How to make watermelon rind jam? TOP 5 simple recipes with photos of cooking at home. Cooking tips and video recipes.

Watermelon is a delicious seasonal berry that is sold in abundance already in August. Despite the impressive size of the watermelon, like any other berry, it can be canned. For example, preserve, marinate or boil jam from the pulp or crusts. There are many recipes for such preservation. Today we will learn how to make jam from watermelon peels. Watermelon peels boiled in syrup resemble candied fruits in taste and appearance. This jam is served for tea, used to decorate desserts, fillings in pies, etc.
Watermelon Peel Jam - Helpful Tips

- To make the jam tasty, you should choose a good quality starting product, i.e. watermelon. Choose fruits that are ripe and not overripe. An ideal watermelon of average size is 5-7 kilograms. Strongly large berries can have many of the chemicals they are fertilized with.
- When choosing a watermelon, pay attention to the yellow (earthen) spot on which it lay on the ground when it ripened. In a mature fruit, it is brownish-yellow or orange-yellow, but not white.
- A withered tail indicates that the watermelon is fully ripe. Green and fresh tail means that the fruit is not yet ripe.
- Ripe watermelon has a rather sonorous sound when tapped.
- Once a ripe watermelon is cut, it should have a deep red flesh. Nitrate watermelons have smooth and glossy flesh.
- A standard set of products for jam - crusts, sugar, a little lemon juice.
- You can not use lemon juice, but then the jam will be sugared and will not have a beautiful color. The acid acts as a preservative.
- Since watermelon, like squash and pumpkin, has a specific flavor, its flavor can be masked with additives. The simplest additive is citrus (lemon, orange, or lime). Instead of citrus fruits, you can add other spices like vanillin, cloves, cinnamon, etc.
- To make the jam really tasty, use only fresh watermelon rinds. Jam made from crusts that have been collected for days in the refrigerator can quickly ferment and turn sour.
Watermelon Peel Jam with Lemon

Aromatic watermelon jam with the aroma and flavor of sour lemon will appeal to everyone at home. In the morning a cup of tea and such jam with bread will cheer you up.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 429 kcal.
- Servings - 2.5 kg
- Cooking time - 9 hours
- Watermelon peels - 1 kg
- Water - 500 ml
- Sugar - 1.5 kg
- Lemon zest or lemon juice - to taste
Making watermelon peel jam with lemon:
- Peel the watermelon rind from the top green skin and separate the flesh from the white rind.
- Cut the white rind into 2-3 cm pieces.
- Fill the crusts with hot water, boil for 5-10 minutes, fold over a sieve and chill.
- Fill the sugar with water, put it on the stove and stir until it boils.
- When the sugar has dissolved, add lemon zest or juice.
- Transfer the watermelon slices to the syrup and cook for 20-30 minutes.
- Remove the pan from heat and leave the watermelon in the syrup for 2-3 hours.
- Repeat the cooking and cooling operation a second time.
- Then put the jam on low heat for the third time and cook until the crusts are tender and transparent.
- Pack the ready-made jam from watermelon peels with lemon in clean, sterile jars and store in the pantry.
Watermelon Peel Jam with Citric Acid

Home-cooked watermelon rind jam is delicious and savory, has a slightly stretchy texture and is well suited for family teas.
- Watermelon peels - 500 g
- Sugar - 300-350 g
- Citric acid - a pinch
Making watermelon rind jam with citric acid:
- Cut the tough green rind off the watermelon, leaving a small amount of red flesh on the watermelon rind.
- Cut the crusts into small pieces and place in a saucepan.
- Add sugar and citric acid. Instead of acid, you can use fresh lime or lemon juice (2-3 tablespoons).
- Stir the food and leave the preparation in sugar for 10-12 hours.
- When the mass "starts up the juice", put the saucepan on the stove, boil and simmer the jam over moderate heat for 30-40 minutes.
- Stir the ingredients from time to time to make the syrup smooth.
- Pour the hot jam into a clean glass jar and seal it with lids. Store citric acid watermelon rind jams at home.
Watermelon rind jam with baking soda

Delicate, moderately sweet and tasty jam from watermelon peels with soda. The pieces are infused in hot syrup, soaked in sugar and keep their shape remarkably.
- Watermelon peels - 1 kg
- Sugar - 1, 2 kg
- Water - 1.25 l
- Soda - 1 tsp with a slide
Making watermelon rind jam with baking soda:
- Cut off the outer green rind from the watermelon rind and rinse the peeled rind.
- Cut the white pulp into small cubes, strips or a curly knife.
- Dissolve baking soda in hot water.
- Place the crusts in a saucepan, add the water and baking soda, and add another 5 tbsp. water.
- Stir the crusts and let sit in soda water for 4 hours.
- Drain and rinse the baking soda rind well.
- Pour the washed crusts with clean water and leave for 30 minutes.
- Drain the water, rinse the crusts, fill again with water for half an hour and drain the water.
- Boil the sugar syrup. To do this, pour half of the sugar into a large saucepan, pour 3 tbsp. water and stir.
- Bring the syrup to a boil and add the washed watermelon cubes.
- Cook the food over medium heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Remove the saucepan from heat and leave to infuse for 8-12 hours.
- Then return the jam to the fire, add the remaining sugar, stir, bring to a boil and cook for 20-30 minutes.
- Remove the pan from heat and leave for 8-12 hours.
- The next day, boil the jam again after boiling for 20-30 minutes.
- Remove the jam from heat and leave to infuse for 12 hours.
- Put cold jam in clean jars. Make sure the watermelon cubes are completely covered in syrup.
- Close the jars with clean lids and store the watermelon rind jam and baking soda in a cool, dark place.
Watermelon Peel Jam with Lemon and Orange

Boiled watermelon crusts in syrup resemble real candied fruits … elastic, amber-transparent, with a light citrus aroma, honey taste … This preparation will not leave anyone indifferent.
- Watermelon peels - 1 kg
- Orange - 1 pc.
- Lemon - 1 pc.
- Water - 500 ml
- Sugar - 1.5 kg
Making watermelon peel jam with lemon and orange:
- Cut off the tough green part from the watermelon rinds, rinse and cut into small pieces of any shape.
- Pour watermelon crusts with water, boil for 10 minutes and drain.
- Remove the zest from the orange and lemon and squeeze the juice.
- Boil the syrup from water and sugar, heating the food until the sugar is completely dissolved.
- Add the juice with the zest to the syrup and send the watermelon crusts.
- Bring food to a boil and cook for 7 minutes.
- Leave the jam to cool completely and bring to a boil again.
- Cook for 15 minutes and chill again.
- Boil the jam for the third time, and simmer for 10 minutes.
- Pour hot jam from watermelon peels with lemon and orange into sterilized jars, seal and store at room temperature.
Watermelon crust jam in a slow cooker

By making jam in a slow cooker, you will discover a new side of the watermelon! Preservation has a delicate taste and delicate aroma. And by adding citrus juice, you get a new, fresh shade of the workpiece.
- Watermelon peels - 0.5 kg
- Sugar - 0.5 kg
- Soda - 1 tsp
Making jam from watermelon peels in a slow cooker:
- Peel the watermelon rind and cut into strips.
- Dissolve the baking soda in water, stir and pour over the crusts.
- Put them on for half an hour, then rinse the crusts with running water.
- Place the crusts in a multicooker bowl, add sugar and stir.
- Set the multicooker to the "stewing" mode for 1 hour and stir several times during cooking.
- Pour the finished hot jam from watermelon peels cooked in a slow cooker into jars, close the lids and store in the refrigerator.