How to make a French pastry Macaron at home correctly? TOP 4 recipes with photos. Secrets and tips of chefs. Video recipes.

Excellent French Macarons for professional housewives. It is a very fragile and crunchy multicolored confection that has hundreds of fillings. This guide presents simple popular recipes for homemade airy dessert. As well as culinary tips and secrets from experienced chefs.
Cooking tips and subtleties

- Macaron is a meringue-based confectionery product. It contains egg whites, powdered sugar and finely ground almonds.
- The finished dessert is obtained with a smooth top, on which a thin crust. It serves as a "protection" for the inner layer. On the inside, the texture of the biscuit is light and soft, with minimal viscosity often allowed.
- The base of the cake is flat and the edges are uneven. It does not crumble when eaten, does not stain your mouth and hands.
- The interlayer between the two layers is made of any cream, ganache, curd cheese, caramel, jam, jam. The filling should not fall out of the biscuits or stick to the teeth. Therefore, it should not be very liquid. The exception is caramel or jam fillings.
- Thanks to food coloring and coloring syrup, the dessert can have a wide variety of vibrant rainbow colors and exotic flavors.
- Classic French round cake. But depending on the theme, they give it the shape of animals, Easter eggs, hearts, etc. To make all the cakes the same size, draw patterns on paper with a pencil.
- If you find it difficult to get almond flour, make it yourself. Soak almonds in cold water, dry, peel and grind in a coffee grinder. Then sift the flour through a sieve 3 times so that no large particles of nuts get into the dough, otherwise they will negatively affect the texture.
- Sifting flour 3 times. It is derived experimentally by the pastry chefs of the Parisian culinary school. The first time to get rid of lumps, the second time - to consolidate the result, the third time - sift the flour with powdered sugar.
- To get the perfect Macaroni, use an accurate scale, not measuring spoons, glasses, and eye measurements.
- Separate the whites very carefully from the yolks. Make sure that not a drop of yolk, not a gram of fat or water gets to the proteins. Otherwise, the proteins will not beat up to the desired consistency.
- Refrigerate egg whites without yolks in a sealed container for 1-2 days before cooking. Remove them from the refrigerator before cooking to bring them to room temperature.
- Beat the whites with a mixer for at least 10 minutes. The tougher, harder and harder they get, the better the finished cookie will turn out.
- Add dry ingredients quickly to the whites and mix quickly. Move the scapula in a circle, moving towards the center.
- Pasta cookies will be perfectly round if you use a piping bag with a round tip.
- After putting the dough on a baking sheet, before sending it to bake in the oven, let it distance and dry for 30 minutes so that a thin crust forms on the surface.
Classic pasta recipe

Macaroni is very varied in taste and color, but the basic classic recipe begins with a vanilla cake.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 344 kcal.
- Servings - 4-5
- Cooking time - 2 hours
- Almond flour - 150 g
- Powdered sugar - 150 g
- Protein - 100 g
- Water - 50 g
- Sugar - 150 g
Cooking the classic pasta recipe:
- Sift flour 2 times, add powdered sugar and sift again.
- Divide the protein into 2 parts - 50 g each.
- Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and place on the stove.
- Then carry out several actions at the same time. Boil the syrup, stirring with a thermometer in the middle of the mixture to monitor the temperature.
- When the thermometer reads 95 ° C, in a separate bowl, use a mixer to beat one part (50 g) of proteins at high power.
- Heat the syrup to 110 ° C, quickly remove it from the stove and slowly pour into the whipped egg whites, continuing to beat with a mixer.
- The mixture should be dense, strong and free of flowing qualities. When turning the container, the mass should not flow out. If the syrup has warmed up to 110 ° C, and the whites have not yet been whipped, cool the syrup with a little water and heat again to the desired temperature.
- The mixture will cool slightly when whisking. When this happens, add the remaining 50g of protein with flour and powder.
- Continue beating the dough until you get the desired dense texture that does not flow off the walls.
- Pour the dough into a pastry bag and gently place the pasta caps on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment.
- Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven to 140 ° C for 15 minutes.
- After 10 minutes, start to taste the readiness. Use a knife to pry the cakes, if it easily comes off the parchment, then it's ready.
- Make the filling of your choice with custard or ganache.
Chocolate Pasta with Ganache

