Watermelon for weight loss - seasonal diet, contraindications and menus

Watermelon for weight loss - seasonal diet, contraindications and menus
Watermelon for weight loss - seasonal diet, contraindications and menus

The watermelon diet is not only tasty, but also a healthy product for the body. Now, in order to lose weight, you do not have to force yourself to eat something you hate - a juicy watermelon in the summer heat will be more than ever, by the way! The pulp of this useful melon culture contains salts of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, nickel, vitamins A, B1, B2 (read which foods contain vitamin B2), folic and ascorbic acids, as well as up to 90–95% water. Watermelon is a low-calorie product: there are only 25 kcal per 100 g, so it is useful for overweight people. This is not only a great opportunity to get rid of extra pounds, but also improve your health. Thanks to fiber, the digestive system will improve, the level of bad cholesterol will decrease and the kidneys will be cleansed.

Watermelon for weight loss is considered a mono-diet - when you need to eat only one product for 5 days. Nutritionists tend to consider this option to lose weight difficult, since not everyone is able to withstand it. If you lack fluid, you can drink unsweetened green tea or still mineral water.

During the day, you need to eat slices of watermelon, dividing the whole amount into 5-6 meals. If you have stomach problems, then it is permissible to add a couple of slices of black bread - such a diet is called healing.

Contraindications of watermelon for weight loss

Each weight loss method has both pros and cons. The watermelon diet is no exception. The main contraindication is the presence of kidney stones - keep in mind that the product effectively promotes the release of sand and small stones. In addition to the diuretic effect, this berry is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, urinary outflow disorders, colitis, diarrhea, chronic bowel diseases.

The results of using watermelon for weight loss and output

Watermelon for weight loss - results and way out of the diet
Watermelon for weight loss - results and way out of the diet

Watermelon for weight loss will help the body get rid of toxins and toxins, and remove excess weight in a short time. If on the 2nd day of the diet you do not have a feeling of heaviness and bloating in the abdomen, accumulation of gas, then you can safely adhere to this diet for the next time. Thus, in 5 days it is quite possible to lose up to 5 kilograms of excess weight. To consolidate the result, a gradual exit from the diet with a transition to partial "watermelon nutrition" is required, which lasts another ten days:

  • Breakfast: a slice of cheese and oatmeal.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad with olive oil, lean fish or beef (200-250 g).
  • Dinner: a slice of watermelon.
  • Drinking regime: unsweetened green tea, infusion of lingonberries, rose hips and other berries, still water.

Watermelon diet, menu:

Helpful hints:

Before you buy a watermelon, pay attention to such indicators of the degree of maturity as yellow spots on the sides ("bald spots") and a dry tail. If the barrel is not yellow, but white or green, then the fruit is unripe. Choose medium-sized watermelons between 6 and 8 kg.

Lose weight with health benefits!

Video: how to cut a watermelon into cubes on a weight loss diet:
