Face fitness - benefits and a set of exercises

Face fitness - benefits and a set of exercises
Face fitness - benefits and a set of exercises

What is face fitness? What problems can special gymnastics deal with? How to restore youth with the help of miracle exercises? Results and reviews.

Face fitness is a set of exercises that are performed to preserve and maintain the beauty and youth of the face. During the training, different muscles are actively working, but some need relaxation, while others need tension. Therefore, a professional approach is recommended - using methods that have already managed to prove their viability in practice. Then the results are incredibly impressive.

What is face fitness?

Face fitness exercises
Face fitness exercises

In the photo, a set of exercises for face fitness

Face fitness for the face is considered a relatively new, young set of exercises, but quickly gained popularity in various countries. Moreover, there are several training developers, and each of them offers its own vision of how to maintain beauty and youth, preserve them for many years, or even turn back the clock - refresh the look if the first signs of wilting have already appeared.

According to statistics, women generally do not believe in miracles. They come to class to maintain the state they already have. Although experts claim that face fitness exercises are capable of more. Namely, they eliminate wrinkles and folds that have already appeared, tighten areas that have had time to sag.

Before starting classes, you should understand the key principles of training:

  • As with regular body exercises, a warm-up is necessary before face training. In this case, elementary actions are enough: build different grimaces, it is useful to pull yourself by the hair.
  • The session should include several different types of exercises, since there are many muscles on the face and they should be used. And also for the reason that the problems are caused not only by the lethargy of the tissues, but also by their hypertonicity. The first is obvious, but not everyone thinks about the second. Meanwhile, it is very important to give the muscles a load, not forgetting about relaxation. Massage is extremely useful for complete relaxation. Therefore, it is worth resorting to it, but only in conjunction with fitness for the face.
  • In order to return beauty and youth, to improve the image, you can expand the arsenal of useful activities. The exercises for the face during face fitness are complemented by self-massage with vacuum cups. Thanks to them, blood flow to the cells is ensured, and therefore the result is much more obvious, pronounced.

Before training, you have to understand the currently existing programs. A kind of classic - Carol Magio's school. Enlise Hagen's exercises have become very popular. Although she called her classes facial yoga, she had the same goals of helping women maintain their beauty.

It's great when a trainer talks not only about the rules of face fitness for the forehead and face in general, but also about the need to train the body as a whole. The fact is that the muscles on the head do not exist autonomously, apart from the neck and shoulders, arms and back. Therefore, such phenomena as a blurred oval of the face, a double chin, pronounced nasolabial folds are also caused by a weakening of the tone in general.

To really surprise with the numbers in the passport, contrasting with the appearance, you need gymnastics that affects the whole body. Practicing face fitness together with general strengthening exercises, it is really not just to fix the reflection in the mirror, which has already been formed, but also to "turn back the clock."

Interestingly, Carol Magio came to her complex only after she became the victim of an unsuccessful face plastic surgery. Although the woman initially worked as an aesthetic cosmetologist, she decided that only a surgeon's scalpel could fix her nose. Alas, her trust was not justified: instead of improving her appearance, the operation exacerbated the problem. This spurred Carol to study anatomy more actively, after which her complex was born, which gained worldwide fame.

Why is face fitness useful?

The benefits of face fitness
The benefits of face fitness

The big advantage of face fitness for beginners is that there is nothing complicated about it. To take measures against aging, it is enough to set aside a maximum of half an hour daily. It is better to watch first how the craftsmen do gymnastics: there are more than enough such videos. After repeating several times after the trainer, then you can practice on your own.

They start from 5-10 minutes a day. As experienced people say, you need to do at least 5-10 exercises. The main thing is to influence the face in a complex manner. In this case, there will be an obvious effect: strengthening the muscles, reducing wrinkles and nasolabial folds, eliminating puffiness.

Another plus of face fitness from wrinkles and other signs of fading is that there are practically no contraindications and age restrictions for it. You can start practicing for young girls.

Although girls rarely resort to face fitness for the eyelids and for other areas before the age of 30, experts just recommend practicing exercises for 25-year-olds. At this age, unnoticeable wilting processes begin. Moreover, for today's youth, they are even more characteristic, since many lead a passive lifestyle, addiction to gadgets also exacerbates the situation. Mimic clamps appear very early - the basis for the appearance of the first wrinkles and folds.

Already by the age of 30, one can notice "crow's feet". By 40 - the oval of the face is floating. However, all these phenomena can really be postponed if you start taking care of slowing down negative processes earlier. Plus, elementary charging also gives you energy, even if it lasts about 15-20 minutes.

In addition, exercise helps to activate cell nutrition, which is important and beneficial in itself. Therefore, the skin improving effect is observed. Its dryness goes away, the wen is absorbed, the inflamed areas are restored faster. Generally speaking, from the outside one gets the impression that the person has become fresher.

How to do face fitness correctly?

If you choose face fitness exercises for the face contour wisely, you can quickly notice visual changes. The work takes place with the muscles, which, like the musculature of the body, willingly turn on and form a refreshed appearance. Ideally, you need to assess your own vulnerabilities, and create a complex for them. Although it will be useful to just perform a few basic exercises that will already help start the process of positive transformation.

Face fitness for lips

Face fitness for lips
Face fitness for lips

With age, women imperceptibly get used to clenching their lips tightly. And the sooner such a habit appears, the more obviously the expression on the face will change. Tightness gives a gloomy look, wrinkles form along the edge of the lips, which leave an imprint on the appearance as a whole. Of course, it’s better not to let this happen. But face fitness for lips will help pause the process. If you persist, practice regularly, gentle plumpness will return, even if not to the same extent as in youth.

You can do an elementary exercise to relax the muscles of the lips:

  1. You need to choose a small cap or stopper so that the item fits freely in your mouth. The ends of the lips practically remain closed at the same time.
  2. The object is held with the lips, avoiding tension.
  3. For effectiveness, it is enough to stand for a minute.

The key is to avoid stress. Let the plug hang completely free and keep your lips relaxed.

Face fitness for the forehead

Face fitness for the forehead
Face fitness for the forehead

The forehead is another vulnerable spot. The habit of raising eyebrows, constant thoughts about all sorts of problems - all this serves as the basis for the emergence of wrinkles. You don't have to go to a beautician to smooth the surface. To do this, home face fitness will help.

For the beauty of the forehead, perform the following exercise:

  • The palms are pressed to the forehead, placing them from the eyebrows to the temples.
  • Then, with your fingers, they pull the muscle down and slightly to the sides.
  • After the hands are held in the same position, trying to raise the eyebrows through resistance.

If during training there is tension in the back of the head, it is better to rest your elbows on the table. This exercise is repeated up to 30 times. Quality is key, not speed. So keep the pace slow.

Face fitness for cheeks

Face fitness for cheeks
Face fitness for cheeks

If the cheeks sag, the chin has become more massive, outlined inexpressively, face fitness from the wings will help and to tighten the oval of the face. To do this, the lower lip is pulled up, and the chin is stroked down with the fingers. At the same time, you must not strain your lips! It is also important to make sure that the corners of the mouth do not crawl down. It is enough to do this exercise up to 5 times.

What else scares you with age is your cheeks. Looseness comes from somewhere. Even if a person eats in a balanced way, the beauty of the outlined cheekbones disappears, and formlessness comes to replace it. But even this phenomenon can be combated. The face fitness of the cheekbones changes quite quickly and obviously with minimal effort. The following exercise is helpful.

The lips should be folded in the same way as when pronouncing the letter "O", slightly stretching them forward. They remain in this position for about five seconds, followed by relaxation, and you can repeat the exercise several more times.

The effect will be in the case when some of the nuances of execution are observed. It is necessary to feel how the muscles around the mouth and nose are stretched. The tension should be in all areas, from the corners of the mouth to the eyes.

Another effective face fitness exercise for the cheeks:

  1. Relax, lower your shoulders and position your chin so that it is parallel to the floor.
  2. Having opened your mouth, it is necessary to "hug" the teeth with your lips.
  3. Having fixed this position, you need to try to smile - lifting the corners of the lips.
  4. The chin is pushed forward and freezes for half a minute.

After relaxation, the exercise is repeated at least 3 times. It is also a face fitness for the nasolabial: the notorious vertical folds at the nose are reduced. If you practice it regularly, you will notice the "melting" of the double chin.

Face fitness results

Face fitness results
Face fitness results

Although this set of exercises is not the newest, not all contemporaries are familiar with it. And first of all, every girl is interested in the question of whether face fitness helps. However, the answer to it is not unambiguous.

First, it all depends on the initial state of the body. Some girls notice changes very quickly: literally within 3-4 weeks, the face begins to change. The signs of youth are returning to him - chiseled cheekbones and chin, no wrinkles at the nose, a minimum of wrinkles. Others complain that they repeat complex after complex without observing tangible shifts.

Secondly, both lifestyle and relationship with sports matter. Face fitness at home shows a completely different effect, depending on whether the body has the opportunity to rest, gain nutrients from food. While meticulously repeating gymnastics for facial expressions after the coach, one cannot ignore exercises for posture.

Many wellness practices associate the back with appearance. And there really is such a connection. Face fitness results are simply stunning when the spine is stretched and straightened. In this case, the second chin leaves, the oval of the face becomes clear, expressive, cheekbones are drawn.

Real reviews about face fitness

Face fitness reviews
Face fitness reviews

Of course, it's curious to read reviews about face fitness for the face. Although the opinion of an individual person cannot be considered objective, without knowing all the realities. Still, it is helpful to learn about other people's practices.

Anna, 28 years old

As such, I do not see signs of aging, but puffiness is my problem. In the morning I get up swollen, while I disperse, this phenomenon does not pass. The face is heavy and ugly and discomfort. I practiced face fitness for about a month - I can't say that it's straight "wow!" But it became a little more pleasant to look at myself in the mirror in the morning. Plus, he spurred me on to train, now I do yoga and a little strength. And I continue to study with the face. Maybe it will really not fade so soon.

Elena, 35 years old

Once, once, with horror in the reflection, I saw that my face was “spreading”. It's not that I'm just getting old, but some clarity, lightness, clarity of features are gone. Girlfriend praised for a long time

face fitness - before and after her results are generally obvious. In general, I tried it, got involved. I like too! First, I began to pay more attention to myself. Secondly, in my opinion, the appearance has also freshened up.

Valentina, 48 years old

Already the skin has blown completely. Pure sensation - dryness, just a little - irritation instantly. And in appearance, of course, wrinkles appeared. I got to the master class by accident, I liked it. I decided to just repeat at home what I remembered. I don’t know, the direct effect may not be obvious, but I saw a friend, did not meet for about six months, she immediately noticed - “What's wrong with you? Did you somehow look younger?"

How to do face fitness - watch the video:

Reading reviews about face fitness, it is better to immediately tune in that this is a long and painstaking work. While you don't need to spend a lot of time exercising every day, regularity is a key requirement. Then the face will not hesitate with gratitude - it will freshen up, delight with blush and beauty.