Massage after the steam room increases the effectiveness of bath procedures. It has a sedative, anti-aging, anti-cellulite and healing effect on the body. The main thing is to choose the right technique and do it strictly according to the instructions, so as not to harm your health. Content:
- The benefits and harms of massage
- Varieties of massage
Features of massage in the bath
- Preparation for conducting
- Foam massage
- Using brooms
- Massage mixtures
- Sports massage
Classic massage in the bath
- Stroking
- Squeezing
- Kneading
- Trituration
- Shaking
After visiting the steam room, massage is not only a pleasant, but also a useful procedure. It is useful when relaxing in a traditional Russian bath, dry Finnish sauna and Turkish hammam. And this is because a well-done massage in a sauna, combined with a high temperature, has a positive effect on health, accelerating metabolism and improving blood circulation.
The benefits and harms of massage after bath procedures

After the procedures in the bath, massage has an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic effect:
- Makes the skin supple and firm;
- Strengthens the immune system;
- Removes puffiness;
- Activates the work of the subcutaneous glands;
- Improves blood and lymph circulation;
- Removes dead tissue;
- Relieves pain in muscle tissues and joints;
- Increases the tone of the walls of blood vessels;
- Stimulates the work of the central nervous system and PNS;
- Breaks down body fat;
- Accelerates metabolic processes;
- Normalizes the psycho-emotional state.
Massage can be harmful to the body if it is done by an incompetent specialist. It is worth refraining from these procedures for epilepsy, cancer, pneumonia, scurvy, AIDS, inflammatory processes, wounds, cuts, abrasions, bruises, allergic, fungal and viral manifestations on the skin, cardiovascular disorders, periostitis.
If the massage in the bath is done by a competent master and you have no contraindications to such procedures, then you will receive only the maximum healing effect.
Types of massage in the bath

There are several types of body massage in the bath:
- Classical … It involves an integrated approach to massaging each part of the body, including those segments that ensure their functioning (impact on individual parts of the spinal cord). This improves blood circulation and lymph circulation.
- Segmental reflex … This massage is also done taking into account various reflex changes (for example, massaging the collar area). This technique allows you to eliminate the pathological process.
- Point … It involves the impact on certain points that are responsible for certain processes. To date, practice has identified about 150 active points. In general, about seven hundred of them are described. Acupressure massage is often combined with classical and reflex-segmental massage.
- Hygienic … This massage consists of percussion, squeezing, kneading and rubbing. It lasts on average about half an hour.
- Hardware … It is presented in the form of vibration, hydro, pneumatic or vacuum massage. The effect of such procedures is excellent, but it cannot fully replace manual manipulations.
Features of the massage in the bath
In many cases, various massage techniques are combined. This allows the muscles to be stimulated throughout the body.
Preparing for a massage after a bath

Traditionally, massage is done in the washroom. It is imperative to know the specifics and procedure of manipulations, as well as to carry out competent preparation for the process. Before the procedures, it is recommended to douse the shop with several buckets of hot water to keep it warm.
Before doing a massage in the bath, the master lathers his hands or lubricates them with oil so that they glide easily. The masseur's hands should be clean and always warm, and the nails should be cut off. It is important that there is no draft in the room, as this can have a negative effect on a heated body. The preparation should be done regardless of the type of massage.
The method of massaging the body in the bath with foam

This procedure must be performed in the hammam. For this, soap foam with eucalyptus or olive tree extract is whipped in a bag. Then massaging is carried out, adhering to the following algorithm of actions:
- A well-heated and completely relaxed person is poured over with warm water and rubbed with a woolen bath mitten. This is necessary to completely clean the pores from impurities.
- Pour the prepared soap foam onto the body.
- Massage slowly. The average duration is 25-30 minutes.
Such procedures help to remove dead particles of the epithelium, open pores and remove toxic substances from the body.
Using bath brooms for massage

Massage with brooms in the bath is carried out only after a good warming up of the body and thorough washing, when the pores of the skin are completely open.
The procedure is carried out in this order:
- With two brooms we stroke the body of the person being massaged, slowly moving it from bottom to top and vice versa.
- Having reached the lumbar spine, lower the brooms and press down for 3-5 seconds.
- For the next minute, pat the body and stroke it more intensively with a broom.
- We turn over the massaged person on the shoulder blades, put his hand on the left side of the chest, the other in the groin area, then rub the body with brooms.
- We turn it back on our stomach and whip it with a broom, applying it to the body and lifting it higher to capture more hot steam. We do not touch the skin under the knees, as it is more sensitive.
- We finish by rubbing the body in different directions and paying attention to all its parts.
You can carry out this type of massage directly in the steam room of the bath. But it is not recommended to do such a massage in the sauna. Due to the high temperature and low humidity, the broom will dry out quickly and its branches will become practically rods.
Massage with bamboo brooms is called samurai massage. Such procedures are carried out after a good steaming of the body. It is recommended to first lubricate the body with essential oils to avoid scratching the skin. The blows with a bamboo broom should either increase or decrease, but do not overdo it. Sensitive skin can become bruised from severe blows. In this case, the broom must be kept strictly vertical. This type of massage works very well for the joints and muscles.
Massage mixtures for SPA massage in the bath

Such procedures are carried out using therapeutic mud, salts, stones and other cosmetics. Especially popular is the honey massage in the bath. It has an excellent relaxing, calming effect.
In addition, the following formulations are considered effective in SPA massage:
- A mixture of cocoa butter and Moroccan red clay.
- Gruel made from sea clay, honey and red wine extract.
- A combination of ginger, clove, cardamom and cinnamon oil.
- A mixture of honey, turmeric, cinnamon, chickpea flour.
- Scrub from natural olive oil and Dead Sea salts.
Various oils for bath massage are often combined with honey. This mixture is used mainly by women, as it has an effective anti-cellulite effect.
Sports massage technique after a bath

This massage can be training, preliminary and restorative. Before proceeding with a detailed massage, you need to prepare the body of the person being massaged. To do this, stroke your back and move on to squeezing. We squeeze and shake the body for two minutes.
After that, you can start the procedures:
- We massage the lower back. Press with the palm of your hand from the center to the sides, then spiral and rectilinearly move your hands up from the buttocks.
- With circular motions of the pads, we massage the spine from the lower back to the neck and intercostal spaces.
- We rub the area around the shoulder blades and continue the same movements around the shoulder joint.
- Massage the neck with the combs of fists and fingertips.
- We rub the back of the head, move on to the shoulder joints and shoulder muscles.
- Massage the pelvic area, squeezing vigorously.
- We carry out squeezing on the hips, knead the calves and gluteal muscles.
This type of procedure is effective when visiting the bathhouse after physical exertion. It is often used in combination with anti-cellulite treatments such as body wraps.
After the procedures, it is not recommended to immediately make sudden movements or go out into a draft. You need to lie down for a few minutes. Then you can drink green or herbal tea.
Technique of classic massage in the bath
This procedure has significant differences from other types of massage in the bath, since it consists of many different manipulations. Each of them has its own impact. Only a competent specialist should conduct a classic massage. Traditionally, the massage begins with the neck, then hands, pelvis, thighs, legs (calves) are massaged. The procedures are completed with a massage of the abdomen.
Stroking with a classic massage after a bath

This technique is performed in this order:
- We connect four fingers, taking the fifth to the side.
- Without pressing, gently press the palm of the hand to the body.
- Lightly, rhythmically and slowly, we stroke the body of the resting person with one or two hands.
The duration is two to three minutes. Stroking is necessary to relieve tension and stiffness, to normalize the respiratory process. It improves blood flow, gives the skin elasticity, makes it smooth, removes dead epithelium, activates the work of sweat and sebaceous glands.
Squeezing out after bath procedures

It has a positive effect on the skin and muscles. There are several methods for performing this technique:
- Fist … We grab the thumb of the other hand with one hand and make circular movements with our fists.
- Brush … We put our palm across the muscle. In this case, the thumb and forefinger are pressed together. Squeezing is done with the thumb.
- With the edge of the palm … We squeeze the muscle across, directing the palm to the nearest lymph node.
This technique lasts 4-5 minutes. It increases muscle tone, strengthens them, and improves blood flow. After squeezing for 2-3 minutes, stroke again.
Kneading during massage in the bath

This technique is effective for the upper and lower layers of muscles, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory system.
There are several types of kneading for different parts of the body, which can be combined or applied separately:
- Ordinary … Squeeze the forearms, shoulders, chest, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, calves with straight fingers. We grab the muscle, squeeze it and rotate it with our hand. It is important not to overdo it and not to hurt the person being massaged.
- Double neck … It differs from the ordinary one in enhanced impact with the help of a free hand, which is placed in the form of a cross. This technique is used for people with large and developed muscles.
- Double annular … The muscle is grasped by the hands, pulled up and shifted from one hand to the other. You need to massage slowly and rhythmically. This technique is effective when there is insufficient blood supply to certain parts of the body.
- Fist … Hands slowly and rhythmically move in a circle to the lymph node. Great for large, flat muscles.
The duration of kneading in the bath is 6-8 minutes.
The method of rubbing the body after a bath

This technique is performed in various directions. We rub the heels, joints, tendons. It is very effective in eliminating pathological formations. Such manipulations give the skin elasticity.
Rubbing is great for:
- Injuries to tendons and ligaments;
- Salt metabolism disorders;
- Joint injuries.
The person massaged in the bath can be rubbed with a fist comb, palm, fingertips, finger phalanges (with a hand clenched into a fist). The duration of this technique is 3-4 minutes.
Shaking during massage in the bath

This technique is usually carried out at the end of the procedures. It is necessary when massaging the limbs. It is better to exercise it in the steam room after the legs are well steamed.
Shaking is done in this order:
- We accept a lying position, bend our knees.
- Vigorously we spread them to the sides so that the muscles of the thighs and lower legs shake.
- Raise our hands up, slowly lower and shake at the end.
- Next, the masseur takes the leg by the Achilles tendon with one hand, and the other covers the back of the foot and pulls the limb towards himself.
Moderation in shaking is also important here, so as not to harm.
Shaking is optimal for both superficial and deep-lying muscles. It is usually combined with kneading and survival. Grasp the muscle with your little finger and thumb, shake it slightly in your hand. Muscle tissue relaxes during such manipulations. How to do massage in the bath - watch the video:
[media = v = bOal8k3Hlbo] Massage in the bath has a beneficial effect on the human body. Combination with bath procedures soothes the nervous system, relieves stress, and improves overall well-being. That is why various massage techniques are used in all types of baths and saunas.