Ginger is an exquisite oriental spice known for its medicinal properties. Today we will talk about how you can become slim and beautiful with it. Here are the recipes for beauty! Write it down! The content of the article:
- Contraindications
- Slimming Ginger Recipes
- Video how to make ginger lemonade
All my friends are vying with each other to praise tea with ginger, the reviews are only positive. Still would! It became so popular that it overshadowed all known diets for its effectiveness. Below I will reveal to you the recipes for this miraculous drink, but for now I will tell you how ginger helps you lose weight.
- Also read our article on the health benefits of ginger.
- Slimming Chocolate Cocktail Killer Calories
Depending on the methods of preparation, tea affects the body in different ways: it refreshes, invigorates, helps to lose weight faster, removes toxins, or is aimed at improving the condition in case of colds or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
Contraindications of ginger for weight loss
But you should not lose weight in this way to the detriment of your health in the presence of chronic diseases. Ginger tea is not recommended for allergies, gallstone disease, ulcers and ulcerative colitis, intestinal inflammation, problems with cardiovascular activity. If you are pregnant or lactating, always consult your doctor before using ginger!
So, in the absence of all of the above, you can safely start losing weight. We are sure that from these recipes you can choose the most suitable way for you to lose weight quickly and effectively.
Slimming Ginger Recipes:

1. Basic recipe for weight loss ginger tea
Peel a small ginger root, grate on a fine grater. Take 2 tablespoons of raw materials in a liter jar, add a little honey and 60 ml of lemon juice, pour boiling water. Let it infuse for 30-60 minutes, after which you can drink ginger tea for weight loss.
If this is your first time using this root for weight loss, start with half a glass, gradually increasing the amount of tea you drink to 2 liters per day.
Video on how to make ginger tea:

2. Weight loss ginger
If you decide to lose weight thoroughly, then use garlic to enhance the action of the ginger root (read about the beneficial properties of garlic). This hot product perfectly "accelerates" the digestive and metabolic processes, enhancing the effect of weight loss. To make 2 liters of tea, you will need ginger root (4 cm), 2 cloves of garlic, and boiling water. Chop the garlic finely and chop the ginger into thin slices, like chips. Transfer everything to a bowl, pour boiling water over it. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth and drink throughout the day.
3. For lovers of mint and cardamom
For me personally, tea with cardamom is a breath of freshness to give vigor and good mood. If you also have this opinion, then try making ginger tea instead of regular black tea, but with the addition of these ingredients. The drink is especially good in summer.
Start by grinding fresh mint leaves (60 g) and half a ginger root in a blender. Add a pinch of ground cardamom to the mixture and cover with boiling water. Insist half an hour. Now, for a delicious freshness and unusual taste, add 1/3 cup of lemon juice and 50 g of orange juice to the strained mixture. Drink chilled.
4. Green tea and ginger for weight loss
In all diets, you can drink not black, but green tea as a drink. Brew it in the usual way, pour it into a thermos, add a little dry chopped ginger. After 30 minutes, the drink is ready to drink. Drink it hot. It not only speeds up metabolic processes, forcing the body to get rid of excess fat, but also eliminates cough, removes harmful substances, and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
It is good if there are yarrow herbs, black elderberry flowers or mint in the house. They can be added to ginger tea by infusing the mixture a little. This recipe is effective for stomach disorders.
5. Diet fruit and vegetable salad with horned root
Know that ginger for weight loss is not limited to making tea. A fruit and vegetable salad with ginger gives a good result. Many are surprised when they hear that ginger can be eaten raw and even pickled, well, this is already Japanese cuisine. In the meantime, let's analyze the salad recipe. You will need 1 part ginger root, orange peel and celery; 2 parts each lemon and baked beets, as well as 3 parts fresh carrots. Cut all the ingredients, mix, add vegetable oil, no salt! It is useful to eat such a salad 2 times a week, limiting yourself in fatty, sweet, canned and smoked foods.
6. Slimming in Japanese: pickled ginger
Many people like the pickled root. This is just unusual! There is no other way to put it. In Japan, pickled ginger is often used as an anti-aging agent. It contains useful vitamins, minerals, amino acids, as well as essential oils that improve the body's endurance.
The substances in pickled ginger enhance metabolic processes, which helps to speed up the shedding of extra pounds.
Surprise your loved ones with pickled ginger! You will need:
- ginger - 300 g
- wine vinegar - 0.5 tsp
- red wine - 3 tbsp. l.
- sugar - 1, 5 tbsp. l.
- water - 4 tbsp. l.
- a pinch of salt
Peel the root, cut it into thin plates against the fibers, place in a saucepan, completely pour boiling water over it. Season with salt and cook for 4 minutes. Then drain and cool.
How to prepare the marinade:
dissolve sugar in hot water, pour in the indicated amount of vinegar, wine, stir.
Pour the cooled ginger over the resulting marinade, leave with the lid closed for 3 days (keep at room temperature). Use ready-made pickled ginger with meat, sushi or fish. Store in a cool place. Also cook pickled cabbage with ginger twice a week - this will help you lose weight, since cabbage is also considered the best product for losing weight (fat burner).
In the presence of acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, etc.), the use of pickled ginger should be limited so as not to aggravate the disease.