Two miniature halves of puffed almond flour cookies and a simple macaroni cream made from rich chocolate ganache. This exquisite dessert from France is easy to make at home.
- Powdered sugar - 225 g
- Almonds - 120 g
- Sugar - 50 g
- Cocoa powder - 25 g
- Food coloring - 10 g
- Egg whites - 125 g
- Cream - 40 g
- Chocolate - 200 g
- Milk - 200 ml
- Nut butter - 30 g
Cooking Chocolate Ganache Macarons:
- Combine the proteins with granulated sugar, beat with a mixer until fluffy and stable peaks.
- Mix chopped almonds with powdered sugar, heat over low heat for 5 minutes and add to the protein mass.
- Add cocoa powder or any other food coloring. Beat with a mixer so that the mixture is shiny and not too runny.
- Fill a culinary bag with dough and place 3 cm discs on a parchment-covered baking sheet through a round cone.
- Leave the baking sheet for half an hour so that the cake is covered with a crust, and send the blanks to bake in a preheated oven at 150 ° C for 10 minutes.
- To make a simple Macaroni Cream, combine hazelnut butter, milk, and cream. Bring to a boil and add chocolate. Stir, return to heat and simmer for one minute after boiling.
- Fasten the two baked cakes with a small amount of cooled filling.
Macaron cake with walnuts

As a rule, real classic Pasta is made from ground almonds. But in this version, almond flour is replaced by walnuts. The cost of the recipe is cheaper, but the cake is just as tasty.
- Walnuts - 125 g
- Salt - 5 g
- Vanilla sugar - 40 g
- White fine sugar - 80 g
- Eggs - 2 pcs.
Cooking Pasta with Walnuts:
- Dry the walnuts in a clean, dry frying pan. Cool and grind with a coffee grinder to make a fine flour.
- Whisk the whites with a pinch of salt and sugar to dissolve the sugar. Add vanilla sugar and beat into a firm, stiff froth until white.
- Pour walnuts into the resulting protein mass and mix so that the foam does not settle.
- If desired, add any color of food coloring to the mixture and place it in a pastry syringe.
- Squeeze small circles out onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
- Leave it to dry in the oven for 30 minutes at 50 ° C. Then increase the temperature to 150 ° C and continue cooking the cookies for half an hour.
Wheat flour pasta

Due to the non-original composition, the cookies come out more budgetary. At the same time, it turns out to be fragile on the outside and tender on the inside. You can use such a delicacy for decorating a cake.
- Wheat flour - 70 g
- Sugar - 45 g
- Powdered sugar - 110 g
- Egg white - 70 g
- Citric acid - a pinch
- Food coloring (gel or dry) - 5 g
- Chocolate - 70 g
- Cream - 35 ml
- Butter - 70 g
Making Wheat Flour Pasta:
- Sift the icing sugar with flour through a sieve. If using dry dye, add it now.
- Beat the egg white with a mixer until a light foam appears, add sugar and continue beating until fluffy and the sugar is completely dissolved.
- Mix the protein mass with dry ingredients and knead until smooth. If using gel coloring, add it now to the liquid ingredients.
- Place the resulting mass in a pastry bag and place on a baking sheet covered with a silicone mat.
- Tap the baking sheet lightly on the table to creep the cookies slightly, and leave them at room temperature for an hour.
- Heat the oven to 130 ° C and let the cookies bake for 18 minutes.
- For the cream, heat the cream (do not boil), add the chocolate and stir until smooth. Cool the mixture completely in the refrigerator, add soft butter and beat with a mixer for 5 minutes.
- Fasten two ready-made cakes together, smearing them with cream.