Carbohydrates or Proteins - Which is Better for Your Shape?

Carbohydrates or Proteins - Which is Better for Your Shape?
Carbohydrates or Proteins - Which is Better for Your Shape?

Find out which nutrients should be the most in your diet and what professional athletes prefer. Almost all women try to get rid of excess fat and in most cases prefer heavy dietary nutrition programs. As a result, they do not get the desired effect, but the body may begin to malfunction. Today there is an effective and completely safe way to lose weight. Do not think that we will now begin to describe the benefits of any supplement. No, we will tell you about how to eat right. This is exactly what is needed to get rid of excess weight without harming your health.

Many people know that carbohydrates can be the main reason for the creation of new subcutaneous adipose tissue. That is why they believe that carbohydrates cannot be combined with weight loss. At the same time, it is this nutrient that is used by the body. This is where the question often arises, which is better than carbohydrates or proteins? It should be admitted that it is not set quite correctly, because the body needs all the nutrients. Another thing is that they must be properly distributed.

Believing that it is carbohydrates that are responsible for gaining fat mass, people exclude them from their diet, thereby making a serious mistake. Again, we cannot say that carbohydrates or proteins are better. Find out in what situations and when to consume each of these nutrients. If you limit your intake of any nutrient, your body will respond immediately. For example, a deficiency of carbohydrates leads to a decrease in performance and a violation of metabolic processes. If you use few protein compounds, then muscle tissue will begin to collapse, which is also unacceptable during the period of weight loss. Thus, today you will find out the answer to the question, which is better than carbohydrates or proteins, or more precisely, how to use these nutrients correctly.

What carbohydrates should you consume while losing weight?

Slow carbohydrate foods
Slow carbohydrate foods

To begin with, there are two types of carbohydrates: complex and simple. They are also often referred to as slow and fast, respectively. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Simple carbohydrates

Simple Carbohydrates Help
Simple Carbohydrates Help

These are the ones that should be eliminated from your nutritional program. All foods containing a large amount of fast carbohydrates have a sweetish taste - cakes, watermelon, sweets, buns, condensed milk, etc. In addition, ketchup should be classified as harmful products, which contains not only simple carbohydrates, but also other harmful substances.

If you want to lose weight, then you should stop drinking beer, or at least limit the amount of this drink in your diet. At the same time, there is one exception, when you can still afford to eat few foods containing simple carbohydrates. This is only permissible if there is a long break between meals and you have already begun to feel hungry. If you also work physically, then with the help of simple carbohydrates you will be able to replenish energy stores, and you will definitely not gain excess weight. However, try to avoid long pauses between meals. By the way, the duration of these breaks should not exceed 2.5-3 hours.

Complex carbohydrates

Help on complex carbohydrates
Help on complex carbohydrates

These substances, unlike simple ones, are processed by the body for a long time and cannot lead to a gain in fat mass. To provide the body with the necessary amount of energy, in your diet must be present foods containing this nutrient. Since slow carbohydrates cannot be absorbed by the body quickly, they supply energy for a long period of time.

If we return to the question of which carbohydrates or proteins are better, then the first nutrient should be in your diet in the morning. Among the sources of complex carbohydrates, cereals, pasta made from durum wheat, bran, legumes, etc. should be noted.

If you look closely at this issue, white rice is often missing from the list of recommended carbohydrate foods. This is not entirely correct, although the product has a high glycemic index, it can be consumed while losing weight. But bread must be eaten in limited quantities. It should also be said about fruits and vegetables. These foods contain not only slow carbohydrates, but also plant fiber. Fiber has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system and is necessary for the body.

What protein compounds can be used for weight loss?

High protein foods
High protein foods

Protein compounds are also usually divided into two types, but unlike carbohydrates, none of them can cause the growth of adipose tissue. In fact, the principle of division is used here, and the whole point is in the rate of assimilation of these substances. Fast protein compounds are often used by athletes in the form of sports supplements.

It should also be said that the energy value of fast proteins is higher in comparison with slow ones. If we talk about the benefits of slow proteins for weight loss, then this is the need for the body to use more energy for their processing and subsequent assimilation. Especially for those who decided not just to lose weight, but also to go in for sports, we would like to inform you that fast proteins are preferable for gaining muscle mass. Slow protein junctions, in turn, will help you protect your muscles from catabolic reactions. The most popular slow protein food is cottage cheese. The duration of its processing is from six to eight hours. The main feature of using such products is the time, namely, before going to bed. Thus, we recommend eating cottage cheese in the evening so that amines can enter the body during sleep. It should also be said that animal proteins are of the highest quality. However, we recommend making your diet as varied as possible.

How to eat properly while losing weight?

Diagram of the correct diet on a plate
Diagram of the correct diet on a plate

We will still talk about what is better carbohydrates or proteins, and now we should give some recommendations on how to organize proper nutrition during weight loss. Start by switching to a fractional food system and eat at least four to five times throughout the day.

Do not focus on a specific nutrient, say, protein compounds. Your dietary nutrient mix may vary depending on your physical activity, but you need to consume both protein and fat with carbohydrates. If you like sauces, then deciding to lose weight, you should only use soy or lemon.

In the first half of the day, it is necessary to consume more complex carbohydrates so that the body does not experience an energy deficit. In the evening, include foods that contain slow protein compounds in your diet. Also, you should stop eating fried foods and boil or steam when cooking.

Protein and carbohydrates: which is better for gaining weight?

BJU proportions for different purposes
BJU proportions for different purposes

Beginner athletes often ask this question, although you need to consume both nutrients and do not forget about fats. However, today our topic is what is better carbohydrates or proteins and we will not talk about fats. We have already introduced you to the food products that should be in your diet, as well as those that are undesirable to consume.

Although we have mentioned weight loss more and more often above, during the period of gaining muscle mass, simple carbohydrates are also not desirable. More precisely, not they themselves, but a large number of them. These substances can be useful for you after the completion of the training, when the body needs to quickly restore its energy reserves in order to activate regenerative processes.

Now we want to briefly talk about this type of sports nutrition as a gainer. These foods are a mixture of protein compounds and carbohydrates. Now in sports food stores, the choice of weight gainers is large, and it is very difficult to choose the right product. First of all, you need to focus on the content of protein compounds in the supplement. If this figure is below 25 percent, then you should not take such a gainer.

In addition, pay attention to the sugar content in the supplement and ideally it should not be there. For gaining mass, this type of sports nutrition can be very useful, however, not for all athletes. If you tend to be overweight. It is better to use protein supplements rather than gainers. But for skinny athletes, a gainer will definitely help progress. It contains two nutrients that play a key role in the growth of muscle tissue.

If protein compounds are building materials, then carbohydrates are designed to provide energy for these processes. Only with enough of these two nutrients can you progress. Thus, we once again proved the incorrectness of formulating the question, which is better than carbohydrates or proteins?

Speaking of carbohydrates as a source of energy, one might argue that proteins can also be used to solve this problem. Quite right, but the body begins to receive energy from protein compounds, as, indeed, from fats, only in the absence of a sufficient amount of carbohydrates.

It is with this fact that professional bodybuilders use carbohydrate-free nutrition programs during drying. Since a serious deficiency of this nutrient is formed in the body, the body actively burns adipose tissue. By the way, many people believe that drying and losing weight are one and the same. This is not entirely true, since in the first case, athletes are limited in time and use very strict nutrition programs that can lead to health problems.

Learn more about how to properly combine protein and carbohydrates in your diet:
