Learn about an unknown Asian fruit called herring and its similar fruit, crayfish, at TutKnow.ru. They are also referred to as "snake fruit". As there are them, useful properties and calorie content. Herring is also called "Salakka" (in Latin Salacca zalacca, in English Salak) is a palm tree that grows fast in the tropics, which consists of many trunks with feathery leaves, which look like petioles and axes covered with thorns. The palm tree itself is short. Its fruits are fruits in the form of clusters of red-brown color, the growth of which occurs at the very base of the trunk just above the level of the earth.

Thorny herring tree, how it grows The name of such a fruit comes from its external appearance, which is represented by scaly, prickly and rough outgrowths, resembling snake skin in shape. And the very shape of the fruit looks like small bulbs. The pulp in the main composition of the fruit is presented in the form of a beige-yellow sweet mass, specific in taste and with a fragrant pleasant smell, which is somewhat reminiscent of strawberry.
The homeland of this sweet is South-East Asia: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia. In other countries, Baltic herring is less common. It was also noted that the acquisition of the most delicious varieties of such fruit can be obtained by obtaining fruits that were grown in Java near the location of Yogyakarta, as well as in Bali.
How to eat snake fruit - crayfish or herring

Crayfish, photo TutKnow.ru So you know, another fruit, very similar to herring, called "crayfish" is also cultivated. The two fruits are very similar, and many believe that rakam is just the Thai name for herring. Crayfish, in contrast to herring, is red in color, and its taste is more concentrated, so it is better to buy more elongated fruits.
Due to the peculiarity of the growth of this fruit at the base of the palm tree and the presence of many small thorns in it, its cleaning requires some preparation. Otherwise, during the cleaning process, you may encounter multiple small wounds on the hands in the process of chipping them with needles.

Peeled crayfish, photo TutKnow.ru But there is nothing to be afraid of, it is enough to gently press the snake skin of the fruit with your finger (fingernail) to break it (it is better to do this from the top, there is emptiness there). Then continue to peel off the skin, it leaves the flesh perfectly. Before you eat the pulp, be careful - there is a large brown and hard bone, which you should not try to eat. I used to bite the herring in half, then take out the bone and put it all in my mouth. By the way, sometimes there were pieces without a bone.

Peeled crayfish, bone, photo TutKnow.ru The taste qualities of Salakka depend to a greater extent on the variety of the selected plant. Moreover, some of them have a sweet and sour taste, reminiscent of the flavor of a nut. Others claim a cherry aftertaste, as well as sensations reminiscent of strawberries or gooseberries. Others have also spotted varieties with banana and pineapple flavors. There are also varieties of fruits that emit an aroma reminiscent of valerian, as well as corvalol, similar to them in taste. If the fruit was picked in the early stages of its growth in an unripe form, then it has a bitter and sour aftertaste, which together develops on the basis of the selected plant variety. It should be noted that the herring variety affects not only the taste, but also its external form. As a result, the shape of the fruit can vary from round to almond-shaped. However, all fruits, regardless of grade, have the same brown color. The pulp of the fruit is represented by one or more segments with different intensity of staining in a color close to beige, which also develops on the basis of the varieties of the fruit varieties used.
Interesting facts about the Asian herring fruit
The name of such a fruit was formed on the basis of its appearance, which resembles a snake scale, which is translated from English and became known as "snake fruit". It is worth noting that Baltic herring managed to enter the top of the most delicious and common exotic fruits in Southeast Asia. He himself has an astringent taste. In addition, herring has a specific taste, which made it the tastiest of all existing fruits for some, and for others it was presented as a fruit with a strange taste, which, in one way or another, is worth trying at least once for the opportunity to get acquainted with it.
I really liked the snake fruit, but you won't eat much, because then it begins to pinch a little in your mouth, like after a pineapple.
Salak roster
Calorie content of herring
is about 82 kcal. Its composition is represented by such components as:
- proteins - 0.2 g
- fats - 0.4 g
- carbohydrates - 21, 3 g
Useful properties of herring

Herring The herring itself contains tannin in its composition, which acts as an agent that promotes the elimination of toxic and other harmful substances from the body, and it is also capable of having an astringent, hemostatic effect, having, in addition to everything, antidiarrheal and antihemorrhoidal properties. Also, the use of such a fruit has a beneficial effect on the formation and improvement of immunity.
Herring should be eaten raw, but it can also be used boiled or dried. Unripe fruits, due to their inherent sour and astringent taste, are best aged in a marinade. Due to the fact that the fruits of such a plant do not have a high calorie content, their use is not limited to their quantity. And thanks to its special properties, it can be perfect for use as a daily used dessert, as well as in between main meals. This allows you to use it to satisfy your hunger and simultaneously cleanse your body.
At the same time, for all periods of the use of such a fruit, there were no cases of a negative effect on the body. But like any other fruit, it is not recommended to eat it in very large quantities, everything should be in moderation.