Stretch marks on the pope - reasons and methods of struggle

Stretch marks on the pope - reasons and methods of struggle
Stretch marks on the pope - reasons and methods of struggle

What factors provoke the appearance of stretch marks on the buttocks, how can they be resisted? A complete list of the most effective ways to get rid of stretch marks on the pope.

Stretch marks on the bottom are a dull goodbye to sexy mini-shorts, an eternal pareo on the thighs over a bikini and self-doubt during intimate meetings. It's hard to be relaxed and seductive, knowing that your butt resembles the color of an albino tiger. Of course, stretch marks are not the end of the world, but if they prevent you from fully enjoying life, it makes sense to try to restore your skin to a blooming look.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks on the buttocks
Stretch marks on the buttocks

The red, pinkish and white stretch marks on the buttocks, which make our buttocks look like a map with the riverbeds drawn by someone, are in fact patches of atrophied skin. Just one day, for some reason, she experienced strong pressure, due to which the fibers of the connective tissue literally began to burst, forming micro-tears.

Since this happened in the inner layer of the skin - the dermis, the epidermis located above it did not suffer, and you, most likely, did not even notice what was happening and only later with chagrin discovered torn "scars".

Over time, the damaged capillaries healed, the microbleeding stopped, the internal scars healed, and the striae turned pale. But, alas, the skin in this place has not fully recovered. In particular, she has lost the ability to produce melanin, so striae always remain defiantly white and do not even lend themselves to tanning.

Note! Crimson and red stretch marks on the pope are of recent origin and can be easily removed at home: 2-3 months of hard work on oneself, and the skin is again visually smooth. The whitish stripes that appeared more than a year ago are much more persistent. As a rule, they cannot be completely erased on their own, but with due diligence they can be made almost invisible.

Causes of stretch marks on the pope

Being overweight as a cause of stretch marks on the buttocks
Being overweight as a cause of stretch marks on the buttocks

There can be several reasons why collagen fibers break. The predisposition to the appearance of stretch marks is transmitted genetically. If most of your blood relatives are familiar with stretch marks firsthand, hollow and nourish your skin, remembering that white, unattractive paths can scatter along it from the smallest exertion.

What causes stretch marks on the pope:

  1. Overweight. The tears are caused by the fatty tissue accumulated under the skin, which puts pressure on the dermis.
  2. Adolescence. If a teenager's body is growing rapidly, the skin may not keep up.
  3. Diseases associated with hormonal imbalance. Malfunctions of the endocrine gland, diabetes mellitus and other similar ailments always have a bad effect on the state of the dermis.
  4. Exercising too much … If your skin is naturally thin and dry, overworking in the gym can be detrimental to it. The rapid growth of muscle mass leads to the same problems.
  5. Pregnancy. It would seem, where do the stretch marks on the pope come from after childbirth, if the main load fell on the skin of the abdomen? The point is hormonal changes in the body, due to which the dermis loses some of the collagen and becomes less elastic. Under such conditions, even a couple of extra pounds, imperceptible to the eye, can become the cause of stretch marks on the priest.

Important! Regardless of why stretch marks appear on the pope - because of excess weight, rapid growth or hormonal disease, an effective "military campaign" against them cannot be launched without first reviewing the principles of your diet. More boiled and baked dishes, lean meat, cereals, vegetables, fruits and clean water, less fast food, fatty, fried foods and sugar. In less than a month, your skin will become much fresher and more elastic.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the pope?

The more hydrated and nourished the skin is, the less likely it is to develop stretch marks. And if striae have already appeared, scrubbing will help to cope with them, which will remove dead dry cells over and over again, opening the care products access to young and fresh, nutrition and moisturizing with the help of special creams, oils and wraps. Massage and exercise are essential to improve blood flow and cellular metabolism. And if home methods were powerless in front of old striae, you can always contact the salon.


Scrubbing from stretch marks on the pope
Scrubbing from stretch marks on the pope

There are always 2 tasks before a good scrub: to remove unnecessary, not to scratch the necessary, and even better - to feed with useful substances. Of course, no one bothers you to go to a cosmetic store and buy a suitable product, but you can just as well mix it in your kitchen.

The old "great-grandmother's" recipe will come in handy:

  • 1-2 tbsp. l. ground coffee or drunk coffee grounds;
  • 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil from simple sunflower to precious argan, depending on your preferences and financial capabilities;
  • 1-2 drops of vitamins A and E in the form of an oil solution in a bottle or AEvita capsules cut with nail scissors.

The proportions of coffee and oil can be changed at will, the main thing is to get a thick gruel, which will be convenient to apply on the buttocks before the shower, rub it over the skin for 5-7 minutes and rinse it off. The scrubbing procedure should be repeated twice a week, and on other days, cleanse the body by gently but vigorously rubbing it with a dry loofah-mitten.

Note! If you put the prepared mixture in an old nylon sock, you will get a convenient massager, and the particles of the scrub will not fall between your fingers on the floor and clog the drain in the shower.

Instead of coffee, you can take:

  • white or brown sugar;
  • salt, table or sea, but always finely ground;
  • crushed oatmeal;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • tangerine peels, ground in a blender to the smallest chunks.

The role of a useful supplement, if AEvit was not at hand, entrust:

  • honey;
  • sour cream;
  • glycerin;
  • gruel from ground boiled carrots;
  • 20-40 ml of fresh lemon juice or aloe juice;
  • decoction of chamomile;
  • infusion of seaweed, the powder of which is easy to purchase at the pharmacy;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper or ginger;
  • 2-3 drops of citrus essential oil.

Note! The last three components should be handled with extra care, as pepper and ginger can easily irritate sensitive skin, and some essential oils are contraindicated in pregnant women. Wrapping with a steamed badyag also has a good effect, but this algae manages the skin very cool. Overdoing it, you may lose the opportunity to sit quietly in the next couple of days.


Wrap from stretch marks on the pope
Wrap from stretch marks on the pope

All of the mixtures listed above can be used for wraps as well. In this case, you need to apply the prepared mass to the skin, wrap the ass with plastic wrap, and pull on old sweatpants on top for insulation. Then cover yourself with a blanket and sit with a book and a cup of delicious tea for 30-40 minutes, then go to the shower. Do not forget to lightly massage the body while washing off the scrub.

For other wrapping, you need either a helper or amazing flexibility. And also a package of cosmetic paraffin and a bottle of fatty oil.


  1. Melt the paraffin wax as described in the instructions.
  2. Cleanse the skin of the buttocks with any scrub, rinse under a hot shower and pat dry with a towel.
  3. Lubricate the stretch marks with oil.
  4. Next, you need to moisten gauze in liquid paraffin and fix it on the priest with cling film and towels.
  5. Get under the covers, wait for the paraffin to cool completely and remove it from the body.

Scrub and hot water will "open" the skin for nutrients, and the heat of the paraffin will force them to be absorbed more intensively, so this procedure will be more useful than a regular body wrap or mask.


Massage for stretch marks on the pope
Massage for stretch marks on the pope

The value of massage in the case of stretch marks lies in its ability to activate the processes of skin renewal. Even primitive kneading and pinching with your fingers or a jet of water from the shower beating under pressure bear fruit, but if you use a mechanical or electric massager, things will go more fun.

How to remove stretch marks on the butt by massage:

  • Roller massager. A plastic, rubber or wooden roller studded with blunt spikes should be rolled over the body while holding the handle to accelerate the flow of blood and lymph under the skin.
  • Mesoscooter. The same roller in this case will not be covered with thorns, but rather sharp needles. They do not cause significant pain, and you can choose them in accordance with the sensitivity of the skin. The point is to treat the ass with a special nutritional composition, disinfect the roller with alcohol and roll it over the buttocks several times. Through the smallest punctures from the needles, the agent will penetrate deeper than it is possible with a conventional massage, and will bring more benefits. In addition, light injuries from needles stimulate tissue repair.
  • Anti-cellulite baths. Press lightly on the sides of the can with your fingers, press against the oiled buttocks and release. Thanks to the created vacuum, part of the skin will be drawn into the can and will not slip out if you carefully move the massager in different directions over the body. Thus, you drive the "orange peel" and stimulate the regeneration processes.

Note! There are different types of electric massagers, and even those that combine roller massage with vacuum.

Sports against stretch marks

Squat Against Stretch Marks
Squat Against Stretch Marks

Since it is best to deal with stretch marks on the pope in a complex manner, do not disregard physical exercises.

Bet on:

  • squats;
  • swing legs from standing, lying down and on all fours,
  • a bar with pulling the knees to the chest;
  • lifting the pelvis from a supine position;
  • walking on the buttocks;
  • exercise "Chair" against the wall.

At the fitness club, opt for a treadmill, elliptical track, exercise bike, bench press platform, and leg extension and extension machine that will pump your inner thigh at the same time. Can't sign up for the gym? It offers jumping rope, cycling and brisk walking.

Creams and oils

Application of cream for stretch marks on the pope
Application of cream for stretch marks on the pope

The cream for stretch marks on the pope is ineffective as an independent remedy, but as an auxiliary it is irreplaceable. Without it, which supplies vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids, oils and extracts from plants to skin cells, all other actions may be ineffective.

There are three options for choosing a cream:

  1. Search through trial and error;
  2. Careful study of the composition;
  3. Referring to someone else's experience.

With the first method, everything is clear: go to a store or pharmacy and choose the first bottle, jar or tube you like.

If you want to get down to business thoroughly, read the list of ingredients and make sure that the product contains retinol, tocopherol, vitamin C, hyaluronic or glycolic acid, fatty oils and herbal ingredients. The abundance of incomprehensible chemical compounds is not welcome, although purely organic cosmetics are not harmless, as they often cause allergies.

Finally, the third way. Look through the review sites and pages of women's forums to understand what products are most often recommended for purchase by those who have already coped with stretch marks.

The most effective creams for stretch marks on the bottom:

  1. Cheap and cheerful - Evinal with placenta extract … The cream was created to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, therefore it is recommended primarily for skin care for adolescents, athletes and people with overweight problems. However, at the same time, it helps to make existing stretch marks invisible and has a general beneficial effect on the skin. It contains fatty oils - in particular, hazelnut oil, vitamin E, extracts of horsetail, cinquefoil and centella. Manufactured in Russia. It costs about 300 rubles. for 150 ml.
  2. The best combination of price and quality - Palmers Massage cream for stretch marks … A thick cocktail of oils, vitamins, collagen, elastin and a special highlight of Palmers, Bio C-Elaste complex, serves to prevent and reduce stretch marks; softens and moisturizes the skin, restores its elasticity, turns massage into a relaxation session thanks to the sweet scent of cocoa that envelops you. And even with Massage cream, it doesn't matter at all why there are stretch marks on the pope - because of excess weight or pregnancy. Unlike some other means, expectant mothers and women during lactation can use it with a light soul. Manufactured in the USA. Costs from 700 rubles. for 125 ml.
  3. At the junction of cosmetology and medicine - Emulsion Bayer Bepanthenol … For the highest quality skin care, Bayer experts blended refined olive oil with provitamin B5, tropical centella extract, glycerin and the medicinal dexpanthenol used in medicine to treat a variety of skin lesions. The cream is produced in Germany. Costs from 1100 rubles. for 150 ml.
  4. From nature itself - Gernetic Anti-Stries … Concentrated, airy, economical organic cream from Gernetic nourishes the skin with vegetable oils, minerals and algae extracts; rejuvenates it with peptides and amino acids; resists stretch marks, supplying collagen and elastin to the dermis. Approved for use during pregnancy, recommended for use as part of a slimming skin care program. Manufactured in France. Costs from 2700 rubles. for 125 ml.
  5. Luxe class - Rexaline Line Killer X-treme Body Sculpt Premium … The cream inflicts a targeted blow on several types of skin defects at once: stretch marks, cellulite, increased dryness, dull color, flabbiness. In addition to the standard set of "oils-vitamins-plant extracts", it contains caffeine and lipopeptides. Improves the microcirculation of blood and lymph, promotes the elimination of cellular "debris", gives the skin elasticity, tones, retains moisture in the tissues, smoothes it. Manufactured in Spain. Costs from 5800 rubles. for 150 ml.

Lovers of natural products can replace finished cosmetics with cocoa, olive, wheat germ, coconut, and flax oils.

Important! No matter what the pessimistic young ladies say, a significant percentage of network users who proudly post their photos "before and after" confirms that it is possible to get rid of stretch marks on the pope. And the more methods of dealing with striae you will have in your arsenal, the higher the probability of victory, so be sure to use all possible cosmetic tricks to return the skin smoothness: a contrast shower, baths with sea salt or algae infusion, a bath in which the air of a steam room and a swimming pool is full of heat. with cool water will replace contrasting douches, and a hard broom will be a great alternative to manual massage.

Salon treatments for stretch marks on the pope

Salon treatments for stretch marks on the pope
Salon treatments for stretch marks on the pope

Unfortunately, even a full set of all kinds of measures sometimes does not give the desired effect, and old striae that have taken root on the body for a long time, as well as very wide stripes, are still striking, although they become smaller and paler. There is nothing to do, we must surrender to the caring hands of cosmetologists.

So it happened. Despite all the efforts, your body is clearly determined to continue living on with stretch marks on the bottom: how to get rid of them with more progressive methods than coffee and cream? Most likely, you will be offered the following ways to remove stretch marks:

  1. Wraps. They differ from home ones by a more pronounced force of action of active mixtures and by the professionalism of the master.
  2. Peeling. It can be mechanical diamond or chemical acid, but in either case, the task of the cosmetologist is to remove the top layer of the skin and start the processes of its renewal.
  3. Nutrient injections. These include mesotherapy, bioreparation, ozone therapy, carboxytherapy. The composition of invigorating cocktails is determined by a specialist in each case.
  4. Exposure to currents. This procedure is called darsonvilization.
  5. Laser correction. There are different types of lasers and types of procedures - phototherapy, photothermolysis, fractional thermolysis, laser nanoperforation, resurfacing, but their essence always comes down to removing the upper thinnest layer of the skin and stimulating regeneration processes.

Note! Laser correction is considered the most effective method for removing stretch marks, but it requires a long preparation and an equally long rehabilitation period. At this time, the skin needs to be protected from the sun, smeared with different formulations and other caring procedures should be carried out.

In the most difficult cases, stretch marks can be removed surgically followed by laser treatment of the scars.

Video tips for dealing with stretch marks:

Although stretch marks are one of the most embarrassing female fears and are reluctant to yield to correction, conscientious body care rarely fails. Be patient and take action. Most importantly, don't let any streaks on your skin ruin your self-esteem. The most important thing is intelligence, natural charm, sense of humor, striae cannot be taken away from you, which means that in any case you will remain adorable and interesting to those around you.