water to a boil and add salt. The salt will increase the temperature of the boiling water, which makes food cooking more efficient. Dip the asparagus gently into boiling water. The water should boil vigorously so that the boil is not interrupted after adding the vegetables.

3. Cook it until the pods are bright green. Do not cover the pot while cooking. Cooking time usually takes 2-4 minutes, depending on the size and diameter of the stems. Asparagus from a small stalk is blanched for 2 minutes, medium stems - within 3 minutes, large stems - within 4 minutes. A vegetable is considered ready when it is soft, but still slightly crunchy.

4. Quickly pour the water and the asparagus into a colander and place the pods under running ice cold water. If the water is not cold enough, add ice cubes to a container of water. You can also add water to a wide bowl, add ice cubes and place asparagus in it. An ice bath will abruptly stop the cooking process.
Blanched asparagus beans are considered cooked and can be used for other recipes. If you have prepared it in advance, and you will not cook right away, or want to freeze it, dry the asparagus thoroughly with a paper towel. For short-term storage, place in a paper towel lined plastic container. For freezing, cut into 2-4 pieces, put in a special bag and send to the freezer.
See also the video recipe on how to cook blanch asparagus.