90 Day Split Food Diet

90 Day Split Food Diet
90 Day Split Food Diet

In pursuit of the best forms, many are on different diets, each of which has its own characteristics. In this article, you will learn what the 90 Day Split Food Diet is all about. Content:

  1. General recommendations
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Contraindications
  4. Diet and the right way out of the diet
  5. Recipes for:

    • Protein cycle
    • Carbohydrate
    • Starchy
    • Vitamin

In an effort to achieve better shape, many women resort to all kinds of diets. Some programs can meet expectations, while others, on the contrary, will end in failure. Often, after an illiterate exit from the diet, excess weight comes back. The best weight loss techniques help not only to lose weight, but also to correct your health for the better, one of them is the 90-day separate diet.

General recommendations for a separate diet

The diet, which lasts for three months, was developed by two friends from Slovenia. The reason for creating a weight loss program was the desire to help women who did not want to lose weight due to the reason that almost all diets are boring and painful. Based on this, a meal plan was invented, which, although it does not belong to the category of fast diets, but it allows you to eat various nutritional components, indulging yourself with many delicious dishes. It is very easy to adhere to the diet of the diet, since all the restrictions are temporary, because the menu changes every day. General dietary advice. Developed by authors from Slovenia, the following:

  1. In the early days, it is recommended to be patient. Gradually, the body will get used to the diet, and you will not even notice that you are on a diet.
  2. Stick to the weight loss program for three months, as it should be, otherwise no one will guarantee you that the extra lost pounds will not come back. Do not forget to weigh yourself and measure your volumes before starting the 90-day diet in order to observe the changes in the future.
  3. Do not give up walking and exercise. Physical activity is an integral part of the weight loss process and will help tone the body.
  4. Drink at least two liters of fluid daily, exclude all alcoholic beverages.
  5. As far as food is concerned, it must be of high quality and fresh.
  6. Follow your meal schedule by eating your main meal between 12:00 and 20:00. At lunch, give preference to a large portion, in the evening eat half as much. As for the first and second breakfast, eat as little as possible in the morning, eat fruit, drink a lot.
  7. If you can't wait a few hours from lunch to dinner, eat one fruit as a last resort.
  8. To find the optimal portion of the dish, it is advised to divide the usual size of the same lunch by two. During the protein cycle from lunch to evening, at least four hours should pass, for the vitamin cycle - two hours. On any given day, the last meal should be taken four hours before bedtime.
  9. If for some reason you broke your diet and did not adhere to the 90-day diet, do not panic, continue the program the next day.

Pros and Cons of the 90 Day Diet

separate food
separate food

The Croat 90 Day Diet, like any effective weight loss program, has advantages and disadvantages.

Due to the fact that the products, which are well matched for compatibility, quickly pass through the digestive tract, the processes of decay and fermentation are not observed in the body, which means that the intoxication of the body is minimized. As for the result of losing weight from passing a 90-day diet, it is usually successfully fixed and the extra pounds do not come back. The proposed weight loss option should be suitable for people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders.

As mentioned above, although the diet saturates the body with all the necessary elements for normal functioning, in order to sit on such a method of losing weight, willpower is needed. It should be mentioned that some doctors do not share the opinion that separate meals are of great benefit to the body. They believe that if you “sit” on separate meals for a long time, the body simply will not be able to cope with fast foods and other dishes that were not included in the diet of the 90-day program. You will need to give up traditional dishes and a slice of cake eaten at a wedding or other event can ruin the whole celebration.

Who may not be on a diet

Before disassembling the diet of the 90-day diet, you need to make sure that your health condition does not fall under the ban for the passage of this program from Brad Chrobat and Mojc Polyanshek.

You should not use this diet during pregnancy, during lactation, with problems with the digestive and excretory systems. In any case, it is recommended to contact nutritionists, so that they, in turn, give competent advice.

Diet ration

woman eating salad
woman eating salad

The 90-day diet consists of a four-day (protein, starch, carbohydrate, vitamin days) cycle of separate meals and allows you to lose up to 25 kg in three months. The authors of the program are convinced that after the end of such a long session, you can lose another 3 kg. Every 29 day, and there are 3 of them for 90 days, unloading, which means you can only drink non-carbonated water.

The first cycle is called protein, when any protein food is allowed, as well as greens. Here you can cook pork, beef, chicken, turkey or other animal meat, seafood, fish, broth, vegetables (except potatoes), eggs and any dairy products can be added to the dishes. On protein days, a slice of whole grain bread is allowed.

On the second day of the 90-day diet, it is customary to eat grain bread and those foods that include starch, these include vegetables, including potatoes, beans, soybeans, lentils, beans, rice, buckwheat and other grains. You can also make a vegetable broth on a starchy day.

Carbohydrate Day is celebrated with a diet of tortillas, pasta and other flour products. On the third day, you can start cooking various cereals with vegetables, tomato gravy with spices. Allowed to bake from yeast-free dough without adding milk and eggs. In the evening, indulge in a few cookies, an ice cream scoop or one cake, and be sure to have some bitter dark chocolate.

The fourth day is vitamin. Today you can eat any fruits and dried fruits that are best soaked in water. In the amount of 25 g, nuts are allowed, as well as ordinary sunflower seeds. Use vegetable and fruit juices as liquid.

Regardless of which diet you have chosen for losing weight, the last day of the program is not the final stop, because it is important not only to lose weight, but also to consolidate the result. Therefore, at the end of the 90-day diet, try to consume water with honey and vinegar on an empty stomach. Better yet, visit a good nutritionist to advise you on how to get out of your diet.

This diet is designed in such a way that it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of time preparing dishes from the menu, but you can also eat in a restaurant. True, in this case, it is necessary to explain well to the waiter how the dish should be prepared, in what oil it is fried, etc. You can order potatoes with summer salad, Italian pasta with tomato sauce or meat with vegetables, in any case, the order you bring must match your diet for weight loss.

Diet recipes


For proper nutrition, you need to make recipes or search for them on dietary sites. You can use the following recipes for your 90 Day Weight Loss Program.

Protein food

On protein days, you can cook meat zrazy. To do this, prepare 600 g of beef, 50 g of onion, 20 g of vegetable oil and a little spices at your discretion. Rinse the meat under running water, remove the veins and cut across the fibers into thin pieces. Remember to hit them with a hammer. Chop the onion and fry it in oil, add salt and pepper. Each piece of meat must be greased with the prepared filling and rolled up. To keep the zrazy in shape during cooking, use toothpicks or a thread. Fry the zrazy in a low, wide saucepan. Add water later, close the pan with a lid and let the dish simmer for an hour and a half over low heat. You can use vegetables as a side dish.

If you prefer fish over meat, cook a cod stew with vegetables. This requires 0.5 kg of cod fillet, 350 g of carrots, 200 g of celery root, 300 g of zucchini, 120 g of leeks, 4 tbsp. sunflower oil and a little seasoning at your discretion. Rinse vegetables and cut into strips. They should be stewed over low heat with the addition of a small amount of water. Place the fish fillets on top of the vegetables, sprinkle with spices and drizzle with lemon juice. Place the lid on the pot and let simmer for about 20 minutes.

Carbohydrate food

Pasta lovers are allowed to indulge in such a product on the carbohydrate days of the 90-day split meal diet. To make the dish healthy and tasty, you can add mushrooms to the pasta, tomato paste sauce is also suitable.

It is very easy to prepare such dishes. Boil about 80 g of pasta and drain. Then chop the mushrooms and fry them with the addition of vegetable oil, water, garlic and 1 tbsp. vinegar. Combine cooked pasta with mushrooms. You can use parsley as a greenery.

Stuffed tomatoes will help diversify your menu, the recipe for which includes 3 large tomatoes, salt, black pepper, 1 tsp. oatmeal, 1 tsp. green parsley, basil, juice of half a lemon. First, soak the oatmeal in water, squeeze it out after 15 minutes. Now rinse the vegetables under running water, cut off the cap from them and take out the middle. Do not throw out the tomato pulp, but mix with the flakes and place back in the tomatoes, put the chopped tomatoes in the refrigerator. After an hour, start baking the dish in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Starchy food


If you don't know what to cook on a starchy diet day, you can check out the recipe for carrot puree made from five potatoes, two carrots, pepper and salt to taste. Cook carrots and jacket potatoes separately. After cooking, vegetables should be peeled and kneaded with the addition of water, if you want to get a thinner puree. For mashed potatoes, you can make a salad of vegetables and 1 tbsp. corn.

Instead of mashed potatoes, you can cook rice with vegetables. To do this, fry the chopped vegetables in olive oil (1 tablespoon), fill them with a glass of broth, wait until everything boils, and add washed rice (120 g) to the components. Turn on low heat and simmer, covered for about 15 minutes and uncovered for 5 minutes. Don't forget the spices.

Vitamin food

For fruit days, you can chop three large yellow pears and let them simmer in a pan for a few minutes, add 3 spicy cloves and vanilla. Wait until everything has cooled, and only then add the cinnamon on the tip of a knife and 1 tbsp. honey. Mix all the ingredients, just gently so that the pear slices do not break, and sprinkle the finished dish with up to 25 g of nuts.

Perhaps you will like the second vitamin food option. Grind prunes, raisins, and dried apricots, as well as walnuts and honey in a blender until smooth. Shape the mixture and sprinkle with coconut on top.

The 90-Day Diet is a program for effective weight loss with the right combination of foods, which allows you to adjust forms without harm to the body.

Video tips and recipes:

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