Find out the features of the procedure for cleaning artificial and natural fur. Which remedies are effective and safe, and which can ruin your favorite thing. For many centuries, fur products have reliably protected people from the cold. In ancient times, people wore clothes made from the skins of killed animals. During the Middle Ages, ladies preferred the furs of the Arctic fox, ermine, marten, mink, which are able to give their owner a unique charm and chic.
But today the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity wear products made not only of natural, but also of artificial fur. However, in order for your favorite fur coat to last more than one winter, you need to properly and regularly care for the fur.
How to clean white fur at home?

Of course, you can take your favorite fur coat to a dry cleaner and entrust the work to professionals, but safe means are not always used for cleaning. Today, anyone can easily clean white artificial or natural fur at home using effective and completely safe products.
Shampoo for animals

For cleaning natural and artificial white fur, it is recommended to use a special shampoo designed for the care of pet hair.
A small amount of the product is diluted with warm water. A clean cloth is dipped into the resulting composition and wrung out well so that it is wet, but not wet. Then the surface of the fur is carefully wiped with this cloth, while all movements should be directed along the line of growth of the pile.
After completing the cleaning procedure, the fur is gently wiped with a clean cotton towel and the product is placed on a hanger to dry well. Once the fur is completely dry, you need to comb it with a brush and then shake it a couple of times.

To clean white fur, you can use sawdust soaked in gasoline in advance. Sawdust is sold in any pet store, while it is worth giving preference to those made from hardwood. Needles would be an excellent choice.
The sawdust is poured with a small amount of gasoline, after which it is left for a while so that they can soak well. Then the sawdust is evenly distributed over the surface of the fur product, and the mixture is rubbed in with your hands, after which it is left until it is completely dry. At the end of the cleaning procedure, all sawdust is carefully removed from the surface of the fur, the pile is well combed and shaken.
Alcohol solution with soda

This is one of the most effective and time-tested remedies to help clean white fur. To remove accumulated dirt and dust, mix rubbing alcohol and baking soda in a 3: 1 ratio.
A clean foam sponge is soaked in the resulting solution, then the lint is cleaned. It is important that all movements are directed towards the growth of the pile.
How to clean artificial and natural white fur from yellowness?

To cope with this problem and return an attractive appearance to your beloved fur coat, it is not necessary to go to a dry cleaner, because you can do everything yourself at home using effective and proven means.
Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide 3% will help to restore the snow-white color to both artificial and natural fur. The product is diluted with clean and cold water (all components are taken in equal amounts).
The resulting composition is poured into a spray bottle and evenly distributed over the surface of the fur product. Now you need to wait a little until it is completely dry. The product should dry at room temperature, as far away from hot batteries and heaters as possible. Once the fur is completely dry, it should be combed with a fine-toothed brush and shaken well.
If you need to clean white fur, which is only part of the product, you need to work very carefully so that the peroxide mixture does not get onto other areas. If the solution gets on fur of a different color or dark fabrics, ugly stains or stains may remain that cannot be removed.
Potato starch, semolina, wheat flour

Simple potato starch, wheat flour or semolina will help to remove an ugly yellow tint from snow-white fur. These products are found in almost every home, so the cleaning process will not cause any difficulties.
To get the maximum effect, any of the selected products must be preheated in a hot and dry frying pan. However, it is important to ensure that the powder does not burn, otherwise there is a risk of giving the fur a different shade, which will be almost impossible to remove.
Warm semolina, flour or starch is poured directly on top of the fur and the powder is rubbed with gentle movements, as during a hand wash. After a few minutes, you need to shake off the remaining powder from the fur and comb it with a brush with thick bristles.
Refined gasoline, potato starch, burnt magnesia

If the white fur has acquired a yellow color as a result of heavy pollution, it is recommended to use a composition of burnt magnesia, potato starch, and refined gasoline for cleaning.
All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which it is applied to the fur with a sponge, but only against the growth of the pile. Now you need to leave the fur product until it dries completely. The fur is then shaken thoroughly several times to remove any residual cleaning compound and combed with a wide-toothed brush.
How to clean dark colored natural fur?

You can use an effective and completely safe cleaning agent that consists of a solution of ammonia and salt. These components are taken in a 3: 1 ratio and mixed until a uniform consistency is obtained. A brush or a clean cotton pad is dipped into this solution, after which the dirty area of the fur is gently wiped. Now you need to give the fur time to dry well and comb the pile with a brush.
Heated sand can also be used to clean dark-colored natural fur. It is necessary to use only clean sand, which is heated in a hot frying pan and rubbed directly into the contaminated area of the fur. Then the product is shaken well to remove the remaining sand. This procedure can be repeated if necessary.
Cleaning rabbit fur, arctic fox, silver fox from greasy stains

The procedure for cleaning fur products at home does not take much time, the main thing is to use only safe methods so as not to spoil an expensive thing.
Wheat and rye bran

Wheat and rye bran will help to quickly cleanse the fur from various types of contamination. First, they are slightly warmed up in a dry and well-heated frying pan. In this case, the bran must be constantly mixed so that they do not burn.
The hot bran is then spread evenly over the surface of the fur, paying particular attention to the contaminated areas. Cleaning is done with a soft brush. Then the coat is shaken thoroughly to remove the remaining cleaning agent and the pile is combed.
Thanks to the use of this method, the fur becomes perfectly clean and its attractive appearance does not deteriorate.

It is one of the most effective fur cleaning products. To carry out such a procedure, you will need to take vinegar essence (1 tbsp. L.) And dilute in a small amount of warm water (200 g). A clean cloth is moistened in the prepared solution and wrung out thoroughly so that it is not wet, but slightly damp. It is advisable to use a microfiber cloth.
Contaminated areas of the fur are treated with a vinegar solution and then left to dry at room temperature. As soon as the product is completely dry, the pile is gently combed with a sparse-toothed comb.
If this method is used for cleaning fur, it is necessary to ensure that the vinegar solution does not get on the leather lining, otherwise the fur product may become too hard and the pile will lose its attractive appearance.
Aviation gasoline

This tool helps to quickly remove makeup residues and grease stains from the surface of the fur. To perform this cleaning, you need to take a foam rubber sponge and moisten it with a small amount of gasoline, after which the contaminated areas are treated.
Now you need to wait a little until the gasoline dries out at room temperature, after which a small amount of potato starch is rubbed into the fur. The product is left alone for 15-18 minutes. At the end of cleaning, the fur needs to be vacuumed to remove the remaining cleaning agent, but work very carefully so as not to spoil the pile.
Salt and ammonia

To remove oily areas, the fur must be treated with a solution of ammonia and salt. It is prepared very simply - water (500 g), salt (3 tsp) and ammonia (1 tsp) are mixed. All components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
Then the finished solution is applied to a cotton pad and the problem areas are treated. Any soft cloth can be used instead of cotton wool. As soon as the fur is completely dry, it is necessary to comb it according to the growth of the pile.
All of the above products can be used to clean natural and artificial fur. However, an exception is the use of vinegar, since as a result, a product made of faux fur can be damaged.
How to clean silver fox fur from yellowness?

If the beautiful silver fox fur has acquired a yellow tint, you should not give up your favorite fur coat, because you can effectively clean it at home.

Simple chalk helps to quickly return the natural and beautiful shine to the silver fox. This product has a gentle cleansing effect and is harmless.
To remove the yellow tint, you need to take a small piece of chalk and grind until it turns into powder, after which it is rubbed directly into the pile. A dry wash is carried out for several minutes, and then the remaining chalk is shaken off the fur. After such a cleaning procedure, the silver fox becomes like new and again acquires an attractive appearance.
Starch and soap solution

A simple starch and soap solution will help to quickly remove yellowness from silver fox fur. First, dry starch is applied to the contaminated areas, rubbed thoroughly. Then a pre-prepared soap solution is sprayed from the top from a spray bottle.
Now the fur product is left for a while until it dries completely. The cleaning agent residues are removed with a brush. If necessary, this procedure can be repeated.
Regardless of which of the above methods of cleaning fur is chosen, as a result, the product can be returned to its attractive appearance. Not only folk methods can be used, but also modern cleaning products, but in this case it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions so as not to spoil your favorite fur coat.
More secrets of cleaning fur at home, learn from this video: