Almond oil - use for stretch marks

Almond oil - use for stretch marks
Almond oil - use for stretch marks

Features of the use of almond oil in the fight against stretch marks. How to properly use this remedy to completely get rid of stretch marks and get perfect skin?

At any age, every woman strives to look young and beautiful. But in order to maintain your own attractiveness, you need to work hard and hard in this direction. This is a very difficult task, since the human body subtly reacts to various stimuli - for example, poor and unhealthy diet, constant lack of sleep, frequent stressful situations, the use of low-quality cosmetics and improper care.

All these factors leave a certain mark on the appearance. The birth of a child and hormonal imbalances lead to the onset of certain changes in the condition of the skin. Most often, women are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as stretch marks or striae.

Of course, it is quite problematic to completely get rid of stretch marks, but at the same time there is an opportunity to significantly improve the general condition of the skin. To do this, simply use almond oil regularly and correctly. It is this remedy that is one of the most demanded and effective components in cosmetology.

What are stretch marks and what are the reasons for their formation?

Stretch marks on the female body
Stretch marks on the female body

Stretch marks are a cosmetic skin defect that can appear as ugly and noticeable stripes on the chest, back, thighs, and abdomen. Such stripes are formed as a result of strong stretching of the skin and changes in its structure. In about 90% of cases, stretch marks form during pregnancy and lactation.

The first stage in the formation of striae is considered to be the rupture of blood vessels and fibers, as a result of which an inflammatory reaction begins. Then, among the healthy skin cells, those that have undergone deformation begin to dominate. Gradually, collagen fibers literally displace cells, and very few vessels become in the affected area.

Most often, striae appear for the following reasons:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation. It was at this time that sharp fluctuations in the woman's weight occur, and an increase in body volume begins.
  2. Hormonal disbalance. This phenomenon occurs in the case of an excess in the body of certain types of hormones - progesterone and cortisol. As a result, the breakdown of proteins in the cells begins, the density of the skin decreases, and metabolic disorders occur.

Not all women develop stretch marks after childbirth or during breastfeeding. In their formation, heredity plays an important role, that is, there is a tendency to deformation of connective tissue proteins - elastin and collagen. These substances are primarily responsible for the smoothness and tone of the skin.

Only the use of cosmetics will not help to completely get rid of stretch marks. But at the same time, they become more effective in combination with mesotherapy (injection into problem areas) and constant peels. A fractional laser can also be used, which, with the help of a beam of light, leads to damage to the deformed tissue, which in turn triggers cell regeneration. As a result, the normal and healthy structure of the skin is restored.

You need to start fighting stretch marks at the moment when they are red. Once the stretch marks turn white, it becomes much more difficult to remove them. Therefore, therapy is recommended to be carried out in the initial stages, then the chances of completely getting rid of this defect are higher.

Almond oil against stretch marks - application features

Jug and bowl of almond oil
Jug and bowl of almond oil

Regular use of almond oil helps to improve the elasticity, smoothness and tone of the skin. It has a stimulating effect on the process of collagen production. That is why almond oil is widely used today in the fight against stretch marks and to restore the normal structure of the skin.

If almond oil will be used against stretch marks, it is recommended to combine it with other components, which significantly increases its effectiveness:

  • other types of oils - sesame, cocoa, jojoba, soy, shea butter, wheat grains;
  • active substances - tretinoin;
  • essential oils - mandarin, lavender, geranium;
  • extracts - for example, lima beans.

Natural almond oil has regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to which there is an accelerated restoration of youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. It is very often added to the composition of various agents used in anti-aging therapy.

The oil contains many valuable vitamins (P, B2 A and E), unsaturated fatty acids (palmitic, oleic and linoleic), active substances. It is because of this that almond oil has a very strong cosmetic effect and, if used correctly, helps to almost completely get rid of stretch marks or make them almost invisible.

Almond oil is obtained by cold pressing from almond seeds. It contains approximately 80% monounsaturated oleic acid, 24% polyunsaturated linoleic acid, carotenes, vitamins B2 and E, glycolyside amiglalin, bioflavonoids, minerals (magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and zinc), sugar and protein substances.

Almond oil will not only help get rid of stretch marks, but also effectively treat minor skin lesions, including sunburn. The product has anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, soothing and analgesic effects. The texture of the almond extract is very light and fine, due to which it is quickly absorbed into the skin and has a pleasant aroma.

In anti-stretch mark therapy, almond oil is used to accelerate the process of cell regeneration, antimicrobial action and skin hydration.

Almond oil has the following effects on the skin:

  • nourishes and moisturizes;
  • has a stimulating effect on the synthesis of elastin and collagen;
  • lipid metabolism is activated;
  • rupture of skin fibers is prevented;
  • cell membranes are strengthened;
  • the metabolic process in cells is normalized.

Almond oil during pregnancy against stretch marks

A bottle of almond oil in the hands of a girl
A bottle of almond oil in the hands of a girl

Almost from the first days of conception, you need to start preparing the skin for future loads. It is thanks to this approach that you can avoid the appearance of ugly stretch marks and significantly improve the general condition of the skin.

Using almond oil against stretch marks during pregnancy will provide complete hydration to your skin. It also stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen. As a result, the likelihood of stretch marks is significantly reduced. This effect is achieved due to the high content of vitamins A and E in the oil. Skin tone and elasticity of the connective tissue are significantly increased.

Today in cosmetic stores you can find a large number of different products designed to combat stretch marks - for example, lifting creams, modeling serums, moisturizing milk and nutritious oil mixtures. Most products help not only improve skin condition, but also reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Prevention of stretch marks - the main rules

Stretch marks on the belly of a pregnant girl
Stretch marks on the belly of a pregnant girl

It is much easier to prevent stretch marks from appearing than to try to get rid of them later. In this case, it is worth adhering to a few simple recommendations:

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of clean water during the day.
  2. To live an active lifestyle.
  3. Observe proper and nutritious nutrition, which helps maintain proper cell metabolism and optimal weight.
  4. Regularly take a contrast shower, including air baths, which improves skin tone.
  5. Expectant mothers should regularly wear special bandages, not only after childbirth, but also before.
  6. The benefits are brought by regular self-massage aimed at stimulating the synthesis of elastin, collagen and skin hydration.
  7. To maintain the smoothness and elasticity of the skin, it is recommended to take nourishing baths, with the addition of extracts of essential oils, pomegranate fruits, extracts from hibiscus seeds, chitosan.

Almond oil against stretch marks for pregnant women - recipes

Jar of almond oil on a wooden surface
Jar of almond oil on a wooden surface

Regular use of almond oil helps to avoid skin blemishes early on. You need to rub the product with light massage movements into problem areas. The oil is not washed off with water, but left until completely absorbed.

Benefits are the following oil blends that can be used during pregnancy:

  1. Orange oil (3 drops), geranium (3 drops) and almond oil (15 ml) are mixed. This remedy is most effective for expectant mothers, it has a positive effect on the breast area. This procedure should be carried out once a week.
  2. On a fine grater, grate the peeled carrots and cover with cold water. Leave for 15 minutes, then squeeze the juice and add almond oil (30 ml). The resulting composition is rubbed into problem areas several times a week. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime.
  3. Take lavender oil (5 drops) and almond oil (5 tablespoons). It is recommended to start using this lotion from the first weeks of pregnancy, which is an effective prevention of stretch marks. Places where stretch marks may appear are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in lotion.
  4. Almond oil (100 ml) is mixed with rosemary (10 ml), moisturizing milk (150 ml) is added. You need to apply the lotion several times a week.
  5. For exfoliation, you can make your own almond remedy. Grated orange peel (1 fruit is needed), almond oil (15 ml) and natural yogurt are mixed. Cleansing of the skin is performed several times a week. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator.

Home remedies for stretch marks based on almond oil

Almond kernels and a bottle of almond oil
Almond kernels and a bottle of almond oil

To combat stretch marks, it is not necessary to purchase expensive cosmetics. At the same time, it is very difficult to know exactly what percentage of almond oil is contained in the selected scrub or cream. A highly effective cosmetic product can be prepared independently at home.

In the fight against stretch marks, it is recommended to use the following formulations based on almond oil:

  1. Almond and sesame oil are mixed (the components are taken in 15 ml each). The composition is rubbed into problem areas for a month. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime. Then a break is taken for 10 days and a second course is carried out until the stretch marks are completely eliminated.
  2. To make a peeling cream, natural yogurt (150 ml) is mixed with almond oil (15 ml) and the zest of one lemon. The product should be used several times a week.
  3. Take almond oil (10 tsp) and lavender oil (5 drops). The mixture is rubbed 2-3 times a week into problem areas. This is an excellent prevention of stretch marks formation.
  4. Sugar (1, 5 tablespoons) and almond oil (5 ml) are mixed, lemon juice (4 drops) is introduced. The composition is applied every day before bedtime to problem areas. The duration of the course must be at least 30 days.
  5. Take almond oil (25 ml), olive oil (25 ml), rosemary oil (10 drops), clove oil (10 drops), lemon oil (10 drops) and juniper oil (10 drops). The mixture is rubbed into problem areas every evening.

Homemade cosmetics made from almond oil against stretch marks

Stretch marks on the side of the girl
Stretch marks on the side of the girl

In the fight against stretch marks, it is recommended to regularly use home cosmetics, which include natural ingredients. You can store such funds for no longer than a week, so you should not make formulations in large quantities.

Almond mousse

  1. The mango butter is melted in a water bath.
  2. Almond oil, shea butter, olive oil, squalane are added.
  3. The mixture is beaten with a mixer at minimum speed.
  4. As soon as the mass becomes airy and increases in volume, it is transferred for storage in a glass container.
  5. The finished mousse is rubbed into problem areas with light massage movements every day.
  6. This procedure should be carried out until the stretch marks are completely eliminated.

Almond balm

  1. Shea butter, mosquito rose, wheat germ, calendula and avocado are heated in a water bath.
  2. Each component is taken in 10 ml, then 5 g of vegetable silicone is injected.
  3. After the composition melts and acquires a homogeneous consistency, beat with a mixer until an air mass is formed.
  4. The composition is placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Vitamin E is introduced (20 drops).
  6. The composition is thoroughly mixed and stored in the refrigerator.
  7. It is used every day - rubbed with light movements into problem areas.

Almond cream

  1. Melted in a water bath, mosquito rose oil (10 ml), argan oil (30 ml), vegetable silicone (3 g), sucrose stearate (3 g), wheat emulsifier (4 g), Provencal rose wax (40 ml).
  2. In a separate glass container, the rose hydrosol (40 ml) is melted, cherry powder (5 g) is added.
  3. As soon as the composition melts and becomes a homogeneous mass, the two liquids are mixed.
  4. The composition is beaten with a mixer at minimum speed.
  5. As soon as the cream cools down, vitamin E is injected and the mass is mixed again.
  6. The preservative "Optisei" (25 drops) is introduced.

Almond lotion

  1. Take almond oil (100 ml), petitgrain oil (10 ml) and rosemary oil (10 ml).
  2. All components are mixed and body milk (100 ml) is added.
  3. The composition is rubbed every day into problem areas with light massage movements.
  4. After a month's course, a break is taken for 10 days and a second one is carried out.

Almond scrub

  1. To make a peeling agent, you need to take sugar (200 g), salt (200 g), almond oil (100 ml).
  2. All components are mixed, and the scrub is used on a wet body immediately after taking a shower.
  3. The problem areas are treated within a few minutes with gentle massage movements.
  4. The minimum course of stretch marks treatment lasts 30 days.

Body Scrub Massage Tile

  1. Take a soap base or baby soap, previously melted in a water bath.
  2. Cocoa butter (3 tablespoons), almond butter (30 ml), crushed almond grains (1 tablespoon) and cocoa powder (0.5 tablespoons) are added.
  3. All components must be thoroughly mixed, after which the mold is filled.
  4. The composition is placed in the refrigerator until it hardens.
  5. You can only store the finished scrub in the refrigerator.
  6. A peeling agent is used every day after a shower.
  7. After the procedure, the skin must be rinsed with warm water.

Regardless of which remedy is chosen to combat stretch marks, it must be applied constantly and correctly. If striae are at an early stage of development, you can quickly and easily get rid of them. Removing old stretch marks is much more difficult, and in some cases even impossible, but at the same time, you can make them less noticeable and significantly improve the overall condition of the skin. Which will be a nice bonus for your efforts.

More on the benefits of almond oil: