What is the use of massage with Achatina snails. Features of the facial massage procedure with African snails. How to make snail massage at home?
Today, a fairly large number of different massage techniques are practiced in the world. One of the most interesting, and most importantly, effective, is the snail massage technique. This type of massage is a cosmetic procedure. The secret of snails, which is released during the procedure, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
Massage is performed as a treatment for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. It is very important to use snails that were raised in a closed environment, hygiene and a certain diet are strictly observed. Every day this procedure is becoming more and more popular and in demand.
Features of the snail massage procedure

For the snail massage, large mollusks of the Achatina genus are used. This is a species of large African snails, the size of which can reach 10-15 cm if reared in captivity. Recently, it has become very popular to breed such snails at home for cosmetic procedures.
The origins of snail massage go back to Japan, where this procedure has been successfully practiced for several decades. Therefore, it is not surprising that today snail massage has gained a lot of fans around the world.
The main difference from traditional massage is that during the procedure, muscles are not worked out. During the massage, the skin is treated with a unique shellfish secretion. In the process of life of snails, mucus is produced, which contains substances useful for the skin.
Valuable components include:
- allantoin;
- lectin;
- elastin;
- glycolic acids;
- collagen;
- vitamins.
The most popular areas for snail massage are the face, neck, arms, and décolleté. You can also massage the whole body, but in this case the snails should be large enough. In this case, the procedure will take a long time. At home, not only massage is carried out with African snails, and simple grape molluscs that reach the desired size. This type of massage is practically no different from a salon procedure, because the composition of the mucus contains no less useful substances necessary to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin.
The benefits and harms of snail massage

African snail massage is one of the most effective and popular methods of skin rejuvenation. During movement, the snails leave behind mucus, which contains a large amount of valuable substances. The ingredients of the mucus easily penetrate into the inner layers of the skin, saturating the cells with valuable microelements.
When making wave-like movements, the snails help to relax the skin and open the pores. The positive effect will be noticeable even after the first procedure.
The main advantages of snail massage are:
- effective treatment of burns;
- it turns out to have an antibacterial effect, which is due to the lectin contained in the secret of mollusks;
- the skin is tightened and moisturized;
- the process of skin regeneration is accelerated;
- blackheads are removed, pores are cleaned and narrowed, blackheads are eliminated;
- the problem of acne is solved;
- freckles lighten and become less noticeable, with regular procedures they are completely removed;
- the number and depth of wrinkles decreases;
- pigment spots are removed;
- normalized work of the sebaceous glands;
- stretch marks are removed.
It is recommended to massage with snails to completely get rid of postoperative scars and cuts on the skin of the face.
It is the secret of snails that is a valuable natural component. This substance is often added to various anti-aging masks and creams. According to cosmetologists, one massage with shellfish is equal to three months of using the cream, which contains their secret.
Massage with African snails is a rather specific procedure, because not every woman has the courage to take a mollusk in her hands, let alone place a snail on her face. Cosmetologists say that many girls do not dare to undergo the procedure because of great fear. If the client is unable to completely relax during the session, the benefit of the therapy is greatly reduced. With the right perception, snail therapy can be not only comfortable, but also a very pleasant procedure.
Among the disadvantages of massage, evidence includes not only the fear of the procedure, but also the following points:
- The procedure is very expensive. This is the result of the high cost of the molluscs themselves and the unique features of their maintenance.
- Constant control of the cosmetologist. It is advisable that an experienced beautician perform the procedure, because snails can behave unpredictably - for example, crawl into the eyes or into the mouth, which will not be very pleasant. During the massage, the cosmetologist constantly monitors the movement of the snails, directing them to problem areas.
There are no medical contraindications for this procedure, so everyone can do it for various skin problems. However, in the presence of certain diseases, the movement of snails on the skin can cause severe discomfort.
Regular snail massage helps to obtain youthful, beautiful and healthy skin. Now there is no need to inject botox, because snail mucus effectively tightens the skin.
Snail massage at the spa

The snail massage procedure is not the most difficult to perform, but it is recommended to carry out it under the strict supervision of a specialist. If snail therapy will be performed for the first time, you should trust a professional. The fact is that after familiarizing themselves with the surface, snails can crawl into their mouths or eyes to find a moist place for themselves.
In addition, mollusks may simply get tired of walking in the face, and they will fall asleep, having stopped moving. Of course, snails are completely peaceful creatures, but if they get angry, they can even bite. You should not panic, because for a person a snail bite is completely painless and not perceptible. But being in uncomfortable conditions, shellfish can get sick.
It is worth considering the fact that snails are kept in a special environment in beauty salons. Also, mollusks need a properly selected and balanced feed, thanks to which the amount of useful components in the body is regulated.
Before the procedure, no special preparation is required, since the cosmetologist himself will carry out all the necessary manipulations.
African snail massage is performed as follows:
- First of all, a thorough cleansing of the skin surface is mandatory, where the massage will be carried out. It is quite enough just to wash off cosmetics with milk and use a scrub to remove dead skin particles.
- After scrubbing, the face is easily wiped with a dry paper towel, but do not rub the skin too hard.
- With the help of a special steam device, the skin is steamed.
- Then the client lies down in a horizontal position, making himself as comfortable as possible on the couch.
- The snail is washed under running water to remove all excess contamination.
- The molluscs are gently planted on the prepared skin and held until it attaches to the desired area.
- The beautician directs the movement of the snail to the desired areas where mucus treatment is required.
- The duration of the face massage is about 15–20 minutes.
- After the end of the massage, the snails are carefully removed.
- The client should lie down in a calm environment for another 20 minutes with clam mucus on his face.
- The beautician, using special massage rollers, performs a light mechanical massage.
- At the end of the procedure, the mucus is washed off with plenty of warm water.
Many girls who cannot decide on this procedure in any way are interested in the question of what sensations they will experience during a massage with African snails. If you believe the reviews, there is no feeling of severe discomfort. But during the movement of snails on the skin, a slight vibration can be felt.
In the area where the snail was located, warmth is felt, which is the result of exposure to special substances contained in the mucus. Some clients complain that a slight burn remains after the snail. This may be the result of the beautician leaving the snail in one place for a long time. That is why snail massage is best done in the salon under the constant supervision of an experienced cosmetologist, who will slightly adjust the snails so that they do not stay in one place for a long time.
Many spas offer snail therapy to their clients. Despite the fact that this is a very simple but effective procedure, it is carried out to treat different areas and areas of the body. The cost of snail massage directly depends on the treated area. On average, the price of the procedure is about 800 rubles.
African snail massage at home

The massage procedure can also be carried out at home, because no special knowledge or conditions are required. If desired, if favorable conditions are created, Achatins feel great at home. In addition, today such a pet is very popular.
The snails require minimal care, while in an ordinary apartment you can create optimal conditions for the life of the mollusks. If you plan to breed African snails at home, you need to adhere to the following tips:
- the aquarium should be spacious enough, at the bottom there is a soil substrate;
- it is important to periodically clean the aquarium;
- daily water procedures are mandatory - a container with water is placed in the aquarium;
- for food, you need to use special food from the pet store, including fruits and vegetables.
You can buy African snails in almost any pet store, besides, they are not too expensive - the price of one individual is about 100 rubles. Among the advantages of the Achatina snails is the fact that they grow very quickly and can reach 500 g.
At home, snail massage is carried out as follows:
- if the procedure is carried out for the skin of the face, the cosmetics must be washed off;
- a scrub is applied to the skin, a light massage is done and the remnants of the product are washed off with warm water;
- the skin is rubbed dry;
- using a brush, a small amount of cream or milk is applied to the skin, because this is a favorite delicacy of snails and when they eat the liquid, they begin to move more actively, treating problem areas;
- snails are pre-washed with plenty of running water;
- takes a horizontal position and the snail is placed on the desired area;
- you need to wait a little, as the snail should fix on the skin;
- the massage procedure is carried out for 15–20 minutes, after which the snail is carefully removed from the skin;
- then you need to lie down quietly for another 20 minutes and not wash off the mucus;
- a light massage is done with the fingertips for several minutes;
- the secret of snails is washed off with warm water;
- it is recommended to carry out such procedures no more than 2 times a week and take a break of three days between massages;
- the course of massage directly depends on the condition of the skin and what result should be obtained.
Simple grape snails can also be used for massage. It is enough to adhere to all the points above, since only in this case the procedure will really be beneficial. But it is worth considering the fact that it is the secret of African snails that contains unique components that allow you to achieve an unsurpassed result. The first procedure is best done in a beauty salon in order to understand all the subtleties and features of massage with Achatina snails.