The composition and calorie content of the fruits of the melon tree. Useful properties, contraindications for use and possible harm to the body. How to choose a fruit? Papaya in cooking. Interesting Facts.
Papaya is an edible fruit of the tropical tree of the same name that ripens quickly throughout the year. Another name is melon tree. It grows in large quantities in the wild in some countries of Southeast Asia, Central and Latin America, where the cultivation of papaya is considered traditional, because this culture is highly regarded. The fruits of the melon tree have taken pride of place in cooking and are widely used to prepare a variety of dishes. The taste and aroma of papaya depends on the variety and degree of ripeness. The ripe pulp tastes like a pumpkin, boiled carrot or melon. The aroma is slightly similar to that of raspberries, and when baked over a fire, a pleasant aroma of bread appears.
Composition and calorie content of papaya

In the photo papaya fruit
It contains a wide range of useful substances - minerals, vitamins, plant enzymes, sugars and many biologically active substances. Thanks to this, the fruit is considered very valuable for human health.
The calorie content of papaya per 100 g is 43 kcal, of which:
- Proteins - 0, 47 g;
- Fat - 0.26 g;
- Carbohydrates - 9, 12 g;
- Dietary fiber - 1, 7 g;
- Water - 88, 06 g;
- Ash - 0, 39 g.
Digestible carbohydrates per 100 g:
- Mono- and disaccharides - 7, 82 g;
- Glucose - 4.09 g;
- Fructose - 3, 73 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
- Alpha carotene - 2 mcg;
- Beta-carotene - 0.274 mg;
- Beta Cryptoxanthin - 589 mcg
- Lycopene - 1828 mcg;
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin - 89 mcg;
- Vitamin B1 - 0.023 mg;
- Vitamin B2 - 0.027 mg;
- Vitamin B4 - 6, 1 mg;
- Vitamin B5 - 0.191 mg;
- Vitamin B6 - 0.038 mg;
- Vitamin B9 - 37 mcg;
- Vitamin C - 60, 9 mg;
- Beta-tocopherol - 0.02 mg;
- Gamma-tocopherol - 0.09 mg;
- Delta-tocopherol - 0.01 mg;
- Vitamin K - 2.6 mcg;
- Vitamin PP - 0.357 mg.
Macronutrients per 100 g:
- Potassium - 182 mg;
- Calcium - 20 mg;
- Magnesium - 21 mg;
- Sodium - 8 mg;
- Phosphorus - 10 mg
Microelements per 100 g:
- Iron - 0.25 mg;
- Manganese - 0.04 mg;
- Copper - 45 mcg;
- Selenium - 0.6 mcg;
- Zinc - 0.08 mg.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
- Arginine - 0.01 g;
- Valine - 0.01 g;
- Histidine - 0, 005 g;
- Isoleucine - 0, 008 g;
- Leucine - 0.016 g;
- Lysine - 0.025 g;
- Methionine - 0, 002 g;
- Threonine - 0.011 g;
- Tryptophan - 0, 008 g;
- Phenylalanine - 0, 009 g.
Replaceable amino acids per 100 g:
- Alanine - 0.014 g;
- Aspartic acid - 0.049 g;
- Glycine - 0.018 g;
- Glutamic acid - 0.033 g;
- Proline - 0.01 g;
- Serine - 0.015 g;
- Tyrosine - 0, 005 g.
Saturated fatty acids per 100 g:
- Lauric - 0, 002 g;
- Myristic - 0.013 g;
- Palmitic - 0.06 g;
- Stearic acid - 0, 004 g.
Monounsaturated fatty acids per 100 g:
- Palmitoleic - 0.038 g;
- Oleic, omega-9 -0, 034 g.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100 g:
- Omega-3 - 0.047 g;
- Omega-6 - 0, 011 g.
Plant enzymes that make up papaya: albumin, papain, protease, chymopapain A and B, lipase, amylase, glutamine transferase.
Thus, the main health value of the fruit and the beneficial properties of papaya are determined by the presence in its composition of vitamin C, potassium, as well as natural enzymes for the gastrointestinal tract.
Health benefits of papaya
The incredibly extensive chemical composition of papaya provides it with many beneficial properties, due to which the fruits are actively used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. Papaya is able to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerating digestion, stimulating the muscles of the intestines, relieving the manifestations of gastritis, ulcers, colitis, cleansing the liver, and also removing parasites from the body. It is also used to treat certain skin conditions, metabolic problems, including normalizing blood sugar levels and improving protein absorption. The fruits have antibacterial, analgesic, cleansing, choleretic and diuretic properties. The benefits of papaya in the fight against malignant tumors have also been revealed. Anticancer activity allows you to stop the multiplication of cancer cells. The fruits of the melon tree have another interesting property - with their systematic but moderate consumption, the harm from secondhand smoke is reduced.
The benefits of papaya for men

The beneficial properties of papaya for the male population are provided by the presence in the composition of a special enzyme called arginine. It improves blood flow to the male genital organs, normalizes their functioning, stimulates receptors, significantly enhancing sensations during intimacy.
This fruit is able to restore a weakened reproductive function, increasing the chances of a man to become a father, and normalize potency, prolonging the sexual activity of the stronger sex.
The benefits of papaya for women

Women can also use this product with great benefit, because it has a beneficial effect not only on the health of the female body, but also on the appearance of every woman.
First of all, the benefits of papaya for women lie in its ability to restore reproductive function and accelerate the onset of pregnancy. Ripe fruits normalize the work of the ovaries, restore the menstrual cycle. At the same time, they also reduce pain and improve the psycho-emotional state during PMS and menstruation.
Ripe papaya tastes sweet, however, despite this, the fruits can be used in diet food for weight loss. The product helps to break down fats and accelerate the removal of decay products. Properly cooked papaya for diabetes will not cause sudden surges in sugar, will improve digestion and will not allow you to gain excess weight.
To understand why papaya is good for your appearance, it is worth returning to the composition of this product, namely the content of antioxidants. Thus, the regenerating properties of this product are appreciated by women. These fruits can significantly improve the condition of the skin, even out the complexion, making it more natural, get rid of age spots, restore the elasticity of the epidermis, neutralizing existing fine wrinkles and preventing the formation of new ones. The skin is quickly smoothed. The property of papaya to remove dangerous toxic compounds from the body allows you to cleanse the skin of rashes, dead cells, and get rid of various kinds of dermatitis.
Also for cosmetic purposes, the fruits of the melon tree are used to remove unwanted hair.
Benefits of papaya during pregnancy

Pregnant women can also eat papaya, provided that there are no individual contraindications, which can be found at an appointment with a leading obstetrician-gynecologist.
First of all, the fruits allow you to strengthen the protective functions of the body due to the high content of vitamin C and to avoid some infectious diseases without harm to the developing fetus.
The fruit replenishes the reserves of vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids and other important biologically active substances that are so necessary for both a woman and an unborn child. Papaya plays a special role in restoring the quantitative content of folic acid, which is urgently needed for the development of the baby's nervous system.
Separately, we can say about the importance of the product in the fight against anemia. Papaya allows you to restore the hemoglobin content, improve blood circulation and eliminate the likelihood of hypoxia, fraught with various pathologies of pregnancy.
Thus, when consumed in moderation, papaya during pregnancy is not only not dangerous, but also very useful.
Benefits of papaya for children

Papaya is equally useful for children of all ages. The main thing is to know how to eat papaya correctly. In countries where this fruit grows, it is introduced into complementary foods from the 4th month of a baby's life, traditionally starting with 1 teaspoon of heat-treated pulp and gradually increasing the portion. Such a product is quite easily absorbed and tones up the developing body.
In adolescence, the fruit of the melon tree can be used to fight skin diseases, for example, acne, freckles.
Also, the fruit is useful for eliminating fungal infections, which very often occur after visiting the pool and sports clubs, and fighting HPV, which causes the appearance of warts.
The beneficial properties of papaya are also undeniable for enhancing immunity and eliminating anemia.
The presence of glycine, vitamins and minerals in the melon tree fruit helps to normalize the nervous system, restore the psycho-motor functions of the brain, increase cognitive abilities, improve sleep and restore normal performance during the day.
Note! Despite the relatively high carbohydrate content and moderately high glycemic index of papaya, this product is not contraindicated for diabetics, because improves metabolism and lowers the body's need for insulin.
Contraindications and harm of papaya

For the inhabitants of our country, papaya is considered an exotic product, therefore, even an adult is recommended to try it, starting with small portions.
The main contraindication to the use of papaya is the presence of an individual intolerance to this product.
Papaya harm to humans:
- Allergy … A strict contraindication is to eat the fruits of the melon tree in the presence of an individual intolerance to papaya.
- Poisoning … Carpaine contained in fruits is useful in small doses to eliminate parasites, but in large quantities it causes poisoning, stomach pain, and indigestion.
- Weakening of the reproductive system … Papaya seeds are harmful to men. their use is fraught with a decrease in the ability to conceive. It should be noted that the effect is temporary, but this fact must be taken into account when planning conception.
- Contractions of the uterus during pregnancy … May occur when the unripe fruit of the melon tree is consumed by pregnant women.
- Yellowing of the skin … Occurs when eating a large amount of fruit.
Reviews of papaya indicate that the product will not harm the body if consumed in moderation and properly cleaned and processed.
How to choose a papaya?

You can buy papaya in many large grocery stores, it is important to choose high-quality fruits. However, they are consumed both ripe and unripe, so the rules for choosing a fruit are ambiguous.
Usually, papaya is picked from a tree unripe for sale. This makes it easier to store and transport. During this time, the fruits ripen easily.
Unripe fruits have the following characteristics: the peel is green, the flesh is quite firm, the juice is minimal and transparent. At the same time, you will not be able to feel a special aroma and any exotic taste. However, even at this stage of maturity, the fruit is still used for food.
Before choosing a ripe papaya, it is worth remembering that the peel, depending on the type of plant, has a yellow or golden-orange hue, the color should be uniform without any spots and inclusions, the ripe fruit is slightly soft to the touch, the pulp has a reddish tint. A fruit with such characteristics is sure to be fresh and sweet and will be enjoyed by many. At the same time, the shape and size of the fruit can vary significantly depending on the type of papaya and growing conditions.
How is the fruit of the melon tree eaten?

The photo shows how papaya is eaten.
Only papaya pulp is eaten. The ripe fruit is cut in half. Next, select all the seeds with a spoon and use a knife to cut them into slices, like a watermelon and a melon, along with the peel.
Before dicing the papaya, it must be rinsed and peeled. Then the ripe fruit will be convenient to eat with a fork.
If an unripe fruit was purchased, then it can, for example, be steamed, baked in the oven, or sent to a dry, warm place for ripening.
If you need a ripe fruit, then it is worth remembering how to store the papaya in order to speed up its ripening. You just need to place the fruit in one bag with bananas or ripe apples for 1-2 days. When the papaya is ripe, it can be eaten both raw and processed.
For storage, the fruits of the melon tree are placed in the refrigerator for no more than 5-7 days.
And here is how papaya is peeled in Thailand, for this you need:
- cut the fruit in half lengthwise;
- spoon out the tough black papaya seeds with a tablespoon and discard;
- peel off a thin and soft peel with a knife;
- then cut the pulp into slices, cubes, etc., as it is convenient for anyone, and can be served, but, as a rule, cut into cubes, so it is more convenient to eat.
By the way, advice: after you cut the papaya into cubes, put it in the refrigerator for an hour, a cold and juicy fruit in hot countries of the world is the very thing that the body needs!
Also, this fruit can be cut into thin slices and dried in the oven at 60 ° C. In dried form, it can be easily stored for 2-3 months or more.
Papaya recipes
Papaya dishes are very varied, because these fruits are combined with many products - various types of meat and seafood, fish and vegetables, fruits and berries. These exotic fruits can be used to make a wide variety of pastries, salads, meat and vegetable stews, and drinks. It is impossible to answer unequivocally how to eat papaya correctly, because it is good in fresh, baked, stewed, boiled, dried and canned form. Alcoholic drinks, syrups for cocktails and creams and sauces are even prepared on its basis.
Stuffed papaya

Papaya has an interesting elongated shape, and after cleaning from seeds, a notch is formed in each half of the fruit. Thanks to this, the product is good for stuffing with various types of fillings. And since the stuffed papaya looks very attractive and appetizing, such a dish can take pride of place on the festive table.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipes for stuffed papaya:
- Papaya with rice and shrimps … Ingredients: rice (200 g), shrimps (450 g), papaya (600 g), cream (40 ml), hard cheese (50 g), vegetable broth (500 ml), lemon juice (40 ml), mayonnaise (50 d), onion (1 pc.), vegetable oil (40 ml), water (250 ml). Chop the onion and simmer in oil. Add rice, lightly fry, fill with broth and simmer for 40 minutes under a closed lid. Pour the shrimp with lemon juice and add to the rice. Prepare the papaya - peel and cut in half. We start with rice and shrimp mass. Put a little rice on a baking sheet, on top - papaya blanks. Boil water and remove from heat, pour in cream, add cheese and stir until smooth. Cool and combine with mayonnaise. We leave one part of the sauce for serving, place the rest on papaya boats.
- Oven-baked stuffed papaya … Ingredients: unripe fruit of the papaya tree (2 kg), vegetable oil (40 ml), onion (1 piece), garlic (1 clove), lean minced pork (500 g), peeled tomatoes (3 pieces), dry thyme and ground Jamaican pepper (1/4 tsp each), green chili (1 pc.), salt and black pepper (to taste), grated hard cheese (100 g), bread crumbs (30 g), lime (1 PC.). Cut the papaya into 2 pieces lengthwise, peel and seed. Dip the blanks in salted boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Remove and dry, then place on a baking sheet. Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan, add chopped onion and garlic to it, fry for 10 minutes. Add minced pork here and cook until brownish. Then add tomatoes, chili and flavorings. After 20 minutes, when the mass thickens, add half of the cheese, mix. Then stuff the papaya. Mix the remaining cheese with breadcrumbs and sprinkle with the "boat" mixture. We put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for about 40 minutes until tender. Decorate the dish with lime wedges.
Papaya with meat

For cooking dishes with meat and papaya, unripe fruits are used, which have a fairly firm structure and hold their shape well during heat treatment, while not particularly affecting the taste of the meat.
Papaya with meat recipes:
- Beef with papaya … Ingredients: beef (600 g), unripe papaya (600 g), onion (1 pc), butter (50 g), lime juice (30 ml), rum (40 ml), balsamic vinegar (10 ml), curry (5 g), cashews (50 g), salt, pepper (to taste). Rinse the meat and place a whole piece in a saucepan, season with curry, salt, pepper and add the onion, cut into 4 parts, cover with water and cook until tender. At this time, peel and seed the papaya fruit. Cut into cubes and sauté a little in butter. Then pour in rum and lime juice and simmer until the pulp softens. Pour in vinegar, add pepper and salt, and remove from heat. Cool the boiled meat, dry and chop into small slices. Place the beef on a plate, papaya next to it and garnish the dish with roasted nuts.
- Chicken stew with papaya … Ingredients: chicken fillet (700 g), papaya (350 g), onion (1 pc.), Olive oil (50 ml), salt and black pepper (to taste). First, cut the chicken fillet into cubes, season with salt and pepper and leave to marinate for about 1 hour. At this time, clean and chop the onion in half rings. Peel the papaya, select all the seeds and cut into cubes. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken and onions in it for about 10 minutes. After that, add the papaya, mix and simmer for 20 minutes until tender.
Papaya salads

Various salads using papaya are very popular in the cuisines of many countries. There are countless combinations with other products - vegetables, seafood, fish, various types of meat, numerous flavors.
Papaya Salad Recipes:
- Thai Salad Som Tam … To prepare this popular dish in Thailand, you will need the following ingredients: pulp of an unripe papaya fruit (300 g), peanuts (30 g), garlic (2 cloves), Thai hot pepper (3 pcs.), Dried shrimp (5 tbsp. L.), palm sugar (70 g), cherry tomatoes (7 pcs.), lime (1/2 pcs.), fish sauce (1, 5 tbsp. l.), Kenyan beans (100 g). Before peeling the papaya, rinse it under running water, then use a potato peeler to remove the green peel and grate the pulp to make Korean carrots. We place the blank in cold water to make the papaya crispy and remove excess starch. Dry the peanuts in a pan, then grind them a little in a mortar and put them in a separate plate. Cut the beans into large pieces, removing the outer parts. Moderately crush chili, garlic and shrimp in a mortar, mix with peanuts. Next, mix the prepared papaya with the sauce, crush the whole mass well to combine the taste and aroma of each ingredient. Prepare sugar syrup in a saucepan, bringing it to a thick, shiny mass. Extract juice from lime, mix it with syrup, beans, fish sauce, chopped tomatoes and papaya. Mix, put on a dish and serve.
- Chicken salad with avocado and papaya … Main ingredients: chicken fillet (500 g), avocado (400 g), ripe papaya fruit (400 g), lemon (1 pc.), Garlic (5 cloves), vegetable oil (120 ml), salt, ground red chili pepper (taste). We push the peeled garlic through a press, grind it with salt, fill it with oil and leave for 40 minutes. At this time, squeeze out the lemon juice, mix it with salt and pepper. Pour half of the garlic oil into this mass, after removing the garlic itself. Remove the peel from the papaya, cut it in half lengthwise, remove the seeds and cut the pulp into thin slices. Pour half of the dressing into the pan, put the papaya there, add a little water, cover and simmer for about half an hour. Cut the chicken into thin strips and fry in the remaining garlic oil until tender, adding a little salt. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, cut into thin slices. Take a wide flat plate and lay out the avocado, papaya and chicken fillet in any order, forming a beautiful culinary composition. Water with the rest of the dressing.
- Papaya and crab salad … Ingredients: crab (500 g), papaya (600 g), tomatoes (200 g), red onion (1 pc.), Red bell pepper (1 pc.), Lemon juice (40 ml), salt and ground black pepper (to taste), ginger (10 g), chili pepper (1/2 pcs.), coriander greens (20 g). We remove the papaya fruits from the peel and seeds, cut into cubes, put in a wide plate. Peel and chop ginger, onion and both types of peppers. Blanch the tomatoes to peel them, then cut into 4 pieces, remove all seeds and cut into cubes. Mix onions, papaya, bell peppers and tomatoes. Add salt, flavorings, ginger to lemon juice, mix and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Leave the papaya salad for 60 minutes, then spread it in portions with crab meat, decorate with coriander.
Papaya desserts

The sweet taste of the fruit of the melon tree makes it possible to use this fruit in the preparation of delicious and healthy exotic desserts. There are countless cooking options, and the taste of the finished dish depends on the imagination of the culinary specialist. Papaya goes well with other fruits, yogurt, milk and chocolate cream, ice cream.
Options for making desserts with papaya fruit:
- Creme brulee with papaya and passionfruit … Ingredients: custard cream in milk (1 kg), mascarpone cheese (500 g), papaya (300 g), passionfruit (400 g), sugar (150 g). Mix the custard with mascarpone until smooth. Also, ceramic molds are needed for cooking in the amount of 8 pieces. Remove the seeds from the passionfruit, and add the juice and pulp to the cream. Peel the papaya, cut it into thin slices and put it on the bottom of the molds. Fill the top with cream to fullness and send it to the refrigerator for solidification. After that, sprinkle with granulated sugar on top and set for a few minutes under a hot grill, waiting for a crust to form from the sugar. Cool and serve.
- Fruit dessert with papaya … Ingredients: pineapple (800 g), mango (400 g), papaya (400 g), lime zest (1 tablespoon), sugar (40 g), lime juice (40 ml), butter (125 g), cornmeal porridge (150 g), sugar (50 g), flour (150 g). Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Peel and cut the fruit into cubes. Mix with sugar, juice and lime zest. We place it on the bottom of a mold with a volume of up to 1.5 liters. Put the butter in a bowl, combine with sugar, flour and corn porridge and grind well until crumbs are formed. Put the resulting dough on top of the fruit and set for baking for 45 minutes. Decorate with cream or custard before serving.
- Candied papaya … Ingredients: fruit of the melon tree papaya (1 kg), sugar (650 g), lemon peel (1 tablespoon), lemon juice (40 ml), water (200 ml). We clean the ripe papaya fruit, remove the seeds from it, and cut the pulp into strips. Cooking sugar syrup - dissolve sugar in water and boil. Add fruit here and boil for 5 minutes, cool. After a while, repeat boiling twice, and at the end add lemon juice and zest. After that, put the candied fruit in a colander and leave for 1 hour. Then dry for 12 hours, sprinkle with powdered sugar and dry for another 48 hours.
Interesting facts about the melon tree

When buying tropical fruits in the supermarket, few people think about how papaya grows. But the interesting thing is that in fact this plant can be of two sexes, like humans. The male trees pollinate the flowers, and the female plants function to produce fruit. One of the wonders of nature is connected with this question: male trees can also bear fruit, but at the same time they do not grow in bunches, but in a chain.
The paradox of papaya lies in the fact that it has not been decided for certain whether the fruit should be classified as vegetables or fruits. However, skilled chefs were able to find a way out: as a vegetable, the product is used unripe, and as a fruit - ripe.
Papaya tastes very different. In addition to the melon taste, there are also carrots or zucchini-like aromas, there are sweet apricot shades, the Holland variety - the pulp of these small-sized fruits gives off hints of coffee and chocolate, there are “floral” flavor nuances. Lovers and connoisseurs of these exotic fruits recommend trying unsweetened papaya varieties.
Several famous and tasty varieties:
- Holland Papaya (Dutch) … In orange peel, even better with pink sides. In Indonesia, this variety is called California.
- Red lady … This variety is distinguished by its roundness (it is not elongated, like the others), and a small content of seeds. It has a bright red flesh and a flavor unique to this variety.
- Hawaiian papaya … The name does not reflect the place where the variety grows. It is grown in Thailand. The soft, ripe fruit is very juicy and tastes like chewing gum (like in childhood). In Thailand, the price of 1 kg of fruit is about 40-60 baht (1.5-2 dollars).
- Solo papaya … It grows only in the Philippines, it is small in size and light yellow in color.
- Papaya torpedo … Its weight is the largest, about 4 kg.
One of the names for papaya is the melon tree. The fruits are the same amber on the outside, and resemble a melon in shape and taste.
When the fruit pulp is cooked over a fire, it gives off an inimitable crumb smell.
The fruits and leaves of papaya contain papain, which breaks down proteins. Therefore, in some countries, in order to soften the meat, it is cooked with pieces of this fruit. For example, if a piece of meat is placed on a leaf of a melon tree, then after a while it becomes softer.
Watch a video about the benefits and dangers of papaya:

Papaya is an exotic fruit, so it rarely appears on our tables so far. However, given its beneficial properties and special taste characteristics, you should take a closer look at it and be sure to try it.