Tuna for bodybuilders, the benefits of this fish, as well as some dishes. Do you want relief, strength and a perfect body? Then this topic is for you. Fish, in principle, is a very useful product for any person, and especially for bodybuilders. Today we will talk about tuna and recipes for dishes that are useful for playing sports.
Characteristics of tuna

Tuna meat has a large amount of protein compounds, contains little fat, but is rich in amino acid compounds. There are also rare omega-3 fats in this fish. The tuna family is distinguished by a wide variety of species.
There are both small breeds, for example, "frigate", the weight of which does not exceed two kilograms, and large ones - deep-sea big-eyed tuna (weight can reach 170 kilograms) or yellowfin tuna (there were specimens weighing 200 kilograms).
But the largest member of the family is bluefin tuna. There are individuals about four meters long and weighing under 700 kilograms. White longfin tuna is considered the most delicious and popular. Its weight can be 20 kilograms, and the meat is very tasty and tender.
The benefits of tuna in bodybuilding

The habitat of tuna is located at the very border of surface (warm) and deep (cold) waters. But some species tend to change their habitat with age. This also applies to white longfin tuna. Juveniles, which are less than five years old, prefer warm waters. As they grow older, they sink lower, to where the water is colder.
This migration significantly affects the nutrition of fish, and, consequently, the quality of its meat. Fish that live deeper are less fatty than those that prefer warmth. It should be noted right away that tuna fat (to a greater extent, this applies to young specimens) is very beneficial to health. It is in the meat of young white and blue longfin tuna that contains the most omega-3 fats.
Soit recall that omega-3 contains three types of fatty acids - docosaexinoic, linoleic and eixapentic. These substances have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of heart disease, helping to improve brain function, reduce pain in arthritis, are an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, and also help to lose weight.
To achieve a positive preventive effect, the monthly intake of omega-3 fats should be only 5.5 grams. Exactly so much is contained in one can of tuna in its own juice, consumed once a week. Thus, thanks to 4 canned young tuna, you can completely cover the monthly ration of omega-3 fats.
The body's need for omega-3s cannot be underestimated. In addition to the effects described above, omega-3 provides an opportunity to "dry out" in the preparatory period before the competition.
The fact is that thanks to omega-3 fats, the body receives a large amount of energy, which is necessary for intense training. According to this ability, the substance is not inferior to carbohydrates, but unlike them, it does not bind to the liquid, and for this reason the muscles "do not spread".
Practical tips for choosing tuna

As mentioned above, the largest amount of omega-3 fats is found in the meat of young animals. To find canned food from meat rich in fat, you should carefully consider the label, which should contain the following inscription - "All-American Albacore". In the absence of such a designation, most likely the fish was caught in Korean or Taiwanese waters, and the meat of old individuals is included in the canned food.
To improve the taste, most producers mix the meat of young and old fish without specifying the proportion. However, there is a little secret, thanks to which you can roughly understand the composition. It is necessary to pay attention to the fat content of canned food: the more fat it contains, the more young tuna meat in its composition.
It is best to purchase fish in its own juice. Canned food with oil contains a lot of fats, but they have nothing to do with omega-3s. Almost all manufacturers use ordinary refined vegetable oil for this, the cost of which, as a rule, is not high.
Blue longfin tuna is also high in omega-3 fats, but is much less common on the market. It is always included in Japanese sushi and sashimi. A few years ago, fishing for this fish was very intensive, which could result in the destruction of the species. Thus, the governments of the countries of the Pacific region have introduced restrictions on fishing for blue longfin tuna. It is for this reason that it is practically not found on sale.
You can also find canned yellowfin tuna in stores. This type of meat contains significantly less omega-3 fats, and it tastes harder and more dense. However, it doesn't really matter which of the tuna varieties is eaten. It also doesn't matter in what form - live or canned. For every athlete, tuna should become one of the main dishes in the nutrition program.
This type of meat is a real storehouse of proteins, as well as essential and healthy fats. You can even take canned tuna with you to your training session, getting all the amino acid compounds necessary for muscle tissue growth right next to the simulator.
Tuna recipes for bodybuilders
Consider recipes for popular dishes that include tuna that are in demand among bodybuilders.
Mediterranean tuna salad

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:
- Pasta - 4 cups
- Canned tuna - 2 cans;
- Finely chopped tomatoes - 2 pcs;
- Finely chopped cucumber - 0.5 cups;
- Bell peppers - 0.5 cups;
- Boiled chilled broccoli - 0.5 cups
For the salad, you need to prepare the filling, and for this you will need:
- Apple cider vinegar - 0.5 tbsp l.;
- Olive oil - 1.5 tbsp l.;
- Grated cheese - 1 tbsp. l.;
- Crushed garlic - 1 tsp;
- Dried basil - 1 tsp;
- Salt, pepper and seasonings - add to taste.
Preparation: Mix the first six ingredients in a bowl. Mix the food for dressing in another bowl. After that, you need to fill the salad with dressing and place in the refrigerator.
Sandwich tuna paste

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:
- Low-fat processed cheese - 250 grams;
- Canned tuna - 200 grams (1 jar);
- Low-fat cottage cheese - 1 cup;
- Dried celery - 1 tbsp l.;
- Salt;
- Chopped onions - 3 tbsp. l.
Preparation: it is necessary to mix processed cheese, salt, cottage cheese and celery. The result should be a homogeneous mass. Canned food and onions should be added to it. Served with bread or crackers or fresh vegetables.
How to make tuna salad - watch the video:
[media = https://www.youtube.com/embed/7h4M8NRkZZc] Thus, the benefits of tuna in sports are difficult to underestimate. Prepare tuna dishes according to our recipes!