How to choose carbohydrates to improve your figure (slow or fast)?

How to choose carbohydrates to improve your figure (slow or fast)?
How to choose carbohydrates to improve your figure (slow or fast)?

Low-carbohydrate diets are increasingly criticized because it is difficult to provide the body with energy with such a diet. Find out which carbohydrates to choose to improve your figure. Recently, there has been an increasing amount of criticism of low-carb nutrition programs that have become very popular. Basically, critical arrows are aimed at the impossibility of achieving the best balance of chemicals in the body. No one would argue that carbohydrates are the most readily available source of energy for muscle growth. Today we will find out which carbohydrates to choose to improve your figure.

When not consuming enough carbohydrates, numerous physical and psychological disorders often develop. These include increased fatigue after training, and as a result, a decrease in the intensity of training. Most nutritionists agree that about 60 percent carbohydrates should be present in the ideal diet.

In this case, those carbohydrates should be preferred that have a minimal effect on insulin synthesis. To determine such products, special tables of the sugar coefficient are used. But they have one significant drawback - it does not take into account fats and protein compounds, which reduce the absorption of carbohydrates.

The importance of carbohydrates is talked about very often, and for this reason it may seem that they are the main substances in the diet. However, it is still not clear what the desired carbohydrate intake should be. This is due to the fact that this nutrient can be synthesized in the liver from protein compounds and partly from fats. This process is called gluconeogenesis. According to the data of some experiments, it can be said that more than 55% of excess proteins in the body are converted into glucose. Also, about 10 percent of triglyceride molecules are converted to glucose. This process also takes place in the liver.

If we talk about carbohydrate foods, then it is not the carbohydrates themselves that are most important here, but the nutrients contained in the foods. This includes fruits, whole grains, and vegetables. They contain a wide variety of nutrients such as flavonoids. There is even a general term for these elements - phytonutrients.

What are the risks of excluding carbohydrates from the diet?

Foods that contain carbohydrates
Foods that contain carbohydrates

We can say with confidence that this will lead to metabolic disorders. In the course of numerous studies, the connection between the training process and the consumption of carbohydrates has been established. According to the results obtained, the exclusion of carbohydrates from the nutrition program significantly reduces the intensity of training. However, in fairness, it should be noted that many of these studies were conducted over a short period of time, which makes their results not so convincing.

If you consume a large amount of carbohydrates, then this leads to the rapid absorption of sugars. If you stop abruptly taking carbohydrates, then the body will take a certain time to rebuild metabolism and start using fats as an energy source. On average, this process takes about two or three weeks. This leads to increased fatigue. If you continue to adhere to this nutritional program, then the symptoms will pass when the body's adaptation to the new diet is completed.

How does the lack of carbohydrates in the diet affect training?

Athlete tired after training
Athlete tired after training

Of course, there are serious differences between training in conditions of limited carbohydrate intake and an inactive lifestyle during this period. This problem was investigated, and no matter how strange it may sound, scientists failed to identify a large number of negative factors.

As mentioned above, the main negative point in the abolition of carbohydrates is the adaptation of the body. However, if carbohydrates are occasionally included during this period, the body will not rebuild its metabolism to use fats. It is also very important to pay special attention to the consumption of minerals and electrolytes. Low-carb programs have been found to produce powerful diuretic effects. However, electrolytes, including potassium, magnesium and sodium, are just as important as liquid. With a lack of these substances in the body, in a fairly short time, a person begins to experience weakness and apathy. Also very important is the fact that electrolytes are used by the body to transmit impulses to nerve cells.

By maintaining the required electrolyte levels, athletes will be able to maintain high-quality muscle mass, devoid of fluids and fats. Potassium and magnesium are of the greatest importance for this. Also, we must not forget about calcium, which strengthens the skeletal system. This mineral is used to contract muscles and prevent muscle cramps.

It is also very important for athletes on a low-carb diet to consume a lot of protein. This will help to reduce nitrogen losses, which could otherwise lead to muscle dysfunction. It was already mentioned above that excess protein compounds are transformed by the liver into glucose, which supports the normal functioning of the brain and the entire central nervous system. Also, when using protein supplements, your appetite decreases, and it is much easier to adhere to a low-carb nutrition program in this case.

And the last thing that athletes should pay attention to is the relationship between carbohydrates and glycogen. With a lack of glycogen, the muscles cannot work with full dedication, which leads to a decrease in the intensity of training. But getting out of this situation is quite simple - before and after a class in the gym, consume carbohydrates, and at other times use protein supplements.

For more information on fast and slow carbs, see this video:
