Watermelon diet

Watermelon diet
Watermelon diet

If you want to quickly lose weight without starving, then try to go on a watermelon diet - it relieves digestive problems, removes all excess fluid from the body and supports immunity. Rules, menu and exit.

Watermelon diet slimming menu

The staple food is watermelon pulp. The bottom line is this: you need to eat 3-4 slices of watermelon for dessert three times a day - after breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as for lunch (about 12 noon).

Why is the watermelon diet good for weight loss?

Sitting on such a diet is like sitting on water. Indeed, 90% of the diet consists of water. Plus, the low calorie content of watermelon is about 40 kcal per 100 g of product. Thanks to this, the product perfectly saturates, dulls the feeling of hunger and is instantly absorbed by the body.

There is a lot of fiber in it, which helps the normal functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Watermelon removes excess water from tissues, being the best remedy for edema. Along with water, tissue cells are freed from harmful toxins and substances, which significantly cleanses and renews the skin, giving it a healthy, radiant look.

Why the watermelon diet is good
Why the watermelon diet is good

The main plus of the watermelon diet is the saturation of the body with useful substances. If we look at the composition of watermelon, we will see that it contains a lot of magnesium, potassium, valuable vitamins of group B, provitamin A (find out which foods contain vitamin A), ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, antioxidant lycopene (has an anti-cancer effect) …

What you need to know about choosing a watermelon for your diet?

Only ripe and fresh fruits are suitable for a diet. If this is a high-quality fruit, then its peel will be dense - when scraped off with a fingernail, only a thin top layer will peel off it. Slap it like a ball - the sound should be slightly vibrating, sonorous, but not dull. During use, be sure to store it in the refrigerator, wrapping parts of the fruit in plastic wrap.

Watermelon diet rules:

  • During the diet, eat protein foods and vegetables: chicken, fish, cereals, cottage cheese, eggs, herbs, tomatoes, pumpkin (find out what vitamins there are in pumpkin), zucchini. You can only drink plain, non-mineral water or green tea without sugar. It is allowed to add a couple of slices of rye bread to each meal.
  • Eliminate the consumption of sweets, fats and alcohol (when interacting with alcohol, watermelon can cause severe indigestion).
  • You should not lose weight in this way for more than 10 days. Take a month off after this. The maximum amount that should go away after the diet is 6 kg of excess weight.

Getting out of the watermelon diet

Breakfast: unsweetened oatmeal and a slice of cheese Lunch: boiled chicken or fish (200 g), vegetable salad without oil and salt Dinner: 500-800 g of watermelon

You need to get out of the diet gradually, without immediately jumping on high-calorie foods - this can only undermine your health and immediately gain excess weight. You should know that it cannot be adhered to by people with diabetes mellitus, impaired functions of the genitourinary system or kidneys.

But if you are healthy, want to lose weight in this way and just adore watermelon, then this watermelon diet is for you!

Video about the watermelon diet:

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