How to get rid of stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth

How to get rid of stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth
How to get rid of stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth

Reasons for the appearance of stretch marks. Choice of oil or cream for massage. Folk remedies and surgery. How is laser therapy performed? Postpartum abdominal stretch marks are small, deep streaks on the skin that appear most often in the last trimester, when the abdomen expands to accommodate a fast-growing baby. They can occur not only on the abdomen, but also on the buttocks, chest and thighs.

Read the review of Cellulax Cellulite and Stretch Mark Treatment

Why do stretch marks appear on the abdomen after childbirth?

Multiple pregnancy
Multiple pregnancy

During pregnancy, changes occur in the elastic, supportive tissue just below the skin. This is what causes stretch marks. The color of the stripes depends on the color of the skin and ranges from pale pink to dark brown. The main causes of stretch marks:

  • Fast weight gain … During pregnancy, a woman gradually gains from 7 to 21 kg. If you gain weight too quickly, the skin does not have time to grow and breaks, leaving stretch marks.
  • Multiple pregnancy … In twin pregnancies, the skin is stretched to its limit, which leads to scarring.
  • Big child … A large baby is one of the reasons for the rapid and non-gradual weight gain mentioned earlier.
  • Polyhydramnios … Excess amniotic fluid not only causes stretch marks, but is also an alarming symptom for the doctor.
  • Heredity … If your mother had stretch marks, then most likely, you will have them too, this is influenced by genetic inheritance.
  • Color of the skin … Black women are less prone to stretch marks, while they are much less noticeable.
  • Lack of nutrition and moisture … The better you eat and the more hydrated your skin is, the less chance of stretch marks.

By itself, our skin is quite elastic, but some of the drastic changes that occur during pregnancy cause stretch marks. Over time, after childbirth, they may disappear or become less noticeable.

How to remove stretch marks after childbirth on the stomach

For most women, stretch marks after pregnancy have a depressing effect and greatly reduce self-esteem. However, there are many ways available to make these scars less noticeable.

Will the stretch marks go away after childbirth on the abdomen when using the cream?

Visit to the doctor
Visit to the doctor

A special cream is one of the most popular methods for stretch marks. It is impossible to completely remove scars, but the cream makes them less visible and avoids the appearance of new ones. There are some important points to pay attention to when using this method:

  1. Visit to the doctor … Visit your healthcare professional and dermatologist before using the cream. When breastfeeding, some elements can pass through breast milk to the baby.
  2. Start of treatment … The sooner you start therapy after childbirth, the more effective the treatment will be and the more noticeable the result.
  3. Sagging skin … The cream has a noticeable effect in reducing stretch marks, but it does not remove the sagging skin that appears after the baby is born.
  4. Massage … The cream needs to be more than just spread on the skin. It is applied with massage movements and rubbed into the stretch marks area (while not pressing too hard).
  5. Composition … The best option is natural ingredients and vitamins, because the body is already weakened after pregnancy, you should not poison it with chemicals once again.
  6. Price … The high cost of a cream does not always mean its effectiveness. Sometimes inexpensive options perform better than advertised branded options.

Among the variety of creams, it is worth noting some of the most effective. The main selection criterion was the recommendations of doctors and customer reviews.

List of creams:

  • Cream "Mederma" (Mederma) against stretch marks … One of the best branded products on the market. Even at a late stage, it makes stretch marks invisible and susceptible to ultraviolet light (when tanned, they will be of the same tone as the skin).
  • Intensive concentrate "Strivectin" (StriVectin-SD) … Strivectin is also among the undisputed leaders. The product gives noticeable results already in the second week of use, improves skin tone and elasticity.
  • Tummy Butter … This oil gives good results for a budget price. Main components: vitamin E, collagen, elastin. Suitable for sensitive skin, but may not cope with very old stretch marks.
  • CeraVe stretch mark cream … This hypoallergenic preparation is suitable for very sensitive skin, it is free of any perfume (odorless). Refers to the line of budgetary funds.

When using a cream for stretch marks, the main thing is to observe regularity. Only daily application of the product contributes to the sufficient enrichment of the skin with the necessary elements.

Do abdominal stretch marks go away after laser therapy?

Laser treatment of stretch marks on the skin
Laser treatment of stretch marks on the skin

New, successful methods of getting rid of stretch marks after childbirth include laser therapy. Using a laser in combination with other treatments can safely and effectively reduce red (recent) and white (advanced) stretch marks.

The principle of laser therapy is to use the wavelength of light to stimulate the growth of collagen, elastin or melanin production in the skin. In this treatment, short pulses of micro-fine laser light are delivered to the old supporting tissue. After the natural process of regeneration, the body discards damaged, old particles and replaces them with collagen and elastin - the most important elements of new skin. New fabrics make stretch marks smoother and more invisible on the surface of the skin.

Clinical evidence of successful treatment of stretch marks has been obtained with the following devices: 1064 nm Nd: YAG laser, 1540 nm and 1550 nm non-ablative fractional laser, fractional carbon dioxide (CO2) laser, fractional photothermolysis, pulsed dye laser, copper bromide laser.

For early stretch marks, pulsed dye lasers are most effective; if the scars are old, a fractional laser is most effective.

How to remove strong stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth by massage

Massage of stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth
Massage of stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth

At its core, massage is a very pleasant and necessary procedure that has many beneficial properties. Among them are the relief of pain, emotional relief and relaxation of the body as a whole. Just one massage session accelerates blood circulation, allowing the skin to receive more nutrients and accelerating the healing process of stretch marks.

To massage stretch marks on your stomach, you need to follow these instructions:

  1. Showering … The procedure requires clean, dry skin.
  2. Applying a cream, oil or abrasive … Apply the product of your choice to the stretch marks to be massaged.
  3. Light movements … For 2-3 minutes, lightly, without strong pressure, smear the product in a circular motion over the skin.
  4. Increased pressure … Rub in the oil or cream for 5-6 minutes a little harder. Do not press hard, the skin at the site of the stretch marks is not elastic and easily injured.
  5. Completion of the massage … The product should be completely absorbed into the skin, if you used an abrasive (scrub), wipe with a damp cloth or rinse the surface of the skin from particles with water.

The massage is carried out regularly, once or twice a day. During the procedure, various oils and other natural ingredients are used, which allows not only to improve the condition of the skin after childbirth, but also to prevent the appearance of new stretch marks in the future.

Folk remedies for stretch marks after childbirth on the stomach

Aloe vera juice
Aloe vera juice

The issue of getting rid of stretch marks after childbirth is of concern not only to modern mothers. The desire of women to improve their appearance with affordable means stimulated the people to invent and apply various methods, which would later be called folk.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of stretch marks completely. The use of proven folk remedies will make them lighter and more invisible. Among them it is worth noting:

  • Honey … The antiseptic properties of honey have been known for a long time. Make a honey scrub. Mix honey, salt and glycerin, apply to stretch marks after bathing and rinse off after a while.
  • Aloe vera juice … This plant not only promotes the healing of stretch marks, but also prevents them from occurring. A large amount of enzymes, minerals, vitamins and fatty acids increases the elasticity of the skin. Apply juice to stretch marks and massage for two minutes, do not rinse.
  • Lemon juice … Mix two tablespoons of juice with half a glass of cocoa butter. Rub gently into stretch marks and allow to dry. Wash off with water.
  • Apricot … Make a paste from the pulp of ripe fruits by chopping them in a blender. Apply to stretch marks, wash off after 5-10 minutes.
  • Alfalfa … Alfalfa contains many vitamins, amino acids and is a source of protein. Has antifungal and healing properties. Mix powdered (dry) alfalfa with a few drops of chamomile oil, can be used two to three times a day. Alfalfa powder is available in grocery stores!
  • Coconut oil cream … Mix together aloe vera juice, 20 drops of coconut oil, 10 drops each of carrot seed oil, grape, almond and sea buckthorn oils. Mix and store in a dry place.
  • Lotion with olive oil … Mix half a glass of olive oil with a quarter of aloe vera gel, add oil from six vitamin E capsules and four vitamin A capsules. Store in a glass bottle cold.

While there are many treatments for stretch marks, home remedies are considered much safer and more effective. They regenerate and nourish the skin, and the result will be noticeable after a couple of uses.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth on the stomach with oils

Olive oil
Olive oil

The use of oils reduces the number of scars, and the antioxidants they contain soften and give the skin elasticity.

The most popular oils are:

  1. Olive oil … Blocks moisture in skin cells and improves blood circulation.
  2. Vitamin E oil … Remove the vitamin from the capsule and mix with a little moisturizer. When vitamin E is used, the scars turn pale and become hardly noticeable on the skin, it supports the normal nutrition of the dermis cells.
  3. Castor oil … Apply to skin and wrap in heat retention bag for 10 minutes. This heating opens the pores and allows the oil to be absorbed better. The main effect will be a reduction in skin pigmentation and a rejuvenating effect.
  4. Other oils … Among them are coconut, almond, avocado and others. We mix 15-20 drops of two types and apply to the skin, all these oils are used in massage.

When applied correctly and carefully, you will get results that are noticeable and pleasing to the eye. However, oils should be handled with some caution due to the risk of allergic reactions.

What to do with stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth: proper nutrition

Fresh strawberry
Fresh strawberry

During pregnancy, you may have followed a special diet, and now the diet should be healthy and balanced. The daily diet should contain:

  1. Antioxidants … Nourish and protect your skin. Eat spinach, blueberries, strawberries, and other fresh vegetables and fruits.
  2. Vitamin E … Protects membranes in skin cells. Found in nuts, seeds, avocados, herbs, and broccoli.
  3. Vitamin A … Regenerates the skin. Foods rich in vitamin A: carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, pumpkin, and red peppers.
  4. Vitamin K … One of the most beneficial in treating stretch marks. You can find it in mustard, dandelion greens, green onions, kale, spinach, and Swiss chard.
  5. Omega 3 … Keeps skin healthy and radiant. Found in fish, fish oil, eggs, oysters and nuts.
  6. Water … Drink plenty of water a day, not all at once, but in small portions. Eat watery vegetables such as watermelons, cucumbers, and bell peppers.

Many drinks, such as coffee, tea, and soda, dehydrate your body, making it vulnerable to stretch marks. The right amount of food in your daily diet will keep your skin elastic and produce the right amount of collagen.

Surgical removal of stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth

Surgical removal of stretch marks
Surgical removal of stretch marks

The only surefire way to get rid of stretch marks is to cut them out. But the scars must be in the "resection zone", on the tissue that will be removed during the tummy tuck. During an operation known as an abdominoplasty, a plastic surgeon removes loose, scarred skin and tightens the abdominal muscles. Your doctor may decide to have liposuction if you are overweight and remove the loose skin to prevent new stretch marks.

If you have tried all sorts of ways to get rid of scars, but the result is unsatisfactory, surgery may be the right solution. However, this procedure is quite expensive, and various complications may arise after it. Get ready for a long recovery of at least three months.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth with chemical peeling

Chemical peeling
Chemical peeling

The procedure is performed under anesthesia and consists of applying certain acids to the affected skin. Acid, going deeper into the layers of tissue, dissolves scars and stimulates the appearance of new layers. Benefits of chemical peels:

  • Improves skin … It evens out its surface and accelerates the production of collagen, including in the deep layers.
  • Mobilizes the body … The procedure is considered stressful, but it guarantees the disclosure of additional forces and resources of the body.
  • Skin renewal … Exfoliation promotes the production of substances that rejuvenate the skin.
  • Force of action … The deeper the effect of the peeling, the more stress the body will experience and the more the appearance of stretch marks will change. They will become less visible.

Note! There is a list of contraindications for such a procedure. These include cardiovascular disease in which phenolic acids cannot be used.

How to remove stretch marks after childbirth with a coffee scrub

Coffee scrub
Coffee scrub

The coffee scrub is one of the most popular because of its availability of folk remedies. Its use will improve the appearance of stretch marks in just a few weeks. To apply peeling from coffee grounds, you must adhere to the following instructions for action:

  1. Mix the ground coffee with warm water. You can take used coffee grounds. You need very little water, you get a pasty mixture.
  2. Add aloe vera juice. In addition to the vitamins contained in the juice, aloe vera holds coffee particles together, allowing it to be applied to stretch marks. The exact mixing ratio is not important.
  3. Apply the paste. Preferably on clean skin (take a shower). Use your fingers to spread the paste over the stretch marks and massage gently. Leave it on for 20 minutes.
  4. Discard the mixture. Remove the coffee from your skin with a damp cloth. Do not use paper towels, they can damage the delicate skin after scrubbing.
  5. Apply a moisturizing lotion. Skin moisture is very important when fighting stretch marks, it should not dry out. You can use olive oil instead of lotion.

Regular procedure will allow you to notice the result in two weeks. Pay attention to the condition of the skin after washing off the scrub, in case of severe redness or other inconvenience, try to repeat it after a few days.

Important! Do not use this peel every day. How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth - watch the video:

Stretch marks after childbirth rarely cause any significant health problems, but psychologically they become a source of embarrassment and irritation. Fortunately, there are many ways to deal with them.
