Learn how to distinguish between thirst and hunger in time, so as not to overeat and thereby not accumulate excess body fat. In the West, the name of Fireydon Batmanghelidj is well known. This is largely due to the great popularity of his two books on water and its effects on human health. In our country, these works are also finding more and more fans. They argue that regular drinking water can reduce headaches, eliminate some of the unpleasant symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, and generally improve overall well-being. However, there are quite a few of those who are skeptical about such statements. Today we will tell you why you confuse hunger and thirst and overeat.
Who is Dr. Fireydon Batmanghelidj?

This man was born in 1931 in Iran. After graduating from a private school in Scotland, Batmanghelidge received his medical education at the medical school of St. Marie's Hospital, University of London. After that, they received an offer to take the position of a resident in the same medical institution.
However, after a few years, Fireydon returns to his homeland. During the 1979 revolution, he ends up in prison as a member of a wealthy and influential family. It was while serving his term that Batmanghelidj made a unique discovery of the healing power of drinking water. As a doctor by vocation, he tried to make the life of the rest of the prisoners to the best of his ability.
It is quite obvious that he did not have any medications. The only remedy was water. After two glasses of liquid, the inmate's pain sensations decreased. After spending about 2.5 years in prison, Batmanghelidj devoted all his free time to studying water. As a result, he came to the conclusion that water can not only prevent, but also heal a large number of ailments.
Thus, the prison became an excellent testing ground for him. When Batmanghelidj was due to be released, he asked the prison authorities to stay another four months to complete his research. You will probably be surprised, but for all the time spent in prison, the doctor managed to heal about three thousand people suffering from an ulcer.
In 1983, the first results of Batmanghelidj's research were published in one of the Iranian scientific journals. In 1992, he escaped to the United States and began working at the University of Pennsylvania as a scientific advisor to the Department of Bioengineering. It is quite obvious that the research has been continued. In total, the pen of Batmanghelidj owns six books, which have been translated into almost all languages of the world.
Why do people often confuse hunger with thirst and overeat as a result?

Unfortunately, the most hardened skeptics will not even begin to get acquainted with the healing method we are considering today. We can assure you that it is worth doing it, if only out of pure curiosity. The books of Batmanghelidj will allow you to get a minimum of information, thanks to which it will be possible to easily eliminate poor health without resorting to the use of various medications.
One of the author's works is titled "Your body is asking for water." This is a truth that is well known to everyone. As a result, it becomes not entirely clear why Batmanghelidja could become so famous. Those who read the book will surely immediately remember the words of the author that people often forget the simplest truths.
A few years ago in the United States, the next issue of the most popular women's magazine came out with the headline - “A revolution in medicine! A new diet based on drinking water”. A photo of the star of the popular US television series was placed on the cover as evidence. The article itself tells. As the above-mentioned actress and one talk show host managed to lose 13 and 18 kilos, respectively.
In addition, the women claimed that they managed to simultaneously get rid of chronic fatigue and pain in various parts of the body. However, this is not the most interesting part of the article. The greatest sensation was made by the statement of the actress and journalist that all this was achieved by them without the use of various diets and pills. Throughout the day, they only drank at least 2.5 liters of water.
Actually, this is the essence of the method of Dr. Batmanghelidj. He analyzed and summarized the results of numerous studies carried out over the past two decades. As a result, many fans of his method talk about creating the perfect way to deal with excess weight.
Many scientists talk about water as a natural phenomenon. Not everyone knows that this substance has an energetic memory and can be reprogrammed. To date, more than 130 different water isotopes are known. From this we can conclude that the human body consists of 80 percent of a programmable substance.
Surely you have heard the phrase "wash with dew." It symbolizes the act of touching the sublime and pure. However, today we can safely say that this statement contains not only simple lyrics, but absolute pragmatics. Based on the results of scientific research of recent decades, it can be argued that washing with dew, you can touch the life-giving substance. Those people who use it will attest that no modern anti-aging cream can achieve similar results.
You must understand that the answer to the question of why you confuse hunger and thirst and overeat cannot be simple. Trying to freeze the dew resulted in incredibly beautiful snowflakes with complex shapes. This fact indicates a high level of organization of the informational component of water, more precisely, its energy memory. The situation is similar in our body.
Regular use of clean drinking water in the required amount, this is what is called water therapy, in combination with breathing exercises allows you to normalize energy processes. You probably know that normal digestion is unthinkable without water.
How to properly use water for medicinal purposes: the Batmanghelija method

If we briefly talk about the method of treatment with Batmanghelidja water, then during the day it is necessary to consume from two to three liters of water. After each intake, you also need to consume a pinch of salt (no more than a teaspoon per day). You should always drink water if you feel thirsty. This statement is also true for the meal period.
You can often hear that you shouldn't drink while eating. However, Batmanghelidj is sure that water cannot negatively affect the digestion process, but its absence will definitely complicate it. Thirty minutes before the start of the meal and 2.5 hours after its completion, you should drink two glasses of water. Recall that you need to consume at least two liters throughout the day.
In this case, you will feel full. The scientist explains this fact by the special effect of water on the symptomatic nervous system. According to Batmanghelidj, a glass of water works for 1.5 to 2 hours. At the same time, the production of adrenaline is accelerated, which is one of the most powerful natural fat burners.
Drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal triggers regulatory processes. People suffering from cancer, obesity or depression should drink at least two glasses at this time. Thirty minutes is enough for the body to absorb water and then secrete the substance into the stomach for processing food. By regularly drinking water before meals, you can avoid various problems associated with the functioning of the digestive system.
2.5 hours after the meal, you need to drink another 0.25 to 0.35 liters of water. As a result, the response to the production of the hormones of satiety is stimulated and the processing of food in the intestinal tract is completed. In addition, the feeling of false hunger is suppressed. In fact, the body does not need food, but water. Also, water should be used before any physical activity.
So we found the answer to the question, why do you confuse the feeling of hunger and thirst and overeat? The author of the method recommends gradually increasing the amount of water consumed, starting from 1 or 1.5 liters. For normal functioning, the body requires an average of 30 milliliters of water for every kilogram of body weight. It is very important to gradually increase the amount of fluid so that chronic ailments do not worsen.
Scientists have long come to the conclusion that many chronic diseases develop against a background of constant fluid deficiency, slowing blood flow and poor physical activity. For treatment, it is necessary to use only drinking water. If you are confident in the quality of the tap, then it will do.
It is important to remember that many drinks, including tea and coffee, have diuretic properties and as a result, the body becomes even more dehydrated. To determine if you are using enough water, look at the color of the urine. If the body is not deficient in fluid, then it will be colorless. If the fluid balance is slightly disturbed, then the urine becomes yellow. The most dangerous is orange, which indicates severe dehydration. Today we're talking about why you confuse hunger and thirst and overeat. If you want to eat, but in fact there is a slight fluid deficiency in the body, drink water with a pinch of salt. As a result, for at least half an hour, or even 60 minutes, the feeling of hunger will disappear. It seems that everything is very simple. However, it should be remembered that salt can be harmful to the body and it is necessary to talk in more detail about the daily dosage of this product. For a liter of water, you have to consume a quarter teaspoon. It should also be noted that the need to consume salt at the same time as water causes serious controversy. This is understandable, because a lot depends on the diet. What's more, drinking too much water will also not be beneficial to your health.
If the body does not experience a lack of fluid, then all toxins are quickly utilized. However, drinking too much water can flush out beneficial micronutrients, such as vitamin C. To conclude a conversation about why you confuse hunger and thirst and overeat, I would like to say a few words.
The author of the considered methodology himself does not claim that all his recommendations should be strictly followed. He only shared with us his observations based on his own experience and the results of a large number of studies. If you have serious health problems, be sure to see your doctor.