A marriage of convenience: the psychology and reasons for such a marriage, who needs it, the pros and cons of prudent love. It's important to know! There is an unequal marriage of convenience. Let's say when a woman married a wealthy man, submitting in advance to his dictates. In such a marriage, she will not find happiness, and if children appear, they are unlikely to have a happy childhood in such a family.
The negative side of marriages of convenience

Marriages of convenience have not only positive but also negative sides. Often, a good feature of such unions develops into its opposite - it becomes a bad feature of "smart" marriage ties.
The disadvantages of a marriage of convenience can be the following nuances of living together:
- No big feeling … They got married for their own mercantile interests. Let's say he needs a residence permit, and she needs a cute husband. There was no great love between them, over time they completely cooled to each other. Divorce is inevitable.
- Optional sex … We got together because both wanted, say, to break out into people. And they decided that together it would be easier to achieve their goal. Marital relations were not the main thing for them. By mutual agreement, they can go "to the side". There is no jealousy. Marriage is for show only.
- Addiction … When they decided to formalize their relationship, they were on an equal footing, but got rich in marriage. Let's say that this is the husband's big “fault”. He began to treat his half inadequately, usurping her in every possible way, saying that only thanks to him she has a decent life. Willingly or unwillingly, she becomes dependent on her husband, and if she resigns herself to her position, this will drag on for years. Until she rebelled, but this protest could end in tears for her. For example, he will kick her out of the house without money.
- Spouse walks … The goals are common, but they live together irregularly. Initially, she did not attach much importance to this. And when they became wealthy, I suddenly realized that the husband's "rest" on the side undermines family well-being. The spouse can find another younger and more effective. Became jealous. Family relationships have deteriorated sharply.
- Money Above All … When they got married, the goal was to achieve material well-being. And when money appeared in the house, the husband (wife) suddenly began to count every penny, closed many family financial projects. From love to hate one step. The wife hated her husband to such an extent that she began to wish him dead. Sometimes in such cases they even commit a crime: a woman kills her faithful or hires a murderer for this purpose.
- Children suffer … When they signed, everyone pursued their own goals. But as a result, they did not materialize. The relationship has become strained, both are unhappy with each other. Children feel it, but do not know the reasons for this behavior of their parents. They themselves become irritable and capricious, requiring increased attention to themselves. They can learn poorly, behavior is criticized by teachers. The family has problems with their upbringing.
- Frequent quarrels … She married him, hoped that she would contain. And the husband does not give the required amount for maintenance. Money is constantly not enough, when she tells him about it, he only gets angry. The spouse feels like a bird in a golden cage. There is no normal psychological climate in such a family. Peace and quiet are absent.
- Suspicion … For example, a man did not love her, but he needed the connections of her parents. She ran after him and married him, hoping that "she will endure and fall in love." That did not happen. The husband is often not at home, she suspects him of treason, constantly cries, reproaches that he pays too little attention to her. The atmosphere in the family is "wet", it is constantly on the nerves.
- "Unclean" marriage … It means that one of the spouses hides their true thoughts when they marry. For example, a guy swears his love to his girlfriend. And on his own mind, he only needs a registration on her living space. After several years of marriage, he divorces, but part of the apartment remains with him. He achieved his goal, and she can only wipe away her tears. Sometimes men are left behind.
- Unsuccessful marriage … She married a foreigner of convenience. She hoped for a rich, happy life, but it turned out that her husband had deceived her. Became his sex slave, no rights and no money. Forcibly broke free from the "hot" embrace and returned home.
- Fictitious marriage … This is a purely commercial union of two people. Between them there was never love or even sex. She only registered with him because she would help her travel abroad. And there they scatter in different directions.
- Leaving the family … She got married hoping to get away from her parents as soon as possible. Let's say they are drinkers and there is no life in such a family. She doesn't like the guy, she just likes it. As soon as I felt independent, I left him.
- Completely different people … They got married for convenience, let's say, they have a common business, but the souls are not related. They live under the same roof, but their spiritual needs are completely different. Let's say she loves the theater, and he prefers to sit with friends over a beer. Such "different" interests will sooner or later lead to a serious conflict in the family. Divorce is possible.
It's important to know! In a marriage of convenience, the agreements between the parties are unspoken. If one of the spouses violated them, he does not realize his dream, which pushed him to such a mercantile step. What is a marriage of convenience - look at the video:

In our rational age, feelings have faded into the background. Now the main thing is high earnings. There is nothing wrong with that. Money gives a person freedom: I will buy what I want, I will go where I want. But still, one should not forget about feelings. A marriage of convenience, when true love goes somewhere far away, and only business, calculating relationships reign between spouses, impoverishes the family, does not bring spirituality into it. Mercantilism strangles the freedom of the soul, imposes its own conditions of behavior on it, it becomes coarse. So is it any wonder that now so much is being said about the callousness and soullessness of a person?