At work, gossip about you and your personal life? Then read in this article what you need to do so that they do not gossip about you.
Why can't people live without gossip?
At all times, informal communication has been an integral part of life at work. Agree that it does not happen that people at work would be engaged only in work and none of them would say a word on this or that issue. But when it comes to not only discussing good news and working moments, but your personal life, then this is very unpleasant. As Oscar Wilde said, "Well-proven immorality is at the heart of every gossip."
Gossip is born in a team where employees are not heavily loaded with their work. It takes time to talk about someone else's personal life, and gossipers just have it. In addition, such rumors appear in companies in which the team is poorly informed, and the management communicates with a limited circle of trusted persons.
So what do the employees of the collective gossip about?
Most of all at work they like to gossip about professional victories and failures, management mistakes and even intimate details of individual employees. A particularly favorite topic is the personal life of colleagues - starting with who is wearing what, and ending with those gossip that relate to the questions: where he lives, how he lives and with whom he lives.
At the same time, the team loves to discuss the brightest personalities precisely because they are simply jealous or at work there is a phenomenon of unfair competition for promotion up the career ladder - who will be the most nimble and cunning. And the one who begins to "blacken" the person under discussion, most likely, wants to draw the attention of his superiors to his person and spread defamatory gossip by any means.

What to do to prevent gossip about you?
- Still, the first point should be attributed to the restraint of statements about his personal life: no matter what the desire to get worn out and talk about the painful soul and troubles in family life, you should not do this with your colleagues.
- If you find that they are actively discussing and telling a lie behind your back, then, first of all, keep yourself in control, stay calm and do not make scandals and showdowns in the workplace, so as not to really disgrace yourself in public in the most unattractive light. Perhaps this is what the gossipers are trying to achieve.
- You need to talk to your ill-wisher frankly in front of witnesses, calmly and in a businesslike tone, delicately asking about the source of this or that distorted information.
- Do not make excuses during your conversation with your abuser.
- You should not rush to the authorities right away so that he can solve all the issues.
- If the situation is heating up and it takes time for everything to work out, then first try to avoid "hotbeds of gossip": during a smoke break, lunch break, gatherings outside the office.
- And the last thing: do not worry that at work they are discussing your person: if they gossip about you, it means that your person is really interesting to them. And sometimes it's better to ignore everything than worry about it and get nervous.