This article describes what you can use when cleaning your computer monitor screen and what should not be included in the tools. The same methods are also suitable for cleaning laptop displays and other portable devices. Every day, when working with a computer, the monitor screen gets smudged and covered with dust. To keep the display clean at all times, wipe it down at least once every two weeks. Some use special wet wipes, others use a dry soft cloth.
But what's the best way to clean your computer screen?
Remember! Never use alcohol or products containing alcohol on the screen! No detergents, window cleaners, cutting objects, etc. should not touch the display, both a monitor and a laptop, or other portable device - a tablet, for example. On sale you can see special napkins that contain alcohol. Such napkins should be avoided. The monitor screen contains an anti-reflective coating. If you wipe it with a product that contains alcohol, the screen will crack.

Cleaning wipes for the Defender monitor Go to a special computer store, you will surely find a lot of screen care products. If you decide to buy dry wipes, then make sure they are lint-free, as white pellets can remain on the screen. These wipes should be used with special aerosols or gels for screens. When buying napkins with a filler, you need to look not only at whether they contain nap, but also at the composition of the filling, it should not contain alcohol. Special foams for screens are inferior in effectiveness to other products. You can also clean the monitor with a soft, damp cloth and baby soap. At the same time, you cannot overdo it with foam and water! To prevent the monitor screen from needing frequent cleaning, try not to touch it with greasy, dirty fingers and eat less in front of it. Please be aware that direct sunlight and heating batteries will have a negative effect on the monitor's performance. If you do not poke your fingers at the screen and do not sprinkle anything on it (if there are no streaks), then it is enough to wipe it with a barely damp cloth and that's it.
Another important rule when cleaning screens is that this procedure should be done only on a switched off monitor, laptop or plasma TV. And only when it has cooled down. This is done so that the cleaning is complete, otherwise stains may remain on the warm screen, it will absorb with its heat the agent that is on the napkin or rag.

Microfiber cloth After you have finished cleaning with a damp cloth, you need to once again walk across the monitor screen with a microfiber or flannel cloth.