How to weave flowers, a bag using macrame technique?

How to weave flowers, a bag using macrame technique?
How to weave flowers, a bag using macrame technique?

Using step-by-step instructions, looking at the step-by-step photos, it will not be difficult to make a bag with your own hands, and also, thanks to macrame, flowers. After you have mastered weaving macrame for beginners, it's time to move on to more interesting and complex patterns. Having familiarized yourself with their schemes, you can create exquisite items of clothing, interior.

Do-it-yourself bag weaving

This is how it will turn out as a result. Everyone will pay attention to the amazing thing, and friends will ask, where did you get it? And you will proudly answer that you could do it yourself.

Macrame bag
Macrame bag

The ladies' bag is also created thanks to the macrame master class will help you understand the intricacies of the process.

The main pattern of this bag is diagonal volumetric breeches. To master them, first familiarize yourself with how to weave ribbed or, as they are also called, rep knots. After all, it is from them that the breeds are composed.

A brida is a row of ribbed knots. Depending on the direction in which they are knitted, they are called horizontal, vertical or diagonal. See how to tie a rep knot.

Step by step weaving macrame
Step by step weaving macrame

Here, two skeleton threads are arranged horizontally. The working thread is wound behind the lower main thread, then superimposed on it from the left, after which it is retracted, comes out from the front to the right. After that, the end of this thread is passed into the loop formed at the back and carried forward.

Macrame weaving pattern
Macrame weaving pattern
  1. To practice these macrame knots, let's weave a horizontal braid. Fasten 3 strings on the plank by bending them in half. As a result, you will have 6 strands.
  2. There is only one main thread, it is designated by the number 1. The rest are workers, they need to be tied one by one on the string that goes at number 1.
  3. Take thread # 2 and twist thread # 1 with it two times from top to bottom.
  4. Then, one by one, in the same way, tie the macrame rep knots using strings numbered 3, 4, 5, 6.

Since the main thread was directed horizontally, therefore, the resulting brid is called horizontal.

If you place it diagonally, you get a diagonal brid. This is the pattern that was used when this macrame bag was created. Therefore, let's dwell on it in more detail.

In the example below, 5 strands were cast on the bar, as a result, 10 strings were made of them. The left thread is the main one, when tying a rep knot, it must be kept at an angle of 45 °. In the first photo, first, this thread is placed in this direction from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top, so that the rep nodes of the macrame of one and the second half of the canvas are located in a mirror image. In the right picture, we make the first turn from bottom to top, and the second from top to bottom.

When making diagonal braids, place the working threads vertically, pulling them slightly while weaving in this direction.

Macrame weaving pattern
Macrame weaving pattern

Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to make macrame patterns that are used when weaving a bag. By tying diagonal braids, bending the warp in a semicircle, you get a pattern called a "leaf". You will learn more about how to weave it below by reading about oval braids.

See how beautiful such a macrame canvas looks, weaving patterns show the subtleties of its creation. The first will help you make a leaf pattern, and the second will shed light on how to weave a bag like a cosmetic bag using a checkerboard pattern.

Macrame weaving pattern
Macrame weaving pattern

But back to the presented reticule. This macrame bag is made from:

  • white cotton threads;
  • strips;
  • lightning;
  • lining fabric;
  • wide, durable tape to match.

Then follow the instructions:

  1. Cut 36 strands. Tie them on a bar or horizontal string.
  2. You have 72 ends. Weave using square macramé knots in a 5 cm checkerboard, then make diagonal braids.
  3. At the end of the fabric, weave square knots with each of the four strands. Cut the ends, fluff.
  4. Sew the lining to the fabric from the seamy side so that the contents of the purse do not show through.
  5. Bend the canvas 3 times in half so that the "braids" are outside. Sew inside the zipper and long handle.

Of course, you can buy such a bag made using the macrame technique. But why waste money? And it is much more pleasant to do it yourself, like other things. Diagonal braces will also help create them.

Macrame diagonal knots for beautiful patterns

Not only a bag, but also a panel, tablecloths, vest, macrame curtains will also help to create. Use the same “leaves” pattern for the openwork curtains.

Macrame curtains
Macrame curtains

If you want to weave pretty curtains, include fan-shaped braids. Of these, you can make lace braid, decorate the sides of wicker things with them.

But first, let's see how you can make diagonal ones and get acquainted with inclined parallel brides, because fan-shaped ones are made of these elements. The photo shows how to complete these macrame knots.

Weaving curtains macrame
Weaving curtains macrame

For weaving, we will use the following:

  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • pin;
  • a solid base (wooden chopping board, book, etc.).

Then follow the instructions:

  1. Wrap the base 1 time with a thread, tie from the back side to a knot. Cut 3 strands from the same material (1 meter each), tie them on the base.
  2. Pull the leftmost thread from left to right, placing it on top of the rest, at an angle of 45 °. Secure the fold with a pin.
  3. Alternately - with the second, third, fourth and fifth thread, tie on the first main 1 row of rep knots (Fig. 41 A).
  4. Expand the main thread, perform rep knots in the opposite direction also at an angle of 45 ° (Fig. 41 B).
  5. Make a few more turns in one direction and then in the other direction (fig. 41 B).

The name Sloped Parallel Bridges speaks for itself. Weave the first diagonal, from left to right, then another in the same direction. In the same way, in parallel, arrange the rest (Fig. 41 D). As the weaving patterns shown in the photo show in the macrame, the last rep knot at the end of each row must be tied with the working thread of the previous brace.

Step-by-step weaving of macrame curtains
Step-by-step weaving of macrame curtains

Now that you know how to perform oblique parallel breezes, become familiar with fan-shaped.

Macrame curtain weaving pattern
Macrame curtain weaving pattern

They can be woven on the same pattern, consisting of three bent in half threads. Here are the steps for creating an openwork pattern:

  1. In this first row, the last, sixth thread will be the main one, and the rest will be workers. On the sixth, main thread, we make a diagonal brace (tilted from right to left).
  2. In the second row, the braid is woven on the main second thread with threads numbered 3, 4, 5. In this case, the main thread No. 2 is directed from left to right (up).
  3. Tie the rep knots on thread # 3 with the fourth, fifth and second threads. In this case, the beginning of this brace fits snugly to the previous one, and its end departs by 2 mm.
  4. On thread # 4 we tie rep knots with strings numbered 5, 2, 3.
  5. After that, on the same main fourth thread, weave a string of threads No. 3, 2, 5. Place this row tightly to the previous one.
  6. Now the extreme thread on the right has become the main thread. Let's make two rows, departing from the previous 2 mm brace, while their converging ends fit snugly together to form a fan-shaped edge.
  7. Under this fan-shaped edge, you need to make an inclined brace. We pull the sixth warp thread, placing it at an angle of 45 ° in the direction to the right, make rep knots on it with a thread, under No. 1, then 4, 5, 2 and 3.

How these macrame knots are tied can be seen by looking at fig. 42, and Figure 43 shows how to weave with double brides. In this case, one thread is used as a knotted thread. It is marked in red in the figure.

For weaving the macrame bag, presented at the beginning, the “leaves” pattern, or, as it is also called, oval braids, was used. To make it, tie the threads on the bar so that the number of their ends becomes a multiple of 6.

We used 36 threads for the bag. After tying them on the bar, 72 ends were obtained. This figure is a multiple of six. The "leaves" pattern reduces the length of the threads by 3.5 times. Therefore, for a canvas height of 30 cm, we measure the strings 1 meter 5 cm long. If the bag is taller, during operation, tie the threads so that the knots are on the wrong side. We start to make oval braids.

  1. In the first row, distribute the threads into groups of 6 pieces. On every sixth, weave along the brid, tilting those from right to left, giving the elements an oval shape. Next, we perform the braids on the fifth rope with an inclination in the same direction - from right to left. We make indents from the previous brid 1 cm. Using the same technology, continue weaving to the end of the row.
  2. In the second row, we lay aside three threads from one and the other edge of the canvas, distribute the remaining ones in six, weave oval braids in the same way as in the first row, but with the opposite slope - from left to right.
  3. In the third row, the pattern is identical to that of the first row.
  4. Further, all even rows repeat the pattern of the second row, and the odd ones - the first.

Weaving rhombuses using macrame technique

Weaving patterns will certainly help to make an unusually beautiful macrame. Having learned how to do them, you can “knit” a tablecloth, curtains, a vest or such a decoration on the wall without knitting needles and a hook.

Weaving rhombuses using macrame technique
Weaving rhombuses using macrame technique

Make a diamond pattern using diagonal single brides. For this, prepare:

  • 5 threads, half a meter;
  • plank or rope;
  • pins.
Macrame rhombus weaving pattern
Macrame rhombus weaving pattern
  1. Take 5 strands 50 cm long, fold in half, fasten them to the base. You have 10 ends, for convenience they are all numbered.
  2. We begin to weave a rhombus from the top corner. we perform a rep knot from the central threads, while the fifth will be working, and the sixth will be the main one. In fig. 45 shows how to do this for macrame curtains or other openwork products.
  3. Pin the completed rep knot with a pin and weave the diagonal braid from right to left downwards. To do this, pull the warp thread at an angle of 45 °, weave the 4th, 3rd, 2nd and first rep knots on it in succession.
  4. Having designed the left one, in a mirror image weave the right braid - pulling the main one, tie the seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth threads on it in turn.
  5. The two upper sides are completed. To make the bobbins, unfold the left warp towards the middle at a 90 ° angle. Pin the resulting corner with a pin. Pull the warp thread and braid the bottom left strand from this corner to the bottom.
  6. Twist the right warp thread, weave a diagonal braid on the lower right side of the diamond.
  7. The meeting point of the two lower bridges must be tied with a rep knot. Arrange the upper corner in the same way.

Such a rhombus with horizontal brides looks beautiful. They are woven from the main threads of the upper sides. Bracelet, curtains will only benefit if they are decorated with such patterns (Fig. 46). These diamond-shaped fragments can be weaved not only by the macrame master, but also by novice needlewomen who have studied these materials.

How to make beautiful flowers with your own hands?

See how picturesque they turn out to be.

Weaving flowers using macrame technique
Weaving flowers using macrame technique

For one you will need:

  • threads of viscose silk: two threads of 3 meters and one - 1, 9 meters;
  • beads or bugles for stamens;
  • sewing pins;
  • basis for weaving (pillow);
  • scissors.

Take a thread 1 meter long and tie it on a pillow. Fold the threads in 3 meters in half, pin them with a pin to the rope base.

Flowers, woven using macrame technique
Flowers, woven using macrame technique
  1. Start making macrame flowers on the right side. The thread on the far right will be the thread guide. Pull it by tilting it to the left, tie rep knots on it.
  2. Now the first thread will be the guide, weave the braid from right to left.
  3. The third brid is performed from left to right.
  4. Pull back the second strand from the left and weave two rep knots on it. Weaving a flower using the macrame technique according to this pattern, make the main (guide) the last thread that was in the work in the previous row.
  5. To weave the petal further, make 2 rep knots in one row, and one at a time on the next three rows. Weave all braids with a slope to the right.
  6. After you have made this first petal, bend the thread guide to the left and tie 4 rep knots on it.
  7. Make 5 petals in the same way.
  8. Then, crochet the working thread between the folds of the petals.
  9. Collect the flower made with macrame by tightening all the threads. From the inside, connect all the working threads, using them, weave a chain of loop knots.
  10. It remains to sew stamens from beads or bugles into the center and admire the work.

You can make several of these flowers and decorate your purse with them, or sew a clasp on the wrong side and decorate your hair with such a beautiful hairpin.

As always, at the end of the article you will find fascinating and informative videos on the topic presented:
