Plyometrics for weight loss: a set of exercises

Plyometrics for weight loss: a set of exercises
Plyometrics for weight loss: a set of exercises

Learn what plyometrics are, why these exercises are done, and what positive qualities they have. Plyometrics is a set of exercises aimed at developing explosive strength. All movements here are based on the use of rapid contraction and stretching of the muscles. This type of training allows the athlete to develop comprehensively. Now plyometrics is very popular with both sports fans and professionals.

Plyometrics: what is it?

Group plyometrics session
Group plyometrics session

Plyometrics was created on the basis of the methods developed in the USSR for the preparation of the country's Olympic teams. In the eighties, this type of training became extremely popular in the United States. At first, plyometrics were effectively used by professional athletes, but gradually it was adopted by fitness enthusiasts. This is largely due to the fact that plyometrics exercises for weight loss have proven to be very effective.

Today, the world is witnessing a boom in crossfit and HIIT training, plyometric exercises for weight loss are used as actively as possible. You can often hear how this type of training is called jumping. There is nothing surprising in this, because most of the movements are based precisely on the jumping technique. However, it should be understood that plyometrics are not limited to jumping. For example, movements such as throwing a medicine ball or push-ups with claps are also classic plyometric weight loss exercises.

Why do plyometric exercises?

Girls practice on the steps
Girls practice on the steps

It is necessary to highlight four tasks that plyometrics can solve:

  1. Slimming - Plyometric workouts help you burn a lot of energy.
  2. Development of explosive strength and speed abilities - helps to improve athletic performance in disciplines such as sprint running, martial arts, team sports, etc.
  3. Helps Overcome Mass Gaining Stagnation - plyometrics does not allow to significantly increase the size of muscles, but it is an excellent way to overcome stagnation, which is caused by the full adaptation of the body to stress.
  4. Improves coordination and endurance - these are functional skills that will be useful to any person not only in sports, but also in everyday life.

Plyometric movements can increase the strength of your muscles. You must understand that strength and power are different concepts and should not be confused. To lift maximum weight requires strength, but to manifest absolute strength in one moment requires power. Also, this indicator is often called explosive strength.

Let's take a jump as an example of how power works. At the moment of pushing off the ground, the muscles contract, which is the concentric phase of the movement. While the body is in the air, the muscles relax and stretch - the eccentric phase. As soon as the legs touch the ground, the muscles are forced to contract again and prepare for the next movement. Plyometrics are based on reducing the pause between contraction and extension.

Plyometric training is often described as explosive, intense, speedy, and percussive. It is a great weight loss aid. An increase in strength parameters, an increase in muscle tone and an increase in the anabolic background. At the same time, it must be remembered that jumping technique is quite traumatic if you ignore the safety rules and the technique of performing plyometric exercises for weight loss.

Key Benefits of Plyometrics for Weight Loss

The girl makes a step on the step
The girl makes a step on the step

Let's determine the main advantages of this training method and decide whether to include plyometric weight loss exercises in your training program:

  • A great way to fight fat - all exercise must be done at high intensity and the body has to spend a lot of energy for this. Since a lot of calories are burned in one workout, it becomes much easier to lose weight.
  • The combination of cardio and power load - it is this combination that scientists have recognized as the most effective from the point of view of utilizing adipose tissues.
  • Developing speed, performance and explosive strength - all of these skills are functional and can be useful for you not only to improve your athletic performance, but also in everyday life.
  • They effectively utilize adipose tissues in the lower body - point weight loss remains impossible, but plyometric weight loss exercises significantly accelerate the lipolysis processes in the thighs, legs and buttocks.
  • There is no need to purchase expensive sports equipment - you can perform plyometric movements anywhere. You are not tied to specific machines or equipment. By using only your own body weight, you can lose weight and improve your physical performance.
  • The elasticity and strength of the tendons increases - as a result, the risk of injury when performing strength and cardio movements is reduced.
  • It is a type of cardio with minimal impact on the muscles - muscle tissue is practically not subject to catabolic processes, in contrast to the usual cardio sessions.
  • Effective for raising anabolic background - as soon as you feel it. To slow down the muscle building process, incorporate plyometrics into your training program and do the exercises twice a week.
  • They perfectly develop coordination and endurance.
  • They accelerate metabolic processes and activate fast-type muscle fibers, which quickly atrophy when leading a passive lifestyle.

Disadvantages of plyometrics and contraindications to exercise

Girl jumping
Girl jumping

Almost everything has its drawbacks, and the plyometric training technique was no exception. Let's note the main disadvantages of this technique:

  1. The articular-ligamentous apparatus is heavily loaded - the main negative load falls on the knee joints, as well as the ankle. Even the correct exercise technique or the use of a special protective bandage is not a 100% guarantee against injury.
  2. The heart rate increases significantly and an incorrectly selected load can negatively affect the work of the heart muscle.
  3. Should not be used by beginner athletes.
  4. The risk of injury at the time of landing is high enough, and the likelihood of falling should not be ruled out.
  5. Exercises must be performed at a high pace, which often leads to a violation of technique.
  6. High stress on the spinal column.

It is also necessary to say about the existing contraindications:

  • Problems with the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  • Ailments of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Malfunctions of the articular-ligamentous apparatus.
  • Big problems with being overweight.
  • Lack of physical fitness.
  • The tendency to receive injuries to the extremities.
  • Frequent pain in the knee and ankle area after training.

In principle, you can adapt any plyometric weight loss exercise to suit your physical abilities. But the whole point of this type of training is to work with maximum intensity and full power. Otherwise, the movements lose their effectiveness and if you have health problems, it is worth choosing a different type of physical activity for yourself.

Plyometric exercises for weight loss: features and requirements

Sporty girl on a white and gray background
Sporty girl on a white and gray background

Even well-known marathon runners got their start with short-distance races early in their careers. If you have not previously used plyometric weight loss exercises in your training program, then you should start with a low intensity and short duration. The load should be increased gradually and this is a guarantee that there are no injuries.

It should be remembered that although plyometrics accelerate the utilization of adipose tissue in the lower body, fat is burned more or less evenly. Always warm up before the main part of the session. To do this, you can use a five-minute walk or run, squat, lunges, etc. Depending on your level of physical fitness, experts recommend adhering to the following number of repetitions of movements in one workout:

  1. Beginners - from 80 to 100 repetitions.
  2. Medium availability - from 100 to 120 repetitions.
  3. Experienced - from 120 to 140 repetitions.

The duration of the pauses between sets depends on the intensity of the training and the general level of physical fitness. Novice athletes should adhere to the ratio between the duration of exercise and rest 1 to 10. Simply put, after 30 seconds of vigorous work, you need to rest for 300 seconds. Watch for your heart rate, which should not exceed 85 percent of the maximum.

Best plyometric exercises for weight loss

Athlete trains explosive strength in the stadium
Athlete trains explosive strength in the stadium

The duration of a lesson for beginners should not exceed 25 minutes, and experienced athletes should practice for 40 minutes. Performs each movement for 45-60 seconds. Also remember to increase the load gradually.

  1. Walking lunges. Place your hands on your belt and stand up straight. Extend your right leg forward, bending it at the knee joint. Then we perform a similar movement with the second leg, and as a result, you should move in a semi-squat, keeping the body in a vertical plane. Start by covering a distance of three meters, gradually increasing it.
  2. Eagle pose. Hands should be spread apart, and the heels should be placed next to each other. Raise your left leg by wrapping it behind your right shin and grasping it with your foot. Use your hands to maintain balance. From this position, start doing squats. Exercise perfectly loads the gluteal, calf and abdominal muscles, and also develops balance.
  3. Exercise "Swan". The heels are close together and the toes are wide apart. The body must be held strictly in a vertical plane. Without moving your pelvis back, start doing squats. As soon as you are in a deep plie with support on your toes, jump forward.
  4. Exercise "Pistol". This exercise is known to everyone since school. We will not dwell on it in detail.
  5. Exercise "Four". Lower into a squat and bend your left leg at the knee joint, mark her ankle on the right leg. Maintain balance for five seconds.
  6. Ribbon squats. Make a ring out of the elastic band and mark it on the legs above the knee joints. Perform a squat and while holding the position, step with your foot to the side.

For more on plyometric exercises, see below:
