The idea of breeding a new breed, the history of the origin of foreign white cats, recognition of the breed, attempts of scientists from other countries in the selection of white cats. Foreign White, white Siamese, white oriental shorthair or white oriental shorthair, whatever you call her, and under all of these names amazing representatives of the feline world live and thrive. This breed can rightfully be called “the author's handmade creation”. They did not just appear somehow by chance, these animals "were made according to a preliminary strict sketch."
Such cats are not only good-looking, but by and large they are unique and inimitable. A snow-white smooth fur coat forin white, as if it was also sewn by hand, without a single hair of a different shade, large almond-shaped eyes of blue color, beautiful large ears, which are distinguished by excellent hearing. In addition to these external data, cats also have an elegant and graceful muscular body, which, for all its compactness and diminutiveness, is quite strong and weighty. Their appearance is so correct and harmonious that these purrs are able to conquer anyone at first sight.
But the extraordinary and striking appearance is not the only advantage of the representatives of this breed. From nature, they have not yet got some kind of intelligence, for this reason, cats of this species are classified as highly intelligent. They have both a sound mind and the ability to think logically. In addition, these cats are also distinguished by their character, they are quite docile, friendly and sociable, but not noisy. It should also be noted that the forins are very well-mannered from childhood, it seems that they have good manners from birth, moreover, they are clean and tidy.
Therefore, if you are looking for a pet, believe me, you should turn your attention to this breed. By bringing this furry into the house, you will not only get a pet, you will get a loyal and devoted friend who will always be glad to see you and look forward to you and your attention.
First steps in breeding foreign white cats

It is known, probably, to all people, or at least to most of us, that the snow-white beauties of cats that walk the streets have only one, but a very significant drawback - it is hereditary deafness. In connection with this, a fairly good reason, such kittens are touched, admired, but, unfortunately, they are not encouraged with the status of pets as often as we would like. And even those who have always dreamed of contemplating a cute blond cat in their home, ultimately do not dare to have such a pet with special requirements. But not so long ago, we can say their dream has come true.
According to many scientific sources, in 1962, a well-known breeder-geneticist working directly with representatives of the feline world, Englishwoman Patricia Turner, looked at a seemingly ordinary photo, but this was not the case. It was not just a snapshot, it was a damaged, or rather an overexposed photograph, which served as the beginning of such a great and noble cause. This photo showed a Siamese Lilac Point cat, but due to the fact that the frame was blown out, the image seemed completely white, respectively, and the animal that was on it. At this moment, the famous cat breeder came up with a genius, but then she seemed more adventurous the idea that an absolutely white cat with blue eyes, of the Siamese type, but without a drawback, in the form of hearing loss, the first progenitor of the now well-known forin white.
Since Patricia Turner is a man of science, she did not dream and think for a long time, but soon got down to business, taking as her partner Miss Brian Sterling Webb, no less famous, and at that time already experienced in breeding new breeds of cats.
Snow-white cat Foreign White with good hearing - myth or reality?

In the same 1962, on November 5, intensive work began on the development of a new breed. In order to get the desired result, genetic scientists thought it over and weighed everything well. Then it was unanimously decided to cross a beautiful seal-point Siamese cat with an ordinary short-haired white cat. Thus, soon the first kittens were born, and these fluffy babies, unfortunately, at first did not exceed all expectations. They did not quite correspond to the ideal final version, as its breeders imagined the Forin White breed, but the very necessary gene for snow-white, blue-eyed and good sound perception was already formed in them, so half the work had already been done, as they say: "The foundation is laid." …
Already after several mating, the breeders received kittens, they were exactly what they were conceived - white, with large, rich blue eyes, and most importantly - with beautiful ears that perceive sounds well and, of course, fully corresponded to everything else. parameters. It would seem that the deed is done, but it was not there.
In order for the new breed to take root in a rather diverse feline world, the population of forin whites had to be increased, and it was not so easy. In the process of breeding seals of this variety and studying this process, it turned out that in no case should two cats be crossed with white hair and blue eyes, since all kittens in the litter are born with 100% hearing loss.
Later, when the first foreign white kittens had already reached puberty, British professional breeders decided that these blond cats should be mated exclusively with two breeds - these are Siamese cats and Balinese cats. But such exchanges of different genes are not a solid 100% success, but only the most optimal option. Since even though all the cats are hearing in the litter, only about half of them are absolutely suitable for the breed standard of the required variety.
The origin of the name of the new breed of cats - Foreign White

Initially, no one thought about how they would dignify a new breed of cats, and even such an extraordinary one, more and more worried about whether this business would be crowned with success. But as soon as the much anticipated kittens began to appear, it became clear that the species needed to be given a name. And the name is not in the sense of "nickname", but a sonorous beautiful name, under which these blond babies will soon have to know the whole world.
Thus, it was decided to name the new purebred cats Chinese White, which means “Chinese white”. Why Chinese, if the breed is from Great Britain? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is unknown to this day. Under this name, these cats did not last so long, as soon as they began to be invited to elite societies, the breeders thought and realized that the name "Chinese white" somehow did not sound at all, therefore, in a hurry, just before "entering high society The breed was renamed Foreign White.
When this white foreign cat began to gain more and more popularity, several more names were attributed to her, but these are more popular variants of names - White Oriental Shorthair, White Oriental Shorthair and White Siamese cat.
History of recognition of Foreign White cats

If we take into account all the difficulties and failures in breeding a white Siamese cat, many did not believe that this small population of new cats with snow-white fur could interest at least someone. But, despite the fact that there were few pets, they quickly filled the hearts of not only their breeders and people who had the opportunity to be the first to look at such cats, but very soon many prestigious feline organizations in Europe began to be seriously interested in them.
They closely watched the breeding and development of the Foreign White cat breed, and already in 1966 these cats received official permission to participate in some exhibitions. There they, one might say, caused a sensation in the form of the highest ratings of the jury and admiration of all who just came to see this "novelty" in the world of cat breeds.
Not much time later, namely in 1977, the white Siamese seals were already an officially recognized breed according to the GCCF (Administrative Council of Cat Fanciers). After a rather short period of time, the forin whites have already received all possible seals, signatures and other official confirmations that they are indeed a new breed of cats from such world-famous organizations as CCCA, ACF, TICA and even from the World Cat Federation.
Parallel programs for the derivation of "analogs" forin whites

As it turned out later, not only British geneticists-breeders were fired up with the idea to breed hearing white cats without signs characteristic of albinism, but also in some countries of the world, scientists worked tirelessly over this goal. Thus, in Ireland in the same years began a program for the breeding of Foreign Whites of Irish origin. But the parents of the anticipated new breed were the Red Point Siamese and the British White Shorthair. But the attempts of the Irish cat breeders were not given to materialize. This offspring had too many different flaws. The most serious of them are the inability to reproduce offspring and the Waardenburg syndrome, the characteristic features of which are different colors of the pupils, a noticeable displacement of the inner corner of the eye and hearing loss, maybe both partial and absolute.
On the territory of the Netherlands, they also began to develop two separate breeding lines for white-haired cats, but the same Siamese cats and white British short-haired cats, but with orange-colored eyes, were selected as parents. Until today, no one can say for sure what the final of the Dutch was, since these programs started only in 1970. Perhaps they would have succeeded, but at that time, English breeders had already studied this difficult process from the inside and left behind all the difficulties. British forin whites already at this time with might and main adorned many elite exhibitions and tore off champion titles there. Therefore, this breed, as they say, already existed and was distinguished by world recognition, and the Dutch scientists were simply several years late.
The history of the Foreign White breed in the following plot